Nearly half of the people who did it for a week got Covid, the CDC study says

You may need to rethink your entire summer plan.

For many parents,Keep children busy during the pandemic has been a challenge for ages. With few options for safe and proven activities for covidation - not to mention maintaining our own demanding work schedules, some parents turned to summer camps for a respite. But a case study released by disease control centers (CDC) revealed the frank reality abouthow safe these camps are in the era of Covid.Nearly half of the children who attended a night camp in Georgia were tested positive for coronavirus after a single semi-annual session.

According to the study, a total of 597 young people aged six to 19 attended the July camp. After testing 344 coronavirus campers, 260 were found to be positive - a shocking meaning 76% of the tested group was infected. The CDC used a more conservative metric to announce the numbers, noting that 260 cases positive out of 597 total campers accounted for 44%.infection rate.

The researchers broke their conclusions by age support and determined that while there were "high attack rates among people from all age groups", the youngest children had thehighest infection rate. On total campers, 51% of people aged six to 10, 44% of people aged 11 to 17 and 33% of people aged 18 or older were infected. Counselors and camp staff have undergone the highest infection rates: 56% positive for coronaviruses at the end of the week.

In particular, many of the infected children have hadNo detectable symptoms. These asymptomatic cases constitute a particular danger for the end of a sleep camp session, when campers return to their families and resume other activities with new groups of children.

The CDC study serves as a counteration tale for anyone who considering the host camp this summer. Despite Georgia's best efforts on the social distance camp, limiting group size and take other recommended precautions to stop coronavirus spread, the CDC concluded that the virus"Spread effectively" In such a frame. Until a vaccine is safe, it is a summer activity that you would be wise to jump. And for more information on how children spread coronavirus, checkThe 8 most likely means that children can propagate Covid to school, say experts.

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