This is the easiest way to be happier at work

Feel stressed? Ammerges outside!

Living in the digital age has someobvious descendants, But it also has its undeniable advantages - especially when it comes to shaking with your work day. Armed with just a laptop and a stable Wifi connection, many creative workers aretravel the world While otherssimply work from home plus. Others,like this sailor, have set up a permanent office on a variety of cruise ships all year round. And the tendency to get out of the office has recently culminated inBe a stranger at work-A collaboration between L.L. Bean and Co-Work Company Industrious has set up a workspace in New York Madison Square Park to enable employees to work and hold meetings Al Fresco.

But no matter where you are, one thing is clear: you have to escape more often, whether with your laptop, your phone for a conversation, or you just walk to erase your head. Why? Read it because here we explain all the benefits of working in the sun. And for more tips of happiness, do not miss this story about howI took the happiness of Yale so you did not have to.

It's great for your health

liberated and free woman Being Single in your thirties

According toat the EPAThe Americans spend an average of 90% of their time inside, which is terrible, especially because air pollution in buildings is typically two to five times higher than outside. Human beings were also not designed to live in boxes, which is probably why studies have shown that time to spend exterior time reduces stress, lowers your blood pressure and stimulates your immune system.A study Even discovered that something as simple as having an office with a view of nature reduces stress and increases job satisfaction.

This helps you focus

a woman responding to email on a laptop computer

The search found that being outdoors makes you really better to perform memory tests and makes you more attentive. A2008 study Even found that just looking at the photos of nature, as opposed to urban landscapes, can significantly improve our ability to pay attention.

It helps you lose weight

woman sun

A revolutionary new study of the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Alberta recently discovered that sunlight narrows adipose cells, which meansThe sunlight is the secret weapon of weight loss that you never needed to need you.

You get vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of the most common nutritional gaps in the world and about 42% of Americans do not have enough. It is a bummer, because vitamin D has tons of advantages, in particular to maintain a healthy bone mass, a stimulating immunity, regulate insulin levels, lung function and cardiovascular health and Reduce the risk of cancer. AA recent study has even found that girls with higher levels of vitamin D are significantly physically stronger than those with low levels of this crucial nutrient. If you are not a big fan of supplements and do not eat mushrooms, fatty fish, fish liver oil and egg yolk on a regular basis, your best choice to get the recommended amount of the Vitamin D is to spend at least 30 minutes in the sun between 10h and 15h.

You can bring your dog

pet dog

SocketYour dog work with you has been found To reduce cholesterol, maintain low blood pressure, reduce your stress levels and help you work longer. In addition, you save money on a dog-walker. All companies are not accepted for pets, but most outdoor spaces are, which means you can go and your super happy Pooch. If you want to move to the transition to a friendly dog ​​space,Discover the 30 most popular companies in the United States.

It makes you more creative

man working outside

Previous studies Have shown that being outdoors makes you more creative, especially when paired on foot. And a growing corpus of research indicates that walking outside is the key to a long life. More,With all magic natural wonders That this country has to offer, which would not be inspired?

It makes you nice

outdoor meeting

Never treated with a colleague or a difficult employee? Take it outside (literally)!Studies have shown This exposure to nature makes people more socially, pleasant, empathic and trustworthy, who are all qualities you want for your employees.

It makes you happier

man working outside

Here is the final result: there are tons of research to indicate that the time spent in parks attenuates anxiety and depression and improves your levels of happiness and satisfaction of life. A2015 study even foundThis time to spend time in a park reduces blood flow to the sub-frontal pre-front cortex, part of the brain associated with negative thinking models. The same study noted that more than 50% of people now live in urban areas, and the number is expected to reach 70% by 2050. "Urbanization has many benefits, but it is also associated with an increase in levels. Mental illness, including depression, "the study noted. In this case, working outdoors can be the revolutionary concept that our global needs.

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