King Burger King Instant Foods

These are the BK menu items that are just downright frightening for your health.

Sometimes you really really wantA burger. And somefries. May beonion rings, too much. It is decided on a trip toBurger King Drive-Thru is necessary. Whilefast food Something should not eat daily, from time to time, it's good because it's moderation. You always want to make sure that you do not choose to indulge in a meal that totally sabotage your diet, is not it?

Your best bet is avoiding controlling anyReally scandalous menu options Burger King offers. We gathered the biggest offenders so you know what to jump when you decide what to order as you wait in theDrive-Thru line. (For healthier food tips to help you keep you on track, check the21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time!)


Triple whopper with cheese

triple whopper cheese
Gracious by Burger King
1,220 calories, 82 g of grease (32 g saturated grease, 4.5 g of trans grease), 1,470 mg sodium, 50 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 11 g sugar), 71 g protein

Three tote quartered beef cakes are lined with Mayo, ketchup and cheese, which creates an intestine menu option containing more than 4 grams of health injurytrans fat. And more than half a day of calories! Not only is this burger is extremely high in fat and saturated fat, but sodium is another reason to prevent you from putting you in your tracks. No thanks!


Bacon King Sandwich

burger king bacon king burger
Gracious by Burger King
1,150 calories, 79 g of grease (31 g saturated grease, 3.5 g of trans grease), 2,150 mg sodium, 49 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 10 g sugar), 61 g protein

This burger is not better! The King Sandwich bacon has two 1/4 lb beef cakes with a copious portion of thick smoked bacon, American cheese, ketchup and melted mayonnaise, all on a sesame seed roll. At any time, bacon is added to the mix, you know that the number of sodiums will jump.

As you know most probably,The American Heart Association recommends A healthy person should consumeNo more than 2,300 milligrams a day of sodium. This burger has almost a day of sodium of the day.Researchers at Deakin University Indeed noted that having too much salt can lead you to believe and eating faster foods overall. This can then cause weight gain. A slippery and dangerous slope!

If you are looking for more useful advice,Your ultimate survival guide and supermarket is here!


BBQ Crispy Chicken Sandwich Bacon

burger king crispy bacon chicken sandwich
Burger King / Facebook
790 calories, 49 g of grease (10 g saturated grease, 0.5 g of trans grease), 1,630 mg sodium, 60 g of carbohydrates (2 g of fiber, 13 g of sugar), 28 g protein

You might think go for achicken sandwich It's always a better choice, but BBQ bacon crisp chicken sandwich is one to avoid everything. The chicken fillet is seasoned and breaded (so you know, it's fried) and is surmounted by thick smoked bacon, sweet barbecue sauce and tangy, lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise all on a potato bread. This is another high calorie, grease and sodium menu option.


Crispy chicken garden salad

burger king chicken garden salad
FakefoodBabyny C./yelp
870 calories, 70 g of grease (14 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 1,605 mg of sodium, 35 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar), 27 g protein

Do not be fooled byFast food salads. They are often so bad for you as a hamburger! In BK, the crispy chicken garden salad gets major demarcrance. It between nearly 900 calories and more sodium than if you received 140Laity potato chips. Remember that everythingwithout any dressing. The mixture in some ranch will do on 260 additional calories.


Oreo chocolate

burger king oreo shake
Gracious by Burger King
740 calories, 22 g of grease (13 g saturated grease, 0.5 g of trans grease), 680 mg of sodium, 121 g of carbohydrates (1 g of fiber, 101 g of sugar), 17 g protein

Oh, milkshake. This seems to be a harmless sweet treatment, butMilkshakes arealways overrun. BK's Oreo Chocolate Shhagwe is not an exception because it crashes into more than 700 calories and has 101 grams of sugar. Keep in mindThe American Heart AssociationRecommends men should consume more than 9 teaspoons or 36 grams of added sugar per day and women should not have more than 6 teaspoons or 25 grams a day.


Spicy nuggets

burger king spicy nuggets
Burger King / Facebook
by 2o-pieces: 1,050 calories, 74 g of fat (15 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 2,840 mg of sodium, 56 g of carbohydrates (9 g of fiber, 1 g of sugar), 40 g protein

We will just go ahead and tell it if you order 20 chicken nuggets, you'd better share them or save them to last for a few days. It's never a good idea to eat many nuggets at a time. The fact that this huge control size exists even is frightening because it is difficult not only to eat these spicy nuggets of the size of a spicy bite if they are in front of you. Just be aware!

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