This rare weather event is about to make coronaviruses even worse still

The experts say this weird event - the worst of its kind in 50 years - could affect the southeastern United States.

As states of the country reportCOVID-19 Record case numbers, the officials rush to try to stop the coronavirus to spread more. But in the southern states on particularly affected, a rare meteorological event can make the situation even worse. AColossal dust feather of the Sahara Desert Fragging from the Atlantic, with experts claiming that this can cover parts of southeastern United States later this week, reports NBC News.

Scientists claim that even though Sahara feathers are a relatively regular occurrence, this year's dust cloudthat they nicknamed "The godzilla cloud" is the worst observed in at least 50 years. Medical experts now fear thatpoor air quality will trigger respiratory problems, similar to the effects ofDense smoke of forest fire. It is particularly worrying thatCoronavirus already creates respiratory problems For many patients.

"The dust particles are what we call particles, and we know that the breathing of fine particles of everything is not good for the respiratory tract, especially people sensitive to poor air",Thomas Gill, PhD, aProfessor of geological sciences At the University of Texas in El Paso, told NBC News.

A dust cloud approaching over the dessert

Medical experts warn that the event will beonly make things worse For areas already suffering from poor air quality. "There are some emerging information that people living in places where atmospheric pollution can be at higher risk [of COVID-19]".Gregory Wellenius, PhD, of theDepartment of Environmental Health At the University of Boston University School, NBC News told NBC News. "There may be potential interactions between air pollution and the symptoms of COVID or progression, but it remains fairly early data."

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In addition to having hisbroken image by astronauts On the international spatial station, the cloud of dust has already been spotted as itdo the earth In the Caribbean, inviting local officials to warn "dangerous" air and ask residents ofStay inside and use air filters if possible. HAZY, a limited visibility has already been reported to Puerto Rico, Antigua, and Trinidadad & Tobago, with forecasting experts to be held until Thursday, when the dust cloud should begin to affect the United States continental and For more information on how coronaviruses can affect your breathe, checkEven without symptoms of Covid-19, you could have this dangerous side effect.

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