You may need to worry about another pandemic now, thanks to Coronavirus
With missing people with vaccinations, experts are worried about new emerging pandemics.

If you have been suspicious to the doctor's office, in the middle of the pandemic coronavirus, you are not alone. According to a report from the University of Harvard, the Medical Society of Phreenia and the Commonwealth, External FundVisits to doctors in the United States fell 58% between mid-February and early April. Unfortunately, parents have shivered to avoid coronavirus patients that they may encounter patients with considerably reduced the number ofVaccines being administered to children During the critical periods of their childhood, so potentially to another pandemic.
Disease control centers (CDC) indicate that, between the first report of a COVID-19 ISTIDE state case on 20 January and 23 March, the number of weeklyVaccines containing measles Given children of 24 months and younger ordered through the Children's Vaccine Program of more than 2,000 to less than 1,000 people.
According to the doctor and the scientistWilliam W. Li, MD, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation and author of theNew York Times BestsellerEat to beat the diseaseThis could mean that a new wave of vaccine preventable diseases is at our future.
"Reduced vaccination rates for avoidable diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria and huison coughing punctuated the country at a high risk that these diseases bounce," said Li. "We can not forget That these diseases themselves have caused epidemics of fear, suffering and, in some cases, death among children. "

Li explains that for measles, mumps and rubella, 90% or more of any given population must be immunized to maintain the immunity of the flock, while for poliomyelitis, the threshold is 85% of figures than the Recent drop in vaccine rates could potentially threaten. However, it also notes that it is not only diseases that transmit from the person to an essential person to continue to be vaccinated. Infections such as tetanus, which are transmitted through contaminated objects and can cause muscle stiffness, headaches and cardiac palpitations, among other symptoms - are also avoidable.
So, what should you do if you or your children missed some appointments and doctor's shots? Li recommends catching up as soon as you can do it safely.
"We have just seen the catastrophic effects that can happen when infectious diseases manage Amok in a country," he explains. "Keep infectious diseases under control in the United States, keeping children on theVaccine calendar recommended by CDC, in particular when the restrictions break and clinics have renewed for routine care visits, are essential. "
For more information on vaccination, you can put yourself in the future, read it on5 dangerous myths on the coronavirus vaccine you have to stop believing.

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