33 foods that fight the aging from the inside

Your list of grocery shopping à-à-à-à-à-à-one to return the clock

Aging graciously and the younger air Never requires you to be a glue with several habits: Regular exercise, at least seven hours of night sleep and a meticulous scheme of care. But the most important most important has less to do with what you putto your body than you putinthis.

Yes, we are talking about your diet. By choosing the right foods (and abandoning the bad), you will feed not only your body and your brain, but also your skin, your hair and your general behavior - for the coming years. Here's how to get things on the right track. (And the best of all: every food here is downright delicious.)

Sesame seeds

sesame seeds Anti-Aging Foods

To maintain healthy bones for life, increase your consumption of sesame seeds. Packaged with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and fiber, they are essential to keep your bones healthy and strong,said Annie Kay, leading nutritionist of the Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. Bonus: They are delicious and not rare. The next time you are a spicy, just ask for a sprinkler.


Nuts Anti-Aging Foods

Nuts are one of the best foods in the market to fight aging - as long as you consume them with regularity,said Julieanna Hever, a herbal dietician. In order to gather most of the benefits of this common anti-aging snack, be sure to consume at least one to two ounces of mixed walnuts every day, preferably a mixture containing almonds, cashew nuts, pecans and Pistachies, who pacten a punch of essential vitamins such as phytosterols, protein and cholesterol reduction fiber.

Dark chocolate

Dark Chocolate Anti-Aging Foods

On ato study Published inBorders in immunology, regular consumption ofDark chocolate has many positive effects On your body, especially in the anti-aging kingdom. Polyphenols with cocoa chocolate and dark chocolate (polyphenols being compounds found in plants) have the power to "turn on" some signaling pathways that exert antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that work simultaneously to make your body and your body healthier skin. In addition, cocoa polyphenols have been demonstrated to induce the release of nitric oxide that proves to protect your heart and promote cardiac health in general. When selecting your next dark chocolate bar, opt for those who have a higher percentage of cocoa because they contain less sugar than other varieties.


Blueberries Anti-Aging Foods

While each variety of bays provides a generous diet of antioxidants, the blueberries give you really the most bang for your money, says ato study Published inMolecular nutrition and food search. According to research, blueberries contain a variety of phytochemicals that can limit "the development and severity of certain cancers and vascular diseases, including atherosclerosis, ischemic stroke and neurodegenerative diseases of aging". Thus, while blueberries will not necessarily prevent cancer or features directly occur, they have the ability to reduce the severity of the disease or considerably reduce the chances of developing cancer cells.


Pineapple Anti-Aging Foods

To really protect your skin (well, all whole body) aging, regularly engage in fresh pineapple, says ato study published in theComplementary and alternative medicine based on evidence newspaper. In fact, pineapple turns out to be one of the best anti-aging foods, containing generous amounts of key nutrients such as fiber, magnesium, vitamin B, testosterone, vitamin C and phosphorus , who all work together to support the heart, brain, immune system, colon, lungs and bones. Not bad for a fruit.

Lemons and limes

lemon lime water Anti-Aging Foods

If you are looking to avoid excessive wrinkles and keep your skin smooth throughout your golden years, regularly ingest water packed lemons and limes is an ideal place to start, according to oneto studyoutside the United Kingdom. Increasing the amount of citrus rich in vitamin C in a diet (namely: lemons and files) considerably improve the appearance of wrinkles and dull skin in middle-aged women. To get an easy way to get more of these anti-aging foods, drop some slices in your water.


Orange Anti-Aging Foods

To reinforce the collagen production of your body in a natural way, regularly increase the number of oranges you eat regularly.According to Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos Shams of the Nutrition Twins, oranges contain collagen, which makes the skin more elastic, reason and younger. Even better, oranges also contain many amounts of vitamin C, which have the ability to strengthen your immune system and give you relief from any cold symptoms.


watermelon Anti-Aging Foods

To dramatically increase your water intake in the hottest way possible, accelerates some slices of watermelon. Water alone has the power to keep your skin with young and fresh search, simply by providing water to the cells that make up your skin,said School of Medicine and Public Health from the University of Wisconsin. In addition, the watermelon is also packed with a phytochemistry called lycopene, which protects the skin from ultraviolet rays that can cause damage to the sun.


