The warning sign n ° 1 you drink too much coffee, according to science

If you encounter this symptom, it's a way of your body to tell you to reduce your morning Joe.

We are a country running on coffee. In fact, surveys show that 65% of Americans regularly drink coffee. While many of us will engage in a single coffee cup, 68% of the Americans studied in a recentStatista survey Reported drink more than 2 cups of coffee per day - some with more than 11 cups! Between 2-3 cups of coffee each day was the most commonly reported answer, with 44% of American adults drinking on this Java base on a regular basis.

These results are online with a lotestimates suggesting that adults consume on average 180 to 190 milligrams of caffeine a day, or the equivalent of two to three cups of coffee; However, some studies have found that young adults can on average between 250 and 300 milligrams. (In touch:Coffee habits that shorten your life, according to science.)

If you are in this crew of coffee drinkers, consider safe.Expertise Believe that moderate daily caffeine consumption up to 400 milligrams a day is safe. In fact, coffee consumption to moderation has an incredibleHealth benefitsSuch as increased energy levels and decreasing the risk of chronic health problems such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer.

However, once you consume more than 400 milligrams of caffeine a day, you can start feeling negative symptoms.

What is a sign of looking that tells you that you drink too much coffee?

FromDangerous side effects of drinking coffee are the risk of high blood pressure, headache and disturbed sleep quality.

How do you know if you drink too much coffee? You do not necessarily need to count your drinks (although it would help) -It is possible to say if you areconsume too much caffeinated drink Reflecting on your mental state.

A recent study has identified five physical and psychological symptoms most closely related to the consumption of too much caffeine. The most strongly associated symptom of surplus caffeine consumption wasFeel trapped or caught.

AStudy 2020 Published in the newspaperfood, sought to determine how the amount of caffeine consumption is linked to physical and mental health measures.

The researchers interviewed 727 university students and asked them how many caffeine they drank a day. They also asked the participants to report their mental health status, measured with the Hopkins symptom checklist: an inventory of self-assessment symptoms widely used to detect psychological distress, anxiety and depression.

The researchers found that participants who consumed too much caffeine (more than 400 milligrams of caffeine per day) showed a statistically significant difference for five on 25 symptoms:Feelings of uselessness, disturbing too much about things, terror spells or panic, headaches and the most strongly associated symptom associated with the excess of caffeine-feeling trapped or caught.

So, while there is a physical sign that you drink too many coffee headaches, you are more likely to be able to say if you drink too much coffee by assessing your mental state.

Why does coffee make you feel anxious?

Caffeine at the cafe is a stimulant. It acts by blocking a cerebral chemical that makes you feel tired, while triggering the release of adrenaline stimulating energy, according to a review of theJournal of Neurochemistry. Adrenaline will make your heart beat faster, your body temperature increases and your breathing rate to increase. So, while it helps you feel more attentive and focused, it can also imitate anxiety.

That's why most of the symptoms that participants reported are related to anxiety.

It is important to note that these symptoms are self-reported and researchers could not conclude that caffeine was the cause of these feelings; However, they were more strongly associated with caffeine consumption than other anxious feelings. Because there are other causes of the experience of these thoughts and feelings, such as widespread anxiety disorders, feel trapped or caught or disturbing does not necessarily mean that you drink too much coffee. If you drink more than 4 cups of coffee a dayandTo have these feelings, it can be a sign that you should reduce your morning infusion.

Consider reducing your caffeine consumption and see if your mood changes. For help, you can consider substituting some of your coffee cups for tea, because tea has less than half of caffeine like a cup of coffee. In addition, you can benefit from the 12 incredible side effects of tea drinking every day .

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