What happens to your body when you have a heart attack

Know these signs could save your life.

Cardiac crises are frightening business, but what happens to your body while they are usually not like what you see in movies. In reality, stereotyped symptoms - chest pain and chest of breast breathcan Be sudden, but more often than no, they develop and persist for a long time, whether hours, days or weeks, says theAmerican Heart Association.

Throughout these symptoms, your heart generally continues to beat, giving you time to get help. You have to get it quickly, though. If you meetanything Out of the ordinary, receive immediate medical attention is a must to ensure that there is no sustainable damage to your heart, no worse:735,000 Americans Have heart attacks each year and they can be fatal. Here is exactly what you live during a heart attack if this happens. And for large preventive advice, check30 best ways to reduce your risk of cardiac attack.

The plate built in your arteries

man grabbing his chest

Over time, the plate can accumulate in your arteries and if an area is ever breaking, the blood clot which forms can block the blood flow to your heart. The plate-which consists of cholesterol substances, grease, calcium and other substances - may be due to your family history, to smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress or a high amount of Grease and cholesterol in the blood of your diet. , say itNational Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI). For more advice on maintaining a healthy heart, check40 cardiac foods to eat after 40 years.

A blockage occurs in your arteries

cardiologist showing blood clot

If all this accumulated plate-known as atherosclerosis breakage, the blood clot which forms on the surface of the plate inside the artery can block the blood flow in the heart, causing a heart attack. . After this blocking occurs, your cardiac muscle begins to die. And for more advice on preventing a heart attack, check40 ways to prevent cardiac disease after 40 years.

You will experience pain in the chest or discomfort

man with chest pain

One of the best known things your body spends over the next steps of a heart attack? The discomfort of the chest. The sensation - which generally looks like "pressure, pressure, fullness or pain" says that NHLBI usually occurs in the middle or left of the chest. In some cases, it lasts a few minutes and, in others, the discomfort disappears and then returns.

You might think that you have stomach burns or indigestion

man with chest pain

The bad thing about pain in the chest or discomfort is that it can feel a complete blow like stomach burns or indigestion:according to Specialist in cardiovascular medicine ABDALLAH, MD, symptoms are almost indistinguishable, so much so that sometimes doctors have to do patient tests to determine what it is. A general way to say that it is a heart attack and not only a case of heart burns, however, is looking for other symptoms that accompany it.

There is pain or discomfort in your arms

man with arm pain

In addition to feeling pain or discomfort in your chest, you can also feel the same uncomfortable pressure outside the general area of ​​your Ticker. People are also experimenting fluently in the top of the body, especially in one or both arms. For tips to build heart health, seeHow to build a steel heart.

You will experience pain in other areas of your body, too

man with neck pain

In addition to pain or discomfort in your chest and arms, the sensation of clamping or pain that you are dealing with you can also spread to your neck, your jaw or on your back, says theMAYO Clinic.

You could feel shortness of breath

woman having trouble breathing

A symptom testifying to a heart attack aside from discomfort or pain meets a shortness of breath. According to the NHLBI, it can take place completely alone or occur before or during this pressure in your chest. And no matter what you do, either: it can happen you rest or that you show yourself.

You break in a cold sweat

girl with sweat stains

Another common symptom that you encounter a heart attack is if you come out of a cold sweat because of your body in a "fight or theft" response. In reality,a study From the University of Illinois noted that it is a sign that you should get help as soon as possible and not just wait for the pain by thinking that it is not as serious as that.

You could feel nauseating

nauseous woman leaning over sink

If you suddenly feel reasonable as if you are going to vomit (or reallyto dovomiting), your body can give you a warning sign of a heart attack, saysUniversity health. The event is more common in women than men, but it's a symptom that gender experience.

You could feel fatigue

man yawning

Everyone has drowned after a long day of work, but experiencing fatigue or extreme fatigue - is a common symptom of a heart attack for men and women, butabove all for women.A study From the American Heart Association found that 71% of women in particular experienced intense fatigue of more than a month before actually having a heart attack.

"Fatigue is unexplained and unusual. They are more tired at the end of the day, they are usually"noted Main study Author Jean C. McSweeney, PhD, Rn. "For some, it's so bad that they can not make a bed without resting while they are line of sheets. This interferes with their normal activities."

You might feel light

dizzy woman

If you suddenly feel limmed or dizzy without reason, your heart could have problems. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLYou will probably live some of the other symptoms with this lightness, including chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, arms pain, back pain or jaw pain, but according to your age, that's could appear alone.

"In older adults, lightness can be the only symptom of a heart attack or cerebral stroke, especially if it does not disappear," said Shamai Grossman, MD.

Your heart could hit quickly or irregularly


You would think that your heart rate would accelerate as desperately trying to pump blood during a heart attack, but that's not necessarily the case. According toAmerican Heart AssociationIt depends on the type of cardiac attack you encounter. In some cases, your heart rate will be slower and, in others, it could be faster than normal. Anyway, all of the ordinary is a sign for help.

If you do not get help, your heart could stop

man having heart attack

The blockage that occurs when it goes through a heart attack can cause damage to the organ as it is, but if you do not get help, things could be worse: these warning signs that You get are incredibly important - especially because your body can only try to alert you for so long.

"Forty to 50% of heart attacks with a fatal event"noted Mohit Charewa, MD. "People do not know the symptoms, which usually occur for weeks or months before finally having a heart attack with a complete blockage. At this point, the heart does not take blood and can go in a threatening pace of life, which has a cardiac arrest. "And if you are looking for ways to see if your heart is healthy, check9 cardiac tests better than the number of cholesterol.

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