The new part of your COVID body can attack

A new study "documents another potential route of the SARS-COV-2 transmission" -Your ear.

According to a new scientific study, it may not be that yoursinus and lungs which are vulnerable to SARS-COV-2 infection, the virus that causes Covid-19 disease. Research, which has been published in the newspaperJama Otolatygolygoly-Head & Neck Surgery, reveals thatCoronavirus has been detected in the inner ear and a part of the head called the mastoid. The conclusions, one of the authors of the study saidNewsweekwere surprising and raising the subject ofNew potential symptoms of COVID-19.

"We assume that potential symptoms could be changes in the character and quality of hearing, balance, ringing or sensations of fullness or pressure", "C. Matthew Stewart, MD, Associate Professor of Head and Neck Surgery of the University of Medicine at the University of Johns Hopkins, saidNewsweek.

In June, a study in Iran examined six patients under 40 with light clinical symptoms - all hadLightweight hearing loss to moderate in one ear, postgraduate student of neurobiologyShin Jie Yong points out.

For this new study, however, Stewart and other doctors of the John Hopkins Hospital's autopsy research program conducted autopsies on three patients who positively tested for COVID-19. Two of the three patients showed thePresence of coronavirus in the mastoidA bee-shaped bone in the skull located directly behind the ear, according to the hospital or middle of Mount Sinai. Two of the mastoids and three of the average ears examined have been tested positive for a COVID infection, the study found.

Doctor looking at patient's ear

NewsweekNote thatBradley W. KesserMD of the University of Virginia Department of Head and Neck Surgery, confirms that the study identifies a new potential route of coronavirus transmission.

In an article forJama Otolatygolygoly-Head & Neck Surgery,Kesser writes: "In SARS-COV-2 insulation of the middle ear and mastoid in the post-mortem ears and mastoid cavities in patients succumb to Covid-19, the study ... offers proof of principle of theThe ability of the virus to access the middle ear and / or mastoid, documents another potential route of SARS-COV-2 transmission and discusses implications for the protection of health workers taking care of patients with ear disease. "

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At this last point, Stewart Notes The conclusions also indicate that surgeons conducting the procedures of these parts of the organization are at an increased risk of contracting Covid-19 if the patient is infected. Stewart explained toNewsweekthat medical-hand-exercise techniques and tools, for example, used in these surgeries are not all that is safe during the pandemic because they will encourage the release of the droplets and air particles of the patient operating on. And for signs of less known coronaviruses, see6 symptoms of covidation that are right in front of you.

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