80% of these people with COVID never develop symptoms, the study says
A recent study revealed that the vast majority of young people would never know they are infected.

With cases of Covid-19 to the other from the United States, many medical experts believe that infected people who do not have symptoms can beresponsible for the propagation of the virus. And although there was no definitive answer as to exactly why theThe virus affects some people more than othersThe researchers begin to find that specific demographic data are less likely to show signs of having contracted coronaviruses. A recent study, for example, clearly indicates thatage has a major impact on how infections play, find that on80% of people with coronavirus 20 and never develop any type of symptoms.
The study, which has not yet been examined by peers,Data analyzed on 5,484 patients From the region of the Lombardy of Italy which was in contact with recently infected people by Covid-19. The researchers ranked any patient with a fever or respiratory distress, such as a cough or shortness of breath, as a symptomatic.
The conclusions have shown that among those infected under 20, 81.9% have never developed symptoms. In comparison, only 35.4% of subjects 80 years old or older were asymptomatic.

The conclusions erupted on the importance of the so-called "silent spreader" or contagious persons infected with COVID-19 but who have not yet or never show signs or symptoms.
"This work allows us to clearly show thedifficulties in identifying infections With surveillance since the majority of them are not associated with respiratory symptoms or fever, "co-author and expert on the transmission of infectious diseasesStefano Merlertold medical news today.
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The experts suggest thatThe youngest people think they are less likely to be threatened Through the virus, they are less likely to practice safe behaviors such as social distance or wearing a facial mask. They have also been essential by local officials forgather in large numbers, leading to epidemics in communities across the United States.
"There is nowMore and more emerging evidence On the role of asymptomatic people in the spread of this virus, then simply because you do not feel sick does not mean it's good to go out in the bars, get out in restaurants because you can pick it up, and two , perhaps it inadvertently spread to others "Sean T. O'Leary, MD, told Aap News. "This should not be taken lightly. It's like nothing that anyone has ever seen, and we are all in this set." And for more other than young people causing Covid to overvoltage, checkYoung people are responsible for coronavirus peaks in these 5 states.

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