50 easy ways to stay in shape after 50

The time has come to focus on good health and feel better - here's how.

It's never too late forStart focusing on yourself. In fact, your 50s are the perfect time to prioritize your fitness. Because now that you are older, work is not pretty much looking better - it's about feeling better and you can maintain your mobility and health for decades to come. In this document, we have gathered 50 daily changes approved by experts who will have access - and in the future.

Rethinking your exercise idea.

Dance class older people

Trying to stay in shape after 50 years can be intimidating if your idea of ​​exercise is only these high-energy workouts. However, according toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLThere are many different activities that rely as exercise that you are likely to find much less overwhelming. Things like gardening, moderate cleaning and vacuum cleaner - and even dancing, for example.

"The ballet is ideal for strength and flexibility," sports health doctorKim gladden, MD, says theCleveland Clinic. "The jazz, the swing and the counter-dance will give you cardio benefits. And if you are looking to do something with your partner, the dance of the ballroom is fantastic."

Go to grouped fitness classes.

Older group fitness class

One of the best ways to encourage yourself to work is to register for a group fitness class. "Groups can really be motivating thanks to the social component," saysDebra Atkinson, a specialist in certified force and packaging and the founder ofReturn 50. "Especially if people are starting to recognize when you're not there and I miss you."

Many studios even offer free or up-to-date trial periods, which facilitates the discovery of where you feel the most comfortable and what types of workouts you like. After starting attending courses regularly, you will enter a routine - and maybe even make new friends along the way.

Eat more herbal meals.

Plant based meal of salad

Staying in shape means filling your body with healthy foods thatImprove your health And well-being and evidence suggests that plant-based sources could be better.

"Research over many years has boundHerbal schemes To reduce heart disease rates, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers, compared to high diets in meat and other animal products, "Robert H. Shmerling, MD, a rheumatologist in Boston, Massachusetts, saysHarvard Health.

In fact, a 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Cardiology College I found that the collection of a herbal diet can reduce your risk of heart failure of more than 40%. In addition, a 2019 study published inThe Journal of Nutrition The calves found tend to be healthier than those following other diets.

Discuss with your doctor about your fitness.

Older man talking with doctor

Appointments of regular doctors Enjoy your health during every stage of your life, but it's particularly important to follow them in your 50s. "Make sure to talk about the heart health and exercise of your doctor," saysMichael James, a boxing gymnasium coachEverybody. "They will let you know exactly what you can and can not do depending on your current health and your medications that you might be on."

Follow your steps.

Watch tracking number of steps

Another easy thing you can do to stay in shape is to monitor your steps using aFitness tracker-Mark one's daily life to achieve a specific goal.

"Take away from the shop, take your dog or take a walk with friends," suggestsHolly Roser, a celebrity coach and a certified sports nutritionist in San Mateo, California. "The more you move, the more energy you will - and that will help you burn more calories as a whole."

According to a 2008 study published in theJournal of physical activity and health, Women over 50 should target 10,000 markets a day, while men should shoot 11,000 to control their weight and improve their health.

Coupe on the salt.

Woman putting salt on salad

We know it's hard to resist your favorite super salted snacks, but it's your best interesting to practice self-control when it comes to your salt consumption.

"Consume too much sodium can cause high blood pressure and can also cause inflammation in the body," saysAmy gorinA dietary nutritionist registered in the New York area, which recommends aiming for more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium daily. And if you have high blood pressure or pre-hypertension, limit your daily consumption to 1,500 milligrams a day, she says.

To help you stay at these numbers, Gorin recommends exchanging your salt shaker for sodium-free seasoning. "After all, 11% of the typical person's sodium admission comes from salted shaker," she says.

Do not forget to warm you up.

Older people stretching warming up

A good heating is as important as your real workout. "It helps you burn more energy during exercise, increases your circulation and provides oxygen with work muscles," says Atkinson. "And it increases the basic temperature of your body, allowing the muscles and the joints to adapt slowly to more important requirements, which reduces your risk of injury." This can be as simple as walking on the treadmill, taking jumping, or making a quick jog around the block - all that helps your body relax and prepare for exercise.

Do not limit yourself to the cardio.

Older couple lifting weights working out at the gym

Although it is certainly important,Cardio-centered exercises Are not the only way to stay in shape - not by a long shot. "A majority of my 50-year-old clients believed that the cardio was the only thing they had to do to stay in shape or improve their health," says James. "It's not until we added a force training they really started to see and feel the benefits of time spent in the gym."

