Myths on the human body that is just not going to disappear
Despite their inaccuracies, these myths on your body continue to bear.

With an appointment schedule packaged with confusion all day, every day, let's just sayDoctors wonder a lot of different issues. Some are myths that simply do not seem to disappear, no matter the difficulty of trying to identify things over the years. Gets a basic tan before going on vacation"Protection" against sunburn? Does this piece of gum you come from swallow will really take seven years to digest? If you eat more carrots, will your vision improve? These are just some of the things that could have taken your mind over the years. But as you probably know now, you can not believe everything you hear. That's why it's time to erase someCommon myths About your body, once and for all. And for more false facts related to your well-being, check17 most dangerous health myths that are just not going to disappear.
1 You can catch up with sleep.

People spend a lot of time "catch up", whether sleeping on weekends or taking anap during the week. Bad news, however.SANAM HAFEZEZ, Psyd, a neuropsychologist in New York, says that the time spent in Snoozing did not help you. "Many people think you can catch up, but the body does not really work that way. If you have aBad night and have an insufficient rest, sleep until noon the next day will not restore your energy more thanSleep a good health eight hours. In addition, an excessive amount of sleep can make your brain feel groggy. "
She says your best bet to recover from a lack of sleep is to prepare you for the next night. Do this by cleaning your room from any stimulants and distractions (AKA your phone!), Take a relaxing shower in advance and do something that calms you just before bed, like reading. Then pull on an eight-hour sleep schedule. And to define the right registration on your closure, check25 myths on sleep that hinders you at night.
2 If you swallow your gum, it will take seven years to digest.

Accidentally swallow a piece of gum is always a shock. Fortunately, you do not have to worry about staying in your stomach for seven years after you know.Nancy McGreal, MD, a gastroenterologist in Durham, North Carolina, told Duke University, he will really stay in your stomach for 30 to 120 minutes, just like any other food. The catch? You could see him again once it comes out. (Raw, but true.)
"The gum base is insoluble, as is the base of raw vegetable fibers, corn, popcorn cores and seeds," says McGreal. "Our bodies do not have digestive enzymes to specifically break the gum base."
3 Crack your joints gives you arthritis.

Sorry to prove your mother wrong, but-despite what she said to you since you were a crunchy, your joints will not give you arthritis. According toSunitha D. Posina, MD, an internist and a certified hospitalist location of the Council in New York, which is found in no significant search.
"The curious thing about cracking our fingers is that almost everyone has an opinion about it. Some people think it's bad for you; others think it's good for your joints and provides comfort and a voltage release. But in reality, research is limited, "she says. "In general, crack your joints does not seem to harm your joints, or beneficial. Studies show that people who crack their joins and their people who have no similar properties for the development of osteoarthritis. Various other studies mention the lack of difference between the crackers of the articulation and the non-crackers. "
4 You should feed a cold, starve a fever.

Despite hearing this sentence several times throughout your life, it's just a myth. "It is an old traditional notion that is not recommended today by medical experts.Fever and a cold requires a lot of rest, fluids and food to overcome, "saysNiker Sonpal, a internist and a gastroenterologist in New York. "If a person has fever, repeatedly, their appetite will be affected, but it is always recommended that the patient consume healthy meals while they recover. Your body needs all the fuel it can get for Fighting the virus or bacteria that has infiltrated your system. "And for things you have been told during your first years that were really accurate, check"Myths" of the health you heard as a child who turned out to be 100% true.
5 Chocolate causes acne.

It looks like you can finally eat your night chocolate without worrying about that, which causes a new zit. "There are a lot of misconceptions on the chocolate there. Some myths understand that it is an aphrodisiac; others relate to itseffect on the skin. Many people think that chocolate will cause acne, "says Posina. The truth is that the truth has no significant research to validate this assertion. Acne is caused by hormonal changes in the body, excessive oil production and bacteria. But there is no proven proof that chocolate is a cause of the Pesky issue. And for more false facts, you need some clarity on, discover50 "Facts" well known almost everyone is wrong.
6 To get enough protein, you need to eat meat.

Despite what many people think, those who abstain from eating meat are not low by no way and there are many vegan bodbuilders to prove it.Charles Ancien, MD, MPH, a internist in Portland, Oregon, says you do not need animal products to get enough protein. Instead, you can get everything you need plants.
"You can combine a legume and a whole grain, such as rice and beans, to provide a complete protein source for the main meal of the day," he says. "Eating too much meat really increases your risk of heart disease, cerebrovascular accident and many types of cancer."
7 Dinner should be your biggest meal of the day.

Think of the sizes of your meals. Dinner is probably your biggest, right? This is the norm for many Americans, but when it comes togood digestion, lunch should really be your main goal.
"Lunch should be the main meal of the day. When the sun is the highest in the sky at noon, it's when our digestive fire is the strongest and best able to digest the largest meal of the day" , says Annider. "Heavy foods consumed late at night can not be properly digested and can lead to toxic by-products that cause disease."
8 It is healthy to drink plenty of cold water.