Olives Anti-Aging Foods

Olives constitute an abundant resource of polyphenols and phytonutrients that help protect your DNA and give you more energy, depending on the bookRestarting the DNA, By Dr. Sharon Moalem, a scientist specializing in genetics and aging. However, be warned: You can only find the beneficial nutrients of fresh olives, as those available in the canned variety are indeed stripped of these vital ingredients in the sting process.


Mushrooms Anti-Aging Foods

Although all varieties of mushrooms contain essential essential vitamins, Shiitake mushrooms are particularly abundant in copper, which, which,according to A report in the newspaperDevelopment,could help delay or partially counteract the grayness process of your hair. In fact, the report emphasized that copper deficiency is relatively common, but can be an essential nutrient that has an impact on the health of your hair follicles. So, to delay the inevitable gray process, the snack on shiitake mushrooms on a regular basis because a single cut holds more than 100% of your recommended daily copper consumption.

Sweet potatoes

sweet potato Anti-Aging Foods

This tasty variety of potatoes is full of vitamin A, a nutrient that has been revitalizing collagen production in the skin, finally ban fine lines and wrinkles and lighten the complexion of your skin. It's also one of theThe healthiest 10 carbohydrates that will not derail your six pack.

Cooked tomatoes

Cooking Tomatoes Anti-Aging Foods

It is straight tomatoes containing more anti-aging properties when it is cooked, according to Lisa Hayim, registered and founder dietician of the necessity of the well and the TWN collection. "The cooked tomatoes are loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant that protects the skin from the damage. Tandling the tomatoes always provide the body of lycopene, the cooking process [makes it easier to be absorbed",Recount Red bookmagazine.

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt with nuts Anti-Aging Foods

Packing twice the amount of regular yogurt protein, this low fat snack contains vitamin C and D, which is essential to maintaining strong bones, especially after menopause,according to HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL. For a healthy afternoon snack that counts as a third of your daily suggested calcium consumption, take a portion of eight ounces of Greek yogurt. And for a super charged anti-aging bonus, soften your dish with a handle of blueberries.


turmeric curcumin Anti-Aging Foods

If you were not already aware of this fact, your teeth will be happy to hearCurcumea really has the power To peel the good amount of enamel to eliminate your teeth from its surface spots. So, to literally peel the time spots on your teeth, brush a mix of cycling oil and coconuts from time to time (three days in a row every three months) instead of using Your typical toothpaste.


Cilantro Anti-Aging Foods

According to theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionCilantro contains a wide variety of active phytochemies that help reduce the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease by removing cholesterol synthesis and tumor growth. In short: Get the guac completely soup for next time.


Ghee Anti-Aging Foods

Ghee, a shape of clarified butter which is a staple in Indian cuisine, can contain a multitude of healthy fat that work to keep your skin soft and smooth - when made from high quality organic butter, C ' IST-à

Manuka honey

Manuka Honey Anti-Aging Foods

Although you may not have heard about this particular honey type, you have probably crossed its path in natural skin care products because it increases the production of cytokine that is fighting agents. pathogens and protects you from infections. When applied to your skin directly (or even just consumed with coffee or tea), this type of honey rejuvenates the skin and stimulates immunity with harmful pollutants in the air, according to Hayim.


Saffron Anti-Aging Foods

If you do not already enjoy the many advantages of saffron consumption on a regular basis, you are away. According toresearch On the Universiti Putra Malaysia, saffron has crocin carotenoid phytonutrients and crocotimetin, which have been proven to limit excessive diet and improve symptoms of depression and PMS. Bonus: These nutrients have major anti-tumor effects on the body.


Oatmeal Anti-Aging Foods

For your next breakfast, make a bowl of oats or, more precisely, steel oat flakes because it has less sugar (anti-aging no-non) than your standard oat bowl. Oats is loaded with zinc and iron, which are known to enhance the growth of hair and nails.