According to James, the formation of resistance can help improve your balance, control blood glucose, build a bone density, increase your metabolism and even prevent sarcopenia, which is a muscle loss related to age.

Drink enough water.

Man drinking glass of water

Think aboutwater like fuel from your body. If you do not have enough, how is it supposed to work properly?

"Your body is about 60% water and must be continually hydrated throughout the day," says Gorin. "A good base amount is 15.5 cups a day for men and 11.5 cups a day for women, but this amount could change if you exercise or perspiration a lot."

According toMAYO Clinic, Get enough liquids helping your body control the temperature, protect sensitive tissues, lubricate and cushion your joints and helps digestion - all the things you might need extra help with as much as you enter your 50s and beyond.

Always focus on form.

Older gym class lifting weights

Even when you make sure you get the right amount of regular exercise, you will not do well without prioritizing the use of the appropriate form.

"When you have more than 50 years, your joints and ligaments are a little less cautious and resilient than they once," says Atkinson. Because of this, if you do not perform exercises properly, you could put you at risk of injury that will not slow you down. If it means abandoning heavy dumbbells for the lightest so that you can make the moves correctly, that's what needs to be done. You will build and tone your muscles and be safer in the process.

Start an exercise program.

Older people dance class

If you do not already have a solidexercise routineIt may be a good idea to launch things with a structured exercise program - something that will give you an action plan and an overview to follow. In this way, you will stay motivated and have something to push you. As the program is over, the exercise will have become a habit. There are many different online options that you can choose based on your choice of choice, whether it's a body formation, dance, yoga, or something else.

Keep a feed review.

Man makes a list of healthy food. Healthy lifestyle diet food concept

As you get older, your stomach can not always handle what it could formerly in your early years. That's why it's important to keep track of what you eat, "Gorin said. "In addition to connecting what you eat, you can also write how different things affect your body and all associated symptoms." It's a great way to help you achieve your weight goals.

Ask yourself "Why?"

Grandpa with grandson on shoulders

Before starting your trip to stay in shape, make sure you ask why you do that. Maybe it's to make sure you see long enough to seeYour grandchildren Growing up, or maybe it's healthy enough to browse the world once you retired. Anyway, have a reason behind what you do will help you stay with this commitment and maintain an absolute priority in your life.

Do not push yourself too hard.

Woman with lower back pain on yoga mat

Instead of jumping in an intense routine package, start slowly andrelieve your way In an exercise program that works for you. Then, once you go there, there is nothing you can not reach. "Someone over 50 can make the same movements as a 25-year-old man," says Roser. "There is really no indication of age and work."

And do not be afraid to make changes.

Senior Mexican Woman working out and stretching with weights in nature

It can be difficult to change things once you enter a routine, but if it did not help you achieve your goals or do not appreciate it, which facilitates the necessary adjustments to find what is best for the best For you and your body.

"You can spice up several ways to spice up your current training routine, including stimulating the intensity of your workouts"Jessica Matthews, a well-being coach and assistant professor at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, saidAce Fitness. "You can also cross and perform different activities to provide your body with a new challenge."

Use online training videos.

Online work out class

There is an infinite amount ofTraining videos And applications that allow you to exercise directly in the comfort of your own home, including high intensity training sessions, Pilates and Zumba classes at the atmosphere. Even starting with something simple, like a beginner yoga stream, is beneficial. "Although you can think that less difficult movements do nothing, it's the most important exercises to learn because they will be the first to develop your posture, your strength and increase flexibility," says Roser.

Focus on the low impact exercise.

Older couple on bike ride

When you are in your 50 years, you do not want to do anything that goesCause injury or pain. That's why James is a big fan of low impact exercises like cycling, Pilates and Tai Chi. And according to Harvard Medical School, low impact activities are a great way to facilitate an exercise routine, especially if you have not followed one.

Become a yogi.

Older group of friends leaving yoga class with mats

Outside yoga being a mild way to improve your fitness,HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Says it can also improve your sleep, help you lose weight and boost your mood. "Even if you are new to yoga, there are so many different levels and difficulties that you can choose, allowing you to build your skill and develop at your own pace," says Roser.

Try Pilates.

