9 Fun indoor activities for children during quarantine

Move, monopoly - These indoor activities will keep your children entertained in quarantine.

Socially insulating during the Covid-19 pandemic is not easy for anyone, and that's certainly true for parents. Instead of school, parks, lessons and game dates to keep children entertained, parents and offspring have little more to take advantage that the limits of their home and society from another. However, this does not mean a repetitive home-TV-TV routine is a lost conclusion. With the help of the best therapists, we have gathered the best domestic activities for children so you can connect with them andKeep them entertain in quarantine. And for the lighter side of Jugglant ACT isolation, check these12 tweets of parents who fight hilariously at home at home in quarantine.

Have an inner picnic.

picnic basket indoors
Shutterstock / s_photo

You do not need to risk braving the crowd in your local park to enjoy a fun picnic with your family. Prepare a meal together, then extend a blanket on the ground in the middle of a room and digs it, suggests a psychotherapistSarah Food, LCSW, founder ofTherapy of nice spirits.

Do you want to make things even more exciting for your little ones? "Ask your children to make paper flowers or tissue paper, giving the illusion that you are outside," she suggests. And for greater ways to stay entertained inside, check19 family games for when you're stuck in the house.

Make a time capsule.

young boy opening memory box
Shutterstock / by business images monkey

Your children can be eager to put this period behind them, but commemorating such a strange experience through a time capsule might simply make them feel a little more grateful in the future.

"[There is no better way to help children remember some of the story than to capture their thoughts and feelings about what is happening in the present," says sound. "Ask them to keep a photo log, a local newspaper clip and a collage."

Make a family-owned printed art project.

mother and son finger painting
Shutterstock / Dean Drobot

Looking for an art project all the family will love? Create a hand print crown to hang in your window.

"Make footprints of the different color hand from all the hands of the family [and] paste it on the other", explains foam, who notes that "this activity helps to visualize the meaning you are all together." It also has the added benefit of bringing some encouragement to anyone could identify it by walking or driving.

Plant a garden.

young asian girl gardening
Shutterstock / Narikan

Even if you only have Windowsill to keep some succulent on, plant flowers with your children can be a seriously grateful activity to engage together.

"It's a great choice for kids while helping them learn to learn lessons in responsibility and patience," said Certified Mental Health Consultant and Family Care SpecialistClaire's hairdresser. And once your children are back at school, "they will be able to tell their friends about their great achievements!"

Have a family movie night.

white mom and daughter watching movie in a pillow fort tent
Shutterstock / vgstockstudio

Perform the time of the special screen by looking at family movies together at least once a week - and aim for the authenticity to make things even more exciting. Sound suggests doing so asking your children to make tickets for the film and distribute them before the show begins. "Ask children to collect tickets and post parents to their seats and serve small bowls of popcorn", recommends food. But if you are looking forward to limiting your small tablet, discover these7 ways to reduce your screen right now, according to experts.

Write letters to friends.

white child writing letter
Shutterstock / Kryzhov

Video chat Is not the only way for your children to stay related to their friends while they are blocked at home. In fact, it's the perfect time to reach out via Snail Mail, suggests a clinical psychologistNina Kaiser, PhD, founder ofPracticing San Francisco. It also recommends having children decorate virgin postcards or send artistic projects such as corporal plots and ornaments.

Of course, the advantage is not only here for the sender: "[These] can be sent to friends and family as a way to stay in touch and brighten someone else's day "," Says Kaiser.

Have a family dance party.

young black family dancing in living room
Shutterstock / Fizkes

Put your children's favorite songs, dwell the volume and push your best movements to alleviate things for everyone at home.

"Exercise stimulates everyone's mood, as well as good music," says Kaiser. Better still, "having fun together as a family can help parents and children feel more connected, even in the face of the tension to be stuck at home together."

Doing full conscious exercises.

white mother and children meditating in grass
Shutterstock / Maxim Ibragimov

Although emotions can be running above while you spend all day together, you can helpKeep everyone calm and centered by engaging in some full-aware activities.

"Use outdoor time to practice full-minded skills that are useful to us all at the stressful time - listen to the different sounds you can hear, or observe different colors, textures and models", suggests Kaiser.

Get exercise outside.

young black family biking
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Just because your children can not hit the play yard does not mean they can not enjoy the outdoors. Kaiser recommends walking and cycling around the neighborhood or sitting in your yard to help you break the monotony of the hour inside.

"Everyone can benefit from some fresh air children can work their excess energy and parents can catch their breath and remember the biggest image," she explains. And if you want to take care of you while you're stuck inside, check these 17 mental health councils for quarantine therapists .

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