This major fact that we thought of masks may not be true, say doctors

The experts say that you protect not only others when you wear a mask.

At this point we all know thatmask Is it highly recommended, in some places, the mandatory method of curbing coronavirus propagation. Their use has been approved by the best health experts and their effectiveness has been proven by research, especially when it comes to their ability to prevent an infected person from spreading the virus. Everyone is advisable to wear one becauseMany CIVID-19 patients are asymptomatic And may not know they are sick. However, according to new research, some experts argue that masks make masks more thanhelp prevent infected people from disseminating coronavirus to othersThey can actually reduce your risk of contracting a serious case of COVID-19.

In a new search document published inJournal of General Internal Medicine, doctors suggest that wearing a maskLimits the number of coronavirus particles Who are able to grab your nose or mouth when you are in close contact with an infected person. In turn, doctors explain, you are more likely to experience a slightly probable asymptomatic case of COVID-19 if you are infected. In other words, fewer particles lead to less severe symptoms. "Universal masking reduces the inoculum or dose of the virus for the mask, leading to lighter and asymptomatic infection manifestations,"Monica Gandhi, MD, MPH, Professor of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco and co-author of the study, wrote in the newspaper.

four friends wearing face masks walking down a city street

It should be noted that evidence supporting Gandhi's theory and colleagues are limited to that of animal experiences, as well as expert observations from certain events during the pandemic. That being the case, some experts not affiliated with the research document say, although a logical position to take, it is too early to say definitively ifMasks can reduce the risk of a person of serious CVIV-19 symptoms.

Talk toThe New York Times,Tsion Firew, MD, an emergency doctor from Columbia University, said the link between the port of a mask and softer symptoms remains unforeseen, but that Gandhi and the team's paper are consistent with what 'She and other experts believe to be true to wear masks. "It's not just a selfless act," said FueloTimes.

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If the masks actually contribute to reducing the serious cases of COVID-19, this can lead to a positive benefit of having lighter or asymptomatic cases among the population. "Asymptomatic infections can be harmful for propagation but could actually be beneficial if they result in higher exposure rates," says paper. "Exposing the company at SARS-COV-2 without the unacceptable consequences of a serious illness with public masking could lead to greater community level immunity and slower propagation as we expect a vaccine." And for more projections on what is coming, check outDr. Faisci has just made this major COVID-19 forecast for the fall.

Categories: Health
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