8 most powerful women in the world
These women lead the charge in their own career and their professional environments, they simultaneously forged the path of the progress of women's rights for all of us. For a precedent of some amazing ladies and high ranking, check out this list of the 8 most powerful women in the world.

Fromceo and politicians to actors and entrepreneurs, women leadersare dominating industries around the world, in a revolutionary area. Starting in 2019, the most powerful women in the list of powerful 100 world-based offorbes have been controlled $ 2,000 billion worth $ 2,000 worth of income. These inspiring women explained 20% of the global presidency, Minister of Government and parliamentary seats, according to Christina Velay ofProstitute.And These women lead the charge in their own career and their professionals, they have simultaneously forged the progress of Forwomen's rights to all of us. For a previous one some amazing and high ladies, check out this list of the 8 most powerful women in the world.
Angela Merkel
Messan-Propose its fourth term, Angela Merkel will become the very first femalechangeral of Germany in 2005. She has also been a leader of the Thechristian democratic Union since 2000. For 8 years running, Merkelhas held the place number one on the list of forbes of the 100 most powerful women the world.

Theresamay has been the British Prime Minister since July 2016. His goal is from Great Britain, could say "a Brexit who delivers the result of the referendum".

Since 2011, Christine Lagarde has worked as Director General of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In position, Christinelagarde helped the IMF to maneuver the eurozone debt crisis and the commercial war between the United States and China.

Asthe CEO of General Motors, Mary Barra won $ 22 million in $ 20 million in 2017. This made it the highest person to gain leadership of Anydetroit Big three manufacturer. In 2018, GM was ranked number one on the 2018 Global Gender Equality Report, such as one of the two international internationally gaps without gender remuneration.

In 2014, Abigail Johnson took up his father as CEO of FidelityIvestiments, which was originally founded by his grandfather in 1946. She also made the 100 richest richest people in the world.

Genthe is ranked six times that the most powerful women's list of Forbes, Melinda Gates is classified as the most powerful woman of philanthropy.It is co-chair from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which includes $ 40 billion endowment. and is considered the largest charity of the world.

Susanwojcicki is the CEO of YouTube, which has currently estimated $ 90 billion. She also looked at women in the 2019 Women's Forbes. She is also on the Salesforce Board of Directors and has already worked at Google, Intel and Bain & Company.

Anapatricia botin
After the sudden and unexpected death of his father in 2014, Ana Patricia Botin became President and Executive Director of Sandtander Bank. In 2017, under the leadership of Ana Botin, Sanditist bought his popular Banco popular rival popular for a single euro, which makes Sandtander the largest bank in Spain.

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