An error, you are probably doing when it comes to Covid Test

Make sure you know the difference between the antibody and viral coronavirus tests.

With thePandemic of Covid-19 Still in effect, there are a lot of discussion about screening, vaccination and potential vaccines. As places begin to reopen, many people want to know if they have the coronaviruses, or if they had at some point in the past, even though the researchers are still working to determine if any means of infection before someone one isimmune to get coronavirus again. With new information that goes out every day, it can be difficult to know exactly what you should do. Do you need to do the test? And what test should you get? With regard to COVID tests, you can make a mistake by not knowing the difference between antibodies and viral tests.

Yes, there are two types of coronavirus tests:Viral tests and antibody tests. However, they are not the same. A viral test tells you if you currently have coronavirus, and an antibody test tells you if you have had the coronavirus previously, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains. A typical viral test is administered by a nasal levy, while aAntibody test needs blood to shoot. But can you just take the antibody test to see if you are infected? According to the CDC, no.

"An antibody test may not be able to show if you have an in-process infection because it can take one to three weeks after the infection to produce antibodies," says the CDC.

And even if your antibody test emissions you have antibodies, you still need to take a virological test in the future if you startpresenting COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, that the CDC does not yet know "if having antibodies with virus can protect someone from being infected by the virus again, or how much Time this protection could last ".

Young man in mask sitting in lab while doctor in protective coveralls taking his blood in syringe for analysis

For what it goes, scientist doctorWilliam Li, MD, author ofEat to beat the disease, Said previouslyBetter life that those who have antibodies are more likely to be able to fight the coronavirus than those without, so itRecommend everyone getting an antibody test to know where they are located. "The antibodies are naturally formed in the body after a viral infection, because the immune systems learns to recognize the virus," he said. This means that if a person is considered to have antibodies, "which is a good sign that they are likely to be resistant to reinfection. »

With regard to the viral test, there was a period of time during the testing of supplies were limited and reserved for those with serious symptoms orHigh-risk categories. However, more tests have become available, many areas now offer tests for all who, if they have symptoms or not. That said, keep in mind that aViral coronavirus test can come back attempt Even if you have coronavirus for a number of reasons, including the test too early in your infection period.

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The two viral tests and antibodies have their limits, and none of the two can tell you with certainty to 100 percent that you do not have coronaviruses or do it in the future. That's why the maintenance of social distance,wearing a facial mask, And take more preventive measures is extremely important untilCoronavirus vaccine is available.

"We are convinced that there are people who negative test, even if they are really contagious. A positive test can make us relatively certain that you excretion COVID. Cornnegative test does not mean the opposite, "Emily Landon, MD, an epidemiologist of the hospital andInfectious Disease Specialist At the University of Medicine of Chicago, told NPR. And to learn more about coronavirus tests,That's exactly when you should do the coronavirus test.

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisksyou should avoid, themythsYou must ignore, and thesymptomsto know.Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

Categories: Health
By: vince
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