≡ Breathtaking evolution over the years: Miley Ray Cyrus》 Her Beauty
Years of the Disney Channel hits series Hannah Montana became famous. Who could forget your famous door at the MTV VMAS 2013?

When it comes to Miley Cyrus, there is always a “party in the U.S.A.”.
Cyrus has become, gave us many hits and even more headlined pop cultural moments since she was famous with Disney Channel hits series Hannah Montana in 2006 at the age of only 13. Who could forget your famous door at the MTV VMAS 2013? Or E! News changed your Instagram bio in 2020 in "We apologize for all the crap that we said about Miley Cyrus."

Hey, she can also give “Nobody’s Perfect” and herself “Flowers”, right? And recently she gave us another hit, “used to be young”.
Here is the musical career of superstar Miley Ray Cyrus
Some information about Miley and her career
Miley Cyrus started her career early on with the “Hannah Montana” series, who debuted in 2004 on Disney Channel. The show was so successful that it released several albums that landed at the top of the music charts. During this time, a large fan base developed from young people who worshiped Hannah Montana.

Her album “Can’t Be Tamed” from 2010 marked a turning point in Miley's career. It showed parts of her true personality and marked the beginning of her departure from the role as a Disney star. This album played a crucial role in her artistic development and contributed to demonstrating her versatility as an artist.

At the age of 12, Miley became a great role model for many girls of her age and increasingly gained popularity in the music world. In 2021, a video of her audition appeared for Hannah Montana, which aroused memories of her early days as an emerging actress.

The video shows a sweet and charming Miley, which smiles to leave a positive impression on the casting directors. She wears a T-shirt with the inscription “I Go to School to Gossip” (I go to school to gossip). This video reminds the fans of how much they felt connected to Hannah and how much they loved Miley.

Miley himself remembers this time of her life and the audition: “The first time I entered this building, I came with my mother from Nashville. I had to sign at the counter and say: 'I'm here for audition.' "Although it looks like she could get the role immediately, Miley actually had to go through three rounds of addressing before she received the role that her life forever changed.

For years Miley played the Disney role until she changed her image in 2010 with a shocking appearance in Portugal and won a new fan base. Your daring style at the MTV Video Music Awards 2013, especially the provocative duo with Robin Thicke, triggered a scandal. Despite criticism, Miley pulled her own line, ignored hate comments and found support from her fans. In a later interview with Harper’s Bazaar, she spoke about the challenges of being called a “pigeon” and feeling sexualized. Nevertheless, today she is a respected singer with a great voice and meaningful texts.

I can buy flowers
We can say that Miley took over the year 2023 with the song “Flowers”, who broke one record after the other on Spotify. Just a few days after the publication of “Flowers”, the song dominated the music platforms and Tiktok. The song became the last separation song that led the charts this year after “Kill Bill” by Sza and “BZRP Music Sessions #53” by Shakira.

In the song “Flowers”, Cyrus describes her relationship with Liam Hemsworth and emphasizes how strong it has become through this relationship. "The love we feel for ourselves is stronger than love that others feel for us" is an important message that the song wants to convey to us.
"Yes, I can love myself better than you can"

He made the greatest breakthrough of his music career and addressed an audience of millions. The song “Flowers”, which questions toxic relationships and toxic masculinity, is still heard by millions in the first month of 2024. We wish you a year in which you will always buy flowers for yourself!

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