23 Men's habits do not realize in the heart
It turns out, there is a soft spot when it comes to the amount of sleep you should get.

You probably think you have a very good idea of what habits arebad for your heart: Do not do enough exercise, reducing too much red meat, maybe even ignore your doctor to push sodium. But our blood pumping organ is really complex and there is a range of factors that can have a negative impact on it. Bad habits of sleep not to spend enough time with other people, these are the 23 behaviors that can hurt your heart.
1 You are choking.

To be overweight is a huge risk factor with respect to heart disease. But whatever weight, you just have to overexercure to meals can spell the danger for your heart. "When you eat a lot of food at the same time, the stomach develops and the body changes the blood from the heart to the digestive system," said cardiologistShaista Malik, MD, medical director of theUniversity of California, Cardiology and Cholesterol Management Program for Irvine Health. "In people who already have a blockage in heart arteries, any blood balance away from the heart can cause angina angina or thoracic pain."
For similar reasons, the meal can also lead to faster and irregular heartbeat, which can cause a heart attack or heart failure.
2 You do not sleep enough.

Do not have enough sleep can have a number of dangerous effects on the heart. For one, it can affect your food choices, saysSujay Kansagra, MD, Director ofDuke University Neurology Sleep Medicine Program. "Private sleeping individuals eat 385 additional calories per day on average," he says.
But that's not all. According toNational Sleep Foundation"To sleep too little cause disturbances in the underlying health conditions and biological processes such as glucose metabolism, blood pressure and inflammation." For your heart, make the full night's sleep a priority.
3 Or you sleep too much.

Of course, do not have enough sleep is dangerous. CornGet too much sleep can also have negative effects. A 2018 study published in theEuropean heart newspaper I found that people sleeping between eight and nine o'clock an overnight increase their risk of dying or developing a 5% cardiovascular disease. And people sleeping more than 10 hours per night increase their risk of 41%.
4 You will look at the television.

Reproachin front of the television May feel relaxing, but it could hurt your heart in the long run. A 2019 study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association found that the session while watching television, as opposed to the workplace session - was associated with a higher risk of heart disease and death.
"Our conclusions show that the way you spend your time outside of work can include more in terms of cardiac health", author of the studyKeith M. Diaz, Ph.D, says in a statement. "Even if you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods, replace the time you spend at home with an intense exercise could reduce your risk of heart disease and death."
5 You are all-or nothing when it comes to exercising.

That's something like that: you know you have to exercise. You choose something tiring so you really have your money. You will overex and hate the experience. You want to never do this activity again. Weeks or months later, the cycle starts again.
Unfortunately, this model will eventually hurt your heart, because the organ requires regular exercises to stay healthy. According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Even as little as an hour of walking or gardening, a week has been linked to lower cardiac attack, stroke and death.
6 You forget to pass the dental silk.

Doctors always explore the exact connection between gum disease and heart disease, but they know we exist. In fact, a 2016 study published in thePostgraduate medical newspaper BMJfound that oral bacteria can contribute to the risk of a person's atherosclerosis, or hardening and narrowing of the arteries. This can in turn increase your risk of cardiac attack.
"Studies over the last 15 years have shown that if patients reduce chronic inflammation that gum disease causes good oral hygiene, they can also have a positive effect on their diabetic, heart and global health status" , saidJeffrey Sulitzer, DMD, the chief clinical officer inSmile Direct Club. Fortunately, you can do it simply in brushing and dental silk daily.
7 You smoke or live with a smoker.

There are few worse choices for your general health thansmoking. In addition to increasing your risk of cancer, it also increases your risk of developing blood clots and plaque accumulation in the arteries. In fact, according toJohns Hopkins Medicine, one in five tobacco pieces is caused by heart disease. In addition, cigarette smokers are also twice as likely to undergo a stroke than non-smokers. And if it's not enough reason to quit, get this: a smoking-related heart disease kills about 46,000 non-smokers each year due to the effects of second-hand smoke. For the sake of those you love at least, it's time to smoke.
8 You do not treat your snoring.

Persistent snoring can be a sign ofobstructive sleep apnea, a condition that periodically blocks your respiratory tract. Not only do these blockages pull your brain from a sleep and you let yourself feel exhausted, but they can also have an impact on your heart health. A 2010 study published in the journalTraffic Even found that men with severe sleep apnea were 58% more likely to develop congestive heart failure than men without disorder.
According to the National Sleep Foundation, "Without Long Deep Rest Period, some chemicals are activated that maintain the body to make prolonged periods in which heart rate and blood pressure are lowered. Over time, this can lead to a Higher blood pressure during the day and more chances of cardiovascular problems. "So, if you always feel exhausted after a full night's sleep, ask your doctor a simple screening procedure for sleep apnea.
9 You drink diet sodas.
Nope, this soda diet does not deceive your heart. Although it can feel healthier than drinking the calorie version, the diet has a negative impact on your health. In fact, a 10-year study published in 2012 in theJournal of General Internal Medicine I found that people who drank a daily soda dietedate were more likely to develop cardiovascular disease than those who remained completely abandoned. Exchange your soda for water or selertzer and your heart will thank you for that.
10 You drink too much alcohol.
Drinking alcohol In small quantities does not do much damage. However, overinforcement can lead to a higher risk of high blood pressure, increased blood fats andheart failure. "The current consensus is that men should avoid consuming more than two alcoholic beverages per day", according toMarc Eisenberg, MD, andChristopher Kelly, MD, cardiologists and co-authors ofAm I dying?: A complete guide on your symptoms and what to do next. "More than that, however, and your risk of abnormal heartbeat (such as a pet fibrillation), heart failure and heart attacks increase."
11 You eat red meat loads.