While ice water has tasted big, elder says it's not the best option for your body. "Although it's good to drink a lot of water all day, I recommend limiting cold ice drinks of any type," he says. "The ambient temperature The drinks are good and hot drinks are actually beneficial. Because our digestion looks like a fire, all the cold off, while all that stimulates it hot."
9 You should drink eight glasses of water a day.

Most people aim to drink eight eight ouncesglasses of water a day. This is the number that everyone has always been said. But according toMegan Schimpf, MD, an urogynecology and a specialist in the reconstructive pelvic surgery of Ann Arbor, Michigan, there is surprisingly no search to save it.
"There is no medical evidence that drinking that a lot of water is beneficial for your health. In fact, this tip has been popularized by a widely known weight loss program, but there is even no medical evidence that it contributes to weight loss, "she told theUniversity of Michigan. "Do not drink if you are thirsty and never feel as if you have to force yourself to drink more." And for more useful information delivered directly in your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
10 Sitting too close to the television can damage your view.

If you can not see television, there is no trouble staying closer. Unlike popular belief, theAmerican Academy of Ophthalmology Said to do, it does not hurt your eyes or damage your view - it's just a myth. One thing that can cause, however, istiredness. If you often strive to see your eyes, you may want to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist to find out if glasses or contacts are in order.
11 Reading in Dim Light can hurt your eyes.

Have you already cracked as reading a book under the covers like a child would leadworse vision? Despite the popularity of the myth,Harvard Health Said reading in Dim Light does not really hurt your eyes. At most, he will just tire your eyes faster. To prevent this from happening, just buy a playback light or use a small lamp when you read.
12 Having wet hair in winter can make you catch a cold.

Go outside withwet hair In the winter could be uncomfortable, but that will not make you sick. "The colds are caused by viruses, so you can not catch a cold from going with wet hair. And wet hair will not make you more attractive for germs"Carmen Dargel, MD, a family medicine doctor in Onalaska, Wisconsin, told theMAYO Clinic. "People often associate outside with wet hair with patients because the exposure to germs is more likely when you go outside. In reality, cold is transmitted through body fluids, such as When sick people sneezing, coughing or blow their nose. "
13 If you shave, your hair will become thicker.

Many people are afraid of shaving their hair from the face or body for fear that he pushed thicker and darker. Fortunately, you can remove the hair without worry. "Shaving hair does not change thickness, color or growth rate"Lawrence E. Gibson, MD, a dermatologist in Rochester, Minnesota, told theMAYO Clinic. If it seems like that after shaving, there is a reason for that.
"The hair of the face or shaving body give the hair a blunt tip. The tip could feel coarse or" pulling "for a period during its growth," said Gibson. "During this phase, hair can be more perceptible and maybe darker or thicker - but that's not the case."
14 Alcohol can keep you warm in cold weather.

Think alcohol can keep you warm in cold temperatures, it's not just wrong, it's alsodangerous.Joseph Janesez, PhD, a specialist in chemical dependence in Cleveland, Ohio, told theCleveland Clinic Whether your body normally stores hot blood in its kernel to make sure your organs continue to work properly. But when youto drink alcoholIt artificially dilates the blood vessels of your body, which causes hot blood to move from the core to the surface of your skin.
"The intake of alcohol can make your skin warm. Still, it deceptly lowers the basic temperature of your body," says Janesz. "The result: your body can no longer keep the vital organs warm as a global temperature drop."
15 You have to wait 30 minutes to swim after eating.

Despite what you said at the pool,Charles W. Smith, MD, a family medicine doctor in Little Rock, Arkansas, told theUniversity of Arkansas for Medical Science There is no real proof that swimming after the consumption of eating will make you crack so severely that you could drown. While you can jump into the water and swim perfectly well after eating, it says that the only time you may want to wait, it's when planning an exhausting swimming session for exercise purposes because It is difficult to accomplish all these towers. stomach.
16 A basic tanning will protect you against sunburn.

Nothing good can come from getting a basic tan. First of all, Gibson told theMAYO Clinic It will not protect you against getting a sunburn. And second of all, you could prepare yourself fora more serious and potentially fatal problem all the line.
"The larger problem is that any color changes in tanning skin is a sign of ultraviolet radiation damage (UV)," he said. "A repeated exposure to UV rays - Whether the sun or a tanning bed, increases your risk of premature aging from skin and skin cancer."
17 Eating a ton of carrots improves your view.

Almost everyone grows thinking they had to eat a ton of carrots to help improve their views. In reality, you really do not really experience a change in your vision, unless you are deficient in vitamin A, the bonus vitamin of carrots.
When you are private in vitamin A for a long time,Jill Koury, MD, an ophthalmologist in Raleigh, North Carolina, saysDUKE HEALTH That "the external segments of the photoreceptors of the eye are starting to deteriorate and the normal chemical processes involved in the vision no longer occur." But when you make your vitamin A consumption, your vision can be restored. Vitamin A deficient or not, everyone can benefit from adding carrots to their plate. "Vitamin A in normal and recommended quantities is essential for maintaining a good vision," she says.

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