6 beauty rituals that need to do in full moon

What beauty rituals during this period work best, and what should be postponed on other days?

The lunar cycle lasts 29.5 days and consists of eight key phases. Full moon - the most magical and mysterious cycle time. What beauty-rituals during this period work best, and what should be postponed on other days, read in our review.

1. Take a relaxing bath

Fill the warm bath with salt, oils and crystals and feel the full strength of the full moon. Of course, to feel relaxed and filled, it is not necessary to use the entire magic arsenal. For example, a good salt alternative is a bathtub based on geothermal minerals. The cosmetic effect is comparable with immersion in the sources of mineral waters in the resorts. After the bath, be sure to apply fragrant oil or cream on the skin cleaned skin.

2. Use oil

Full moon - optimal time to rejuvenate and restore the skin. At this time and skin, and hair becomes more absorbing. Therefore, do not neglect by moisturizing means: serums and oils enriched with vitamins. Do not forget that your nails and hair also need moisturizing. Nutritional mask and cuticle oil are your indispensable helpers.

3. Avoid traumatic procedures

Cleaning, peeling, injection or any other, traumating the skin procedure, should not do in full moon. The risk of complications and side effects is great. It is also not worth testing new cosmetics. At this time, the skin is especially sensitive and prone to swells - the body is inclined to accumulate liquid into the full moon. But the moisturizing mask, based on vegetable components, never hurts.

4. Take care of the hair

Full moon is perfect for hair cutting. During this period, the body seeks to get rid of negative energy that has accumulated over the past month. Esoterics believe that all the negative accumulates on the tips of the hair. And if you get rid of them on time, the whole next month the hair will delight you with a healthy appearance. The same applies to nails. Simple feeding will lead to the fact that the nails will be stronger and will grow quickly.

5. Immerse yourself in the world of flavors

Use aromatic oils or perfume to improve the mood. However, we recommend seriously referring to the selection of fragrance. Smells should not be obsessive and not interfere with relaxation. By the way, there is a whole calendar on the signs of the zodiac. Each zodiac sign corresponds to a flower or plant. Boldly add your zodiac aroma to the bath, aromalamp or favorite body cream.

6. Please make yourself a massage

Full moon phase is very favorable for relaxing massages. Such a ritual perfectly improves the well-being and condition of the skin. Massage is also an excellent detoxing and prophylactic agent against many diseases. It acts a relaxing circulation system, regulates the activities of vital organs. And, as you know, health is the main key of beauty and youth.

Categories: Beauty
Tags: full moon
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