Many men enjoy a good steak, but it should be the diet exception instead of the rule. Red meat, including beef, pork and lamb, is full of saturated fat (that is, bad type). A 2017 research review published in theInternational Journal of Preventive Medicine Even found that eating a portion of red meat a day is associated with a high risk of cardiac disease. You do not have to go full vegetarian if it's not your cup of tea, but you stick more skinny cuts, chicken and fish is the way forward.
12 You jump your fruits and vegetables.

If you do not get a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables, then you make your heart a bad rank. In fact, a 2007 meta-analysis published in theJournal of Human Hypertension I found that people who eat more than five portions of fruits and vegetables per day have a risk of heart disease of 20% of 20% than those who eat less than three portions. It does not mean that I mean a fuel leaf after the ordinary kale sheet, even if you try to add extra vegetables to soups, sandwiches and other fries that you already eat andSmotherly For extra fruits.
13 You do not know your numbers.

What is your current cholesterol level? How about your blood sugar levels? Your blood pressure? Not knowing that your risk factors make them all the more dangerous. Get your numbers tested regularly - and if you are confused on what one of them means, make sure to seek clarification from your doctor.
14 You load on the salt.
"Salt foods retain fluid in your system, making your heart pumping blood harder, increasing your blood pressure," saysThanu jey, MARYLAND, director of the clinicYorkville Sports Medicine Clinic In Toronto, Canada. "It is important to check the sodium content when selecting foods to help you make smarter cardiac decisions." TheU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA) recommends limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day; The average American consumes 3,400 mg.
15 You do not know your symptoms.

Let's say you have traveled three stair flights every day to go to your office. During the last week or two, you find that you feel more expensive than usual. Do you have to assume that it's only a natural byproduct of age? Nope. It is better to check with your doctor.
This may seem like no big problem, but if you catch an early heart problem, you are a much better chance to stay healthy. It is better to know that your chest pressure or your pain isnot Symptom of heart disease only to make assumptions until it is too late.
16 You biber your emotions.

You probably know that refusing to face feelings of depression, anger andAnxiety is bad for your mental health. However, this can also sin for your physical health. In fact, healthy people often angry or hostile are 19% more likely than more calm people to develop heart disease, according to a study cited byWebmd.
Instead of bottling things, take the time to escape a friend or try guided meditation. Of course, if feelings get overwhelming, consult a therapist is your best choice. Talking about your problems with a professional compassion will do wonders for your head and heart.
17 You have one thing for fried foods.

You already know that fried food is not ideal for your heart. But did you know how many things could actually impact? According to a 2019 study published in theBritish medical newspaper, those who ate a single portion of fried chicken one week had an increase of 11% of the risk of death of cardiovascular disease.
18 You forget to take your blood pressure pills.

Arterial hypertension, also calledhypertension, is known as "the silent killer" because you can not feel his effects. So, if you have been prescribed drugs for your blood pressure, you might feel even if you skip a dose ... or stop taking it completely.
However, just because you do not feel different does not mean that your heart is not addressed to the repercussions. Make sure you regularly take prescribed medications. If you encounter side effects, talk to your doctor before making changes - there are dozens of hypertension medications, and another could be accurate from what you need.
19 You sweep the little things.

"Stress considerably increases the risk of a heart attack. It is not surprising that heart attacks are more likely to occur on Monday ... and morning ... and during traffic, according to Eisenberg and Kelly. "Despite the constant pressures of" shaking "more difficult than the rest, it is also essential to take a few minutes every hour to love yourself with a deep breath, a meditation or everything that helps you to calm you. Learn to Respond to your stressors right away. "
20 You drive to work.

Yes, even something as simple as the way you arrive at your office can have a significant impact on your heart health. A 2010 study published in the journalInternal medicine archives found that people who came to work by bike or walk had a lower risk of heart disease than those who did not do it.
21 You are isolating yourself.

It could be difficult to hear for introverts and workers, but a lack of positive social relationships can harm your heart health. A 2016 study published in the magazineHeart have found that those who reported that bad social relations had a chance of 29% of having a coronary disease than those of healthier friendships. Humans are social animals and relationships are good for our hearts, both figuratively and literally.
22 You do not define cardiac health goals.
At the moment, you have learned about some unhealthy heart habits and you have probably recognized some in your own life. If you want to make changes, get you specifically with yourself. "I want to have a healthier heart" is a dignified goal, but how will you know when you reached it?
Instead, set smaller and measurable goals for yourself. Commit to eating three portions of fruits and three portions of vegetables a day. Make a plan for at least 15 minutes of exercise a day. In this way, you can track your progress significantly and see how far you have to go.
23 You suppose you are not at risk.

Let's say you are an active guy at a healthy weight that does not smoke or dominate. You have a lot of sleep and work actively to reduce your stress. Do you think you do not have to worry about heart disease? Still think. The truth is that heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention (CDC). One in four out of four deaths is due to heart disease and more than half of these deaths are in men.
"Poor cardiac health can escape you, but it's also easy to correct when things are early," says Jey. Consult your doctor for regular check-ups and make sure they know the health history of your family. Between appointments, pay attention toYour personal risk factors and the attention of your doctor's advice to decrease them. And for more cardiac night habits, you will want to jump, check the27 daily habits that ruin your heart.
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