Here are Harvard's researchers say that Coronavirus really started

New evidence indicates the actual start date of the CIVID-19 epidemic can be much earlier than initial thinking.

After months of stay at home, touted companies and a general break on life as we know it, the beginning of pandemic coronavirus is already feeling as if it was months and months ago. But according to a recent discovery, this feeling may not be all that is far from the truth. Researchers at Harvard Medical School found evidence suggesting that the 19 Covid-19 epidemic started much earlier than initially reported. In fact, the resultspush the actual date of coronavirus origin all the way from the end of November toThe end of summer 2019.

Thanks to the use of satellite images, the Harvard Research Team "observed a dramaticIncreased hospital traffic Apart from five great hospitals of WuhanStart of the end of summer and early fall 2019, "John Brownstein, PhD, who led research, told ABC News. The increase in traffic has also "coincided with" a tip in Chinese search engine queries for "some symptoms which would later be determined as closely associated with the new coronavirus, "likea cough and diarrhea.

ambulance on the road

Scientists have struggled to identify the exact date and location of the origins of Novel Coronavirus. The determination of the source of the pandemic has long been a goal of the global community because it could greatly help researchers working 24 hours a day to better understand the disease and develop ways to treat the virus.

To compensate for the lack of difficult data, Harvard's research team has used methods that intelligence agencies depend on the world. "What we are trying to do is watch the activity, what is the busy hospital," Brownein ABC News said. "And the way we do is counting the cars that are in this hospital. The car parks will be full of hospitalization. So more cars in a hospital, the busiest of the hospital, probably because something is Go through the community, an infection is growing and people must see a doctor. You see the increases of the hospital company through the cars ... We have seen this in several institutions. "

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While data is still considered circumstances, many examine this discovery as one of the first progress on the provision of aPrecise start date for coronavirus.

"This study raises serious questions about whether the coronavirus has been introduced for the United States earlier than previously reported and if the measures announced at the end of January, restrict the Travel of China were too little Too long "John Cohen, Ancient Inland Security Inner Security, told ABC News.

But researchers are quick to emphasize that there is more work to do. "Now we can not confirm 100% of what the virus has been caused this disease and what caused this business in hospitals," Brownesein ABC said. "But something was very different from any other time we had examined." And for more information on the emphasis on the pandemic, discover7 stupons where coronavirus numbers are going up right now.

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