The murder hornets have a major threat, but that's not what you think

Here is the surprising effect that these giant hornets could have on our lives.

You probably think that things could not have worse than they have been for a few months, is not it? Well, enter "murder hornets". These giant insects, which come from Japan and Korea, haveonly Arrived in North America. And they boast a much more venomous and painful stitch than, say that the European honey bee than most Americans are used to. The good news is that the murder hornets, aliasV. MANDARINIA, you will give you a lot alone, as long as you leavethem alone. But real threat murrency hornets are that they might cause food shortage in the United States in the coming months.

According toTim Lawrence, PhD, Associate Professor at the University of Washington State andbeekeeper for more than 50 yearsThe murder hornets are a major threat to a critical bee population. Lawrence says that 30 to 50 murder fleshes can undergo 30,000 to 50 0000 bees within a few hours. "Then they enter the colony and they consume baby bees ... to feed their young," he says.

Raw? Sure. But why is it so alarming? Because honey bees play a crucial role in the American food industry via cross pollination. According to Bayer Health, "more than$ 15 billion of crops are pollinated by bees every year. In the United States, honey bees make most of the pollination of insects, with the help of other pollinators such as ants, bats, bees, beeoptera, birds, butterflies, flies, butterflies and wasps. "

In view of the currentFood procurement issues caused by coronavirusUS farmers can not afford another concern. But that's exactly the situation they find themselves. Between the end of the summer and autumn,V. Mandarinia workers can group together to leadMass attacks on nests of other social insects, especially bees. This behavior even has a name: the slaughter and profession phase, "American scientistRecently pointed out. "US beekeepers provide billions of bees every year to help pollinate at least 90 agricultural crops. And they fear that this new raider could make more degraded losses in large pollinator populations."

So, just as we hope to go back to a level of normality, there could be a swarm of hornets killing bees and, therefore, killing our food supply to fear. And for more means, you can help the earth, avoid these21 bad habits for the environment.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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