Group exercise pilates class

Despite a difficult workout, Pilates is another excellent low impact option that is sweet enough to help you recover injuries - as well as prevent them. "Pilates reinforces the heart and basin, growing balance and overall strength, which is extremely important to maintain as we get older," says Roser. "We lose three to five percent of the muscular mass by decade after 30 years, so it is important to keep the force of force as much as possible."

Say fitness.

Happy older woman after exercising

If you hate your workouts, you will not stick with them. That is whyKelli FierrasHead coach at all Lefights, says your number one mission should find something you really like to do. Your friends can like running or lifting weights, but if it's not you, change things. When you discover something that stimulates your endorphins and makes you feel happy, you can not wait to exercise, not too much afraid, "she says.

Go for a dive.

Older man swimming in ocean

One of the most beneficial workouts you can do in your 50s is swimming, which works all your body and protects your joints from stress and strain, theCleveland Clinic said. "It helps people create their aerobic and cardiovascular base, and it can build your muscular base without hurting your joints"Charles Klettner, MD, a medical medicine in Michigan, saidParks and Leisure County of Grand Cross.

Get a training scheduler.

Workout planner

This could feel silly to have a just separated planner for your workouts, but it could be the key to staying in good shape throughout your life. "It's a simple way to increase your success of exercise," says Atkinson. "It does not take more than a few minutes to schedule your week and write down the notes on how you felt after exercise, how you slept, and any pain in the day after." By following everything, you can look back and see what works and what is not in your fitness routine.

Walk as much as you can.

Woman walking on pier

You do not like running, but I want to get fresh air while working on your fitness? "The power walk or walking walk is an excellent exercise for the elderly because it has a low impact, easy on the joints, has a low risk of injury and is profitable," says Roser. "It's something that someone can do just about anywhere and has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, strengthen your immune system and reduce pains to arthritis. "

Log in with nature.

Older couple on a hike

Whether it's a walk around your neighborhood or hiking trails in the woods, the important thing is to find a way to be active outside, which offers a wide range of benefits For your physical and mental health, a 2013 study published in the newspaperExtreme physiology and medicine find.

"Research suggests when people are active in nature, they have a dramatic change in mood and prospects," ","Kelly McGonigal, Doctorate, a health psychologist, saysThe Ewake network. "Exercise exercise is an incredible medicine for the many people suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma or sorrow."

Use a vibration plate.

Vibration plate

If you have not used the vibration plate for your local gym, you will want to start now. According toMAYO ClinicThis machine improving the workout transmits energy to your body vibrating, which in turn makes your muscles contract and relax several times per second. Barely 15 minutes of body weight exercises on the plate, a day can offer serious advantages.

The vibration plate "has been demonstrated to increase bone and muscular development in the elderly," saidNeil Paulvin, Do, a medical doctor integrated in New York. In addition, this could also help with weight loss, burning fat and improving flexibility.

Do weight exercises.

Woman lifting weights doing exercises

You do not have to go crazy with weights to work your muscles. Everything you really need is a pair of small dumbbells and a little dedication. "Engage in a weight exercise at least three times a week," Paulvin said. "It can simply use light weights to help maintain muscles and bones."

Try Tai Chi.

Group fitness tai chi

Tai Chi is one of the sweetest forms of exercise you can do, making it a choice for all ages and all fitness levels. Fluid movements do not improve your physically improved body by increasing your muscle strength, flexibility and balance, they also improve your overall health. "There are a number of studies that have suggested that Tai Chi exercises can reduce blood pressure, reduce falls and reduce heart rate at rest", rheumatologistMarie Jurisson, MD, says theMAYO Clinic. "It could also be useful for people with back pain and osteoarthritis."

Improve your health.

Fermented foods

Now that you are in your 50 years, the muscles and nerves of your digestive tract do not work as well as with problems such as constipation and diarrhea. To continue to feel your best, start giving your intestine what it needs to prosper: probiotic supplements or fermented foods.

"Eating foods like some yogurts and unpasteurized sauerkraut can help your digestive health," says Gorin. "Probiotics can also be useful for weight loss."

Stretch your muscles regularly.

Woman stretching before run

Stretching is never at the top of the list of priorities of anyone, but it is just as important as working. "As we get older, our flexibility decreases and tight or short muscles make you susceptible to injury and pain - especially with your knees and your back, so take the time to stretch you after any workout," says James . "Any static basic stretch, like an intrient stretch, for example - should last about 30 seconds."

Work with a friend.

