2016 #SarsSowhite Controversy: boycott or not boycotter?

The Hashtag #Sarsssowhite appeared on Twitter, first like a joke, but later became part of a popular movement.

The Hashtag #Sarsssowhite appeared on Twitter, first like a joke, but later became part of a popular movement.

The discussion on the lack of film films for black actors and directors in Hollywood started last year, when only white candidates were announced for the top categories of Oscar. But when it also occurred the second year in a row, some of the main Hollywood figures of Will Smith at George Clooney could not remain silent.
See their reactions here:

Jada Pinkett SmithPosted a video on her Facebook page where she said:"Begging recognition, or even ask, decreases dignity and decreases power, and we are a worthy person and we are powerful and we do not forget. So let the academy do them, with all grace and Love, and we do us differently. "She also said she will not participate in Oscars this year.
See the videohere.

Her husbandWill Smithgave an inspiring interview at Good Morning America:"The beauty of Hollywood combined with American ideals is the ultimate dream of humanity: the basis of the American concept of everything is possible, with hard work and a dedication, whatever your race or religion, creed, none of these Questions in America. ... I think diversity is the American superpower. That's why we are great. So many different people in many different places adding their ideas, inspiration and influences with this beautiful Gombo-gumbo and for Me, at his best, Hollywood represents and then creates imaging for this beauty. But for my part, I think I have to protect myself and fight for the ideals that make our country and make our community Hollywood. So when, when I look at the series of nominations of the Academy, it does not reflect this beauty. "He also stated that, like his wife, he had planned to jump the Oscars this year.
The complete maintenance can be seenhere.

George Clooneysaid to the variety:"I think African Americans have a real right point that the industry does not represent them well enough. ... There were four movies this year: Credo could have had nominations; "Cerebral concussion" could have been obtained Smith an appointment; Idris Elba could have been named for "animal absence cattle"; And "Outta Compton Right" could have been appointed. And certainly last year, with the director "Selma" Ava Duvernay, I think it's ridiculous not to name it. But honestly, there should be more opportunity than that. There should be 20 or 30 or 40 quality films that people would consider for Oscars. By the way, we are talking about African Americans. For Hispanics, it's even worse. We have to get better to that. We were better at that. "
Here you can readHis complete interview.

Lupita Nyongoshared on itInstagram:"I am disappointed by the lack of inclusion in the nominations of the Academy of this year. This reflected me with unconscious prejudices and what deserves prestige in our culture. Rewards should not dictate the terms of art in our modern society, but rather be a diversified reflection of the best of what our art has to offer today, "she wrote. "I want my peers who call for the change of expansion of the stories that are told and the recognition of the people who tell them."

here isSPIKE LEEThe reaction of this one: "How is it possible for the second consecutive year that all 20 contenders in the actor category are white?"
The director of the 25th hour and his wife also boycot Oscars this year.

"The view" co-host and actressWHOOPI GOLDBERGDemand: "Every year we get all the hardwoods, then the rest of the year, no one says nothing. These movies came out - we will see them. I'm sure people notice when there is a lack of diversity in a movie, so why are we talking about now? "

The President of the Academypublished a statement on Twitter saying that she feels"Sorry"About all this happens.

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