5 coronavirus facts edifying to bring back optimism into your life
Yes, we are still in a public health crisis, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

The coronavirus epidemic and the national lock that came with it has been very difficult for everyone. We know that life is difficult, but there is a little tinySLIVES OF DOUBLE SILVER This can even provide some light at the end of this dark tunnel in which we find ourselves. While the United States is still very in the midst of a public health risk, the tastes we have never seen before, among the new reports of information, there are a number of recent developments. To bring flumeters of hope to our current situation. Here is fivecoronavirus This will help you see the light. And if you could use a distraction of all things Covid-19 right now, check these33 Feel-do you feel good pictures to distract you from the world.
1 The increase in new cases has been ended, statistically flattened in many coronavirus hotspots.

About three weeks ago, the working group on the coronavirus of the White HousePublished guidelines This included a social distancycation and stay at home for 15 days. Two weeks later, these guidelines were extended one month andPeople have been encouraged to wear masks or face coverings when outside.
Not only have these guidelines have been widely followed, but they seem to have worked at "flattening the curve". In hotspot areas likeNew York City,Seattle, and evenNew Orleans, the rise of new cases has been completed, whether statistically flattened. This is not a reason to stop following the guidelines, of course, but itis Good news that widespread efforts seem to pay. Careful optimism is always optimistic!
2 New projections for COVID-19 deaths are less than 75% lower than initial.

On March 31, March 31, the Coronavirus White House Working Group announced that theProjected death toll For US citizens would enter between 100,000 and 240,000 as an example of a scenario. It was a moment of typing that led to the extension of the residence guidelines at home for 30 additional days. TheProjections Updates, however, are nowa lot Lower, at 60,000. Nevertheless, a striking number of deaths, but it seems that the national sacrifice and the adherence to the guidelines will save up to 180,000 lives.
3 Human tests on vaccines started.

One of the biggest stressors on coronavirus pandemic is the lack of vaccine. It is true that until a vaccine or healing is discovered, we will continue to be sensitive to Covid-19 mortal contagion. But three months ago, when the coronavirus appeared for the first time, a number of biotechnology companiesstarted developing a vaccine. And two have nowstarted testing humans, according to the FDA. The tests become a moment and the broad release of a vaccine is a reliability, but knowing that there are human tests that start is definitely good news. And for more than how long it will be before we have a vaccine for everyone, check13 Current Questions of Coronavirus - Answered by Experts.
4 Several people over 100 years old survived COVID-19.

Fromthe most susceptible to coronavirus are immunocomized and seniors among us. And while the people of many ages tragically succumbed to mortal contagion, it isThe elderly who took the weight of the virus. But there is a handful of really comforting stories of people aged 100 or older who have been diagnosed with coronavirus and have emerged healthy.
To takeBill lapchies, for example. The world veterinarian of the world was one of Oregon's first people to beDiagnosed with COVID-19. But, thanks to his doctor from the Edward C. Allworth Veterans' Home in Lebanon, Oregon, he lived his 104th birthday. "It could have easily moved in another way," said his doctorPublic broadcasting of Oregon.
5 We have a new respect for health workers.

Among the manyblack titles that came with this global pandemicSome very beautiful trends have emerged. Not only there is agrowing sense of the communityand connectivity in many places, but it is renewed respect and appreciation of public health workers as Nurses, doctors and even administrators on front lines . Many communities have begun a daily tradition of literally applauding public health workers from their homes every night at 7 o'clock. If you did not see that in person, watch Videos of the movement goes definitely Bring a smile to your face .

A story forbidden from a bed and 2 nurses all with the same name Always keep guests at the hotel Awake Emma

You are more likely to die of heart failure if you are in this group, say the experts