Friends in the gym together

There is no better motivation than having a fitness friend who holds you responsible. "Do not exercise a chore. Find a boyfriend to make it more enjoyable," says Fierras. That may be someone you have encountered in one of your group fitness classes, a colleague of colleague or family friend. These can be, regularly programming in walks, yoga sessions or all that you both enjoy. It's the ultimate double-whammy with someone you like to be aroundandGet your sweat.

Get your protein hotfix.

Buddha bowl

Since you naturally lose muscles during your aging, you get adequate proteins with your health and well-being. "Women, for example, lose about 10% of muscle mass every decade after 45 years," said Gorin. "The muscle is important for the strength and ease of doing daily activities. It is also important to give priority to the exercise and the formation of resistance, as this can help fight against the decline of the metabolism that occurs that occurs with aging. " To choosehealthy Options such as lentils, nuts, quinoa, wild rice, tempeh and tofu.

Make a weight loss challenge.

Woman weighing herself on scale

If one of your main reasons to become fit in your 50 years islosing weight, Fierras recommends making a weight loss challenge for you to have something to look for. There are even ways to make it more fun, as usingDietbet, which allows you to make money when you pour books. It also works: in a 2008 study published inJama, those who could win or lose money just to lose weight had better results, lose significantly more weight than those who did not have an incentive. You can also put your weight on a dry ergot plan and cross the books until you hit it.

Allow recovery time.

Older couple relaxing on couch

To make sure you are ready for your workouts, take the time to recover, even if you do not want you. "Recovery is extremely important after exercise, especially for those 50 years and over, as it is time for your blood pressure to come back to normal," says Roser. It's also time to take full advantage of all healthy changes that occur in your body after training, says theMAYO Clinic. This means staying hydrated, jumping alcohol, add carbohydrates and proteins to your meals and get enough sleep so you can heal and feel your best.

Concentrate on your sleep.

Older couple sleeping in bed

You could feel moresleep problems As you have the age of insomnia or snoring, says theNational Sleep Foundation-But to get a quality rest is so crucial for your health and stay in shape. According toMichael BreusPhD, a clinical psychologist and a sleep expert in Los Angeles, California, when you have a bad sleep, health problems can follow, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

"Your body has a much harder time that fights against disease and illness when it is private sleep," Breuswritten on his blog.

Balancing heavy workouts with lights.

Group of women walking

Another part of the recovery process is to ensure that you balance intense and dripping workout sessions with lighter. Instead of constantly doing high energy workouts that leave you exhausting and painful, it is better to add low impact workouts - like a light yoga, jogging or stretching sessions , in your routine.

"Balancing difficult and easy days is important at all ages; we allighse more optimally and have a higher level of fitness if we do it," says Atkinson. "Exercise offers the possibility of physical condition and fitness occurs in recovery between exercise. It is these days of movement of light when you simply increase the oxygen to work in the muscles you optimize Your physical condition. Some exercises require recovery and certain exercises are recovery. "

Find a personal trainer.

Older woman with a personal trainer

If you think you'd better be guided with your expert workouts, try a personal trainer. "It helps you see where your muscle imbalances are and how to correct them," says Fierras. It also guarantees that you do all the exercises and you develop properly and that you develop a good shape that can strengthen your body.

Work on your posture.

Older woman on the phone

If you are released ongood posture Over the years, it is now time to start paying more attention to your alignment of your body. "When your alignment is off, it has an impact on all your body"Elizabeth Farnes, MD, a physiathist and professor at Harvard University, saidHarvard Health. "Think about it as a chain reaction: poor posture pulls other parts of your offline body, leading to muscle pain and other problems."

According toMAYO ClinicStanding up, standing helps to fight pain by preventing the strain on your joints, muscles and spine. This can also increase your mood, reduce your risk of injury and help improve your workouts and ability to strengthen your muscles.

Start the resistance formation.

man doing strength training with dumbell, over 40 fitness

If you have not added a resistance training to your routine, which involves working against your own weight or using dumbbells and exercise machines - start now. "This will help balance, muscle loss and overall health," says Fierras. Even will begin little with some sessions a week will make you feel a difference.

And be sure to include strength bands.

Stretching using resistance bands

While small dumbbells are a great way to stay in shape, Paulvin also recommends doing resistance-based workouts. "They can help you maintain muscles and bones," he says. It's a gentle way to work every muscle group of your body, especially because the bands come from different forces, depending on your current level of fitness. And when you travel, they are easy to pack and take away during your travels.

Take some vitamin D.