Beans and lentils

Beans and Lentils Anti-Aging Foods

The lenses could be the grace that saves that your hair really needed at this stage of your life, because their abundance of vitamin B9 has the power to prevent gray hairand Balding. In addition to this, beans and lentils are both excellent sources of protein that feed your body and give you a very necessary energy thumb in a natural way and without an accident.


Broccoli Anti-Aging Foods

To keep your mind as strong as in your young days, you should consume a lot more broccoli,said A study published inFrontiers to aging neuroscience. The scientists involved in this study have really found the pigmented pilted lutein in the vegetable, which, when consumed more frequently, has led to better mental cognition and the performance of tasks requiring intelligence.


carrots Anti-Aging Foods

Not onlyresearch Suggest that carrots contain incredible cancer control properties, but, according to Hayim, they are also ideal for your skin. This is due to the fact that carrots are rich in vitamin A, which restores the elasticity of your skin and regenerates skin cells as they work to restore and regenerate collagen. (And no, eat too much of this vegetable will not make your skin orange).


edamame Anti-Aging Foods
Man-Zu / Shutterstock

Listening to listening: For those who wish they can jump into a machine on time and move to a time when their skin was softer and less creamy, Edimame is the answer to all your skin care prayers. On ato study published in theJournal of Nutrition Science and Vitaminology,Consume untreated soy, as EdaMame, every day can actually help improve lines and fine lines of your skin. To see real changes, you will need to stand for this diet for at least three months, however, say the authors of the study.


avocados Anti-Aging Foods

Yes, it's time to kiss the favorite millennial foods. The lawyers work with your body to fight against aging (and avoid the common cold) by combating inflammation to strengthen your immune system, your brain and your whole body.

Granada seeds

Pomegranate Seeds Anti-Aging Foods

Add these seeds beneficial to your salads and your smoothies more often to harvest the benefits of working compounds to increase the capacity of your body to preserve collagen, which will keep your skin younger for years to come.


Watercress Anti-Aging Foods

To continue the reconstruction of natural anti-aging chemicals of your skin, add watercress to your salads (and almost all food, if you are ready) to call vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E and k who keep your skin doded and smooth.

Red bell pepper

Red Bell Peppers Anti-Aging Foods

Red peppers, as well as their high vitamin C content (large for collagen production), also, according to a study of theAvicna PHYTOMEDICINE JOURNALContains powerful antioxidants, called carotenoids, which carry a variety of anti-inflammatory properties that can help your skin protect themselves from sun damage, environmental toxins and pollution.


papaya Anti-Aging Foods

Papain, an enzyme found in papaya, is actually found in many exfoliating products because it helps your body lose dead skin cells. Apart from this enzyme, papaya also contains vitamins A, C, K and E, as well as vitamins of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and B. according to ato study inActa Informatica MedicaCan actually delay the signs of aging in your skin.


Spinach Anti-Aging Foods

For even more ways to renew your aging skin, start adding spinach to your diet. With regular consumption, vitamins A, C, E, K, magnesium, herbal-based iron and lutein are all to keep your skin and hair hydrated.

Cold water fish

Salmon Anti-Aging Foods

As you get older, the skin membranes that maintain the moisture trapped in your skin are starting to lose their power. This is where cold water fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel come into play.According to Aptitude Magazine, consuming these fish - filled with omega-3 fatty acids, more often often reinforces these membranes of weakening, which in turn reduces inflammation of the skin and a redness.

Olive oil

olive oil Anti-Aging Foods

While this calorie oil (120 in one tablespoon!) Should be consumed in small portions,recent studies Show that those who engage in olive oil on a more frequent basis have been able to prevent imperfections and wrinkles caused by old age. In addition, the abundance of "nitro fatty acids" in olive oil can actually stabilize your blood pressure.


figs Anti-Aging Foods

Since the figures are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, they can help eliminate free radicals from your skin cells, slowly slowing down the aging process of your skin.

Skinny beef

Lean Beef best Anti-Aging Foods

Eating red meat in abundance is not great for your heart - but you stick a few servings of skinny beef a week can do wonders on the anti-aging forehead. A diet rich in protein (whose beef is an excellent source) can work to maintain the collagen that keeps your skin young and healthy.

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