If you have one of them, you are 12 times more likely to die of coronavirus

A new CDC report warns of more dangerous COCVID-19 poses to people with underlying diseases.

While Covid-19 has no impact as the underlying conditions, new statistics compiled by the Centers for Underline Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that people with underlying conditions tend to have cases more serious. Earlier this week, the CDC published updated "case monitoring", which includesAll cases of coronavirus reported from January to May 30. And one of the most disturbing conclusions in the report is thatPatients with one or more of the three underlying conditions are 12 times more likely to die of coronavirus than those without.

By the CDC, the first most frequently reported is the underlying conditionheart disease, Which is a known problem for 32 percent of coronavirus patients. As a result of cardiovascular diseases isDiabetes, which affects 30 percent of people with COVID-19And chronic pulmonary disease, which affects 18 percent. All of these high-risk cases together had a mortality rate that was 12 times higher than that of patients who have underlying conditions. The hospitalization rate was also six times higher. It should be noted, however, that only 22 percent of the total cases had to be compared in this way "sufficient data on the underlying health conditions".

The data also show the number of cases vary according to the demographic characteristics thus racial. Of the 45 percent of cases where this information has been recorded, "33 percent of people were of Hispanic or Latino of any race (Hispanic), 22 percent were non-Hispanic black (black), and 1, 3 percent were Non-Hispanic Indians of America or Alaska Native (AI / AN) ", explains the CDC. "These results suggest that people belonging to these groups ... are disproportionately affected by COVID-19 in the event of a pandemic. The report shows no difference in the severity of cases through these racial lines, however.

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But if you have one of the three underlying conditions mentioned above, you are at risk more than others to develop a case of danger for Covid-19 life. WhileLess serious symptoms Include cough, fever and intestinal discomfort, some patients develop coronavirus blood clots, experience of heart failure or arefans Due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. For this reason, it is essential that those who have persistent health problems to follow theCDC guidelines to protect against coronavirus transmission. Keep handwash, avoid touching your face, and wear a mask and maintain six feet from the distance each time it is necessary to go out in public. And to learn more about how Covid-19 connects to other serious illnesses, read howYou can develop this serious condition if you get coronavirus.

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