The CDC says that people with this exact BMI are at a higher risk of COVID-19

If your IMC reaches this threshold, take extra caution in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.

Disease Control and Prevention Centers (CDC) have recently updated itsCOVID-19 guidelines for people at higher risk Complications of the health of the coronavirus. Important changes in the list of pre-existing conditions that put citizens to most risks concern your weight. Previously, the CDC stated that those with a 40-year body mass index were at a greater health risk when it comes to coronavirus. In the new guidelines, however, they havedropped this figure to a BMI of 30, which is generally recognized as the basic BMI associated with clinical obesity.

"To have obesity, defined as abody mass index (BMI) of 30 or more, increases your critical disease risk of COVID-19, writes the CDC. The website explains that the BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your size in meters. Although "BMI does not directly measure body fat," "theCorrelation between BMI and body fat is strong enough. "

Overweight woman measuring her waist.

OtherPre-existing conditions The list of new CDC guidelines includes chronic renal disease; COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease); immunocomonion state (weakened immune system) of a solid organ transplant; and serious heart conditions such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathy; Sickle sickness disease and type 2 diabetes.

According to health professionals who have treated coronavirus patients in hospitals in the New York area, obesity is a condition that causes serious complications. Health Director of Nyu LangoneLeora Horwitz, MD, recently saidThe New York Timesthis "Obesity is more important for hospitalization Whether if you have high blood pressure or diabetes, even if these people often go together. "She also stated that" it is more important than coronary disease or cancer or kidney disease, or even pulmonary disease ".

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A recent428,225 people study Outside the University of Glasgow, which has not yet been published, found that 340 hospitalized patients after contracted coronaviruses,nearly half of 44% - were considered overweight And more than 34% have been clinically obese.

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