Older woman in the sun

Vitamin DPlay a big role in your health, especially with your bones. "Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium and not having enough vitamin D can make your bones more likely to break," says Gorin. "These 50 years and over should strive to take 800 to 1000 IU per day." Since the sun is such a great source,HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Said to have 10 to 15 minutes of sun on your arms and legs a few times a week to help you keep you healthy.

Take time for meditation.

Man meditating in living room

When it comes to staying in shape in your 50s, taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your body - and doing it can lead to major benefits for both. Preventive medicine doctorRoxanne Sukol, MD, says theCleveland ClinicThat meditation has long-term benefits for certain organs, especially the brain, because it improves the blood circulation there, as well as other parts of the body. You do not need to spend a lot of time, either. "When I started, I used a simple mindful meditation of a minute. Breathe for five seconds, then exhale for five seconds. It's your heating. Then repeat for a minute., And you can work from there, "says Sukol.

Do not do anything hurt.

Woman with neck back pain

While some exercises feel good, others do not. "If what you do wrong, stop immediately," James said. And this applies even if you are in a class surrounded by other people. Instead of glue with something painful just because you feel like you have to go with the exercises that make your feeling of good body. If not, this could lead to an injury that you back to reach your goals.

Improve your mobility.

Trainer stretching older woman

Speaking of injury, in a Fierras way recommends staying in front of them work to improve your mobility means that your ability to move freely and easily. "It will help you not only your flexibility, but also your neurological strength to properly make a movement, which creates a solid body," she says. There are many different ways, you can do it, as by hip openers and neck and half circles. It all depends on which areas you have to work.

Limit your alcohol consumption.

Man drinking wine with dinner

You could lovehave to drink from time to time, but do not make a regular event. As you get older, your body is the tolerance for alcohol decreases. According toNational Institute of Health, Which makes you feel faster and puts you to a greater risk for accidents and injuries. Alcohol consumption can also causeIncreased health problems. CardiologistSHELDON G. SHEPS, MD, said to theMAYO Clinic Drinking too much can increase your blood pressure at unhealthy levels. And because of the calories it contains, it can also cause an unwanted weight gain.

Area on your back muscles.

Woman stretching her back

As you age, it's important to keepyour back strong. "The cumulative effect of a life of moving forward and doing everything before us will result in a rounding of the spine and adding unnecessary stress," says Atkinson. "Fortunately, you can easily prevent, reinforcing the back. »

TheMAYO Clinic Recommends spending 15 minutes a day with a handful of exercises that can help prevent problems from happening in your back, including stretching chest knee, bridges, and chat stretch.

Focus on the little things.

Group of friends exercising high five each other

Do not focus solely on the achievement of these major objectives in your fitness trip. "It does not matter what to do a 5 km or make 10 push-ups without rest, give yourself something to work towards," James said. These achievements could feel very small in the moment, but they are the improvement of your health in a big way.

Make a good playlist.

Senior man running on treadmill while listening to music

If you want to make every training flight by and enjoy every second that you will transpire off Fierras recommends focusing on your playlist. "Always listen to your favorite music while working," she says. It makes a huge difference in your mood, and when you feel happy and positive, your workouts will be better, too.

Try cold laser therapy.

Woman getting cold laser therapy

If you find you need some time to get back from exercise, something that could help use cold laser therapy, which,Berkeley Well-being said, uses low level light energy to help with pains.

"People who exercise or continue to play sports in their 50s can maintain strength and endurance. The challenge is that it takes a lot more time for their bodies to recover, "saysMarsha Dirks Prada, DC, a chiropractic and co-owner specialist ofDenver Sport Recovery. "Cold laser therapy of the whole body, such asPod light prism, Can help accelerate the recovery of four to ten times faster ".

Try red light therapy.

Woman getting red light therapy

red light therapyknown to help With everything from the clearer skin to improve hair growth. One thing people do not realize that it is also ideal to stay in shape in your more years. "Red light therapy has been shown to stimulate bone growth, testosterone increase in men, and help maintain your thyroid," says Paulvin. "This should be done three to five times a week. »

Do not be afraid to ask questions.

Women talking to their fitness instructor in the gym

Staying in shape can be intimidating - especially because there are so many types of workouts and exercises to choose from. That's why James says you should never be afraid to call backup. "Find a physical fit professional in whom you trust," he says. "Coaches specializing in corrective exercise and functional movement will generally have a great customer experience of 50 or more."

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