These are the things that increase your risk of dying of coronavirus

These risk factors could mean the difference between life and death.

While coronavirus spreads like a forest fire around the world, we have all witnessed its destruction. At present, we are approaching deaths around 400,000 lost lives, of which about a quarter has been lost here in the United States, since many of us are likely to contract the coronavirus. whileWaiting for a vaccineIt is perfectly logical that you can find yourself trying to calculate your personal risk to cope with the worst scenario. Fortunately,SignsSymptoms and risk factors Take the current in your hands: If your risk is actually higher, you can take concrete steps to limit your exposure and stay safe. Read it to find out what factors increase your risk of dying of coronaviruses, common sense to confusion. And reduce your coronavirus coronation in an easy step,It's the easiest thing to do to cut your coronavirus risk in two.

Have a bmi on 40

Heavy man measuring his waist

According to disease control and prevention centers (CDC), theLink between obesity and coronavirus is real, and it can be mortal: those with aBMI of 40 or more This contract The virus has a significantly higher risk of developing acute respiratory distress (ARDS), the condition responsible for most coronavirus deaths. But exactly how high is your risk of mortality if you are considered obese?Mark Hyman, MD, explains that obese people arethree times more likely To die of coronavirus, making it one of the most important risk factors known to coronavirosis-related mortality.

Be a man

Man wearing mask in city

In aInterview with NPR,Veena Taneja, PhD, a researcher of the Mayo clinic who studies the gender differences in immunity against coronavirus, shared thatMen are at a lot bigger risk to die from Covid-19.

It has been largely widelyconcluded by researchers That women generally have healthier living habits and a threshold statistically lower than looking for medical attention - both could take into account their higher survival rates. Taneja explains that women's organs can also mount a stronger immune response to the virus because they carry two copies of the X chromosome, which contains "a lot of immunode-response genes". And to get up to the latest security recommendations, discover how theWhich has just changed its coronavirus mask guidelines.

Have one of these underlying conditions

closeup of Dr. taking blood pressure

In a report that examined more than 4,000 coronavirus-related deaths in England and Wales, the U.K National Statistics Office. determined that 9 out of 10 patients had at least one underlying health problem. The BBC reports that the mostcommon co-morbidities werecardiopathy or hypertension, dementia of dementia and respiratory disease - and on average, those who died have had three additional health conditions beyond their main state.

Have a shorter ring than your major

man's hand

According to a report published in the journalEarly Human Development, There areA statistical correlation BetweenThe length of a man's fingerAnd his chances of dying of coronavirus. The reason is at the testosterone levels, which have been demonstrated to affect the immune response of a person: the more the testosterone, the length of the finger is long and the longer the immune response.

That said, if your ring isshorter That your major, it does not mean that you are in danger: it simply means that you are less likely to have a particular hormonal advantage against the virus, if you have to contract it. And to find out what symptom is a major red flag, checkThe coronavirus warning n ° 1 is in your body.

Have these indicators in your blood

Gloved scientist hand holding blood tests

New search published in the magazineNature Machine Intelligence reveals that doctors can now actuallypredict if a patient will die coronavirus within 10 days of testing.

According toInternal business communityThe researchers were able to useA simple blood test measure "myriad of myriad, heart and coagulation of blood" and with the help of a machine learning program to process the data, they could predictResult of a patientwith an accuracy of 90%. The trio of markers for increased mortality includes high levels of LDH enzyme, lymphopenia and increased high sensitivity proteins C-reactive.

Live in a retirement home

Elderly woman with walker

We all know that age plays a major role in the results of coronavirus patients, butEven among the elderlyThere are higher risks in a population: those living in retirement homes. A recent study published by the Foundation for Equal Opportunities Research (FREOPP) concluded that retirement homes and assisted living facilities accounted for42% of coronavirus deaths.

This is probably due to a combination of factors, including advanced age, creeping transmission in shared spaces and the prevalence of underlying conditions. And to find out what you can do to stay healthy, here's5 surprising things that slash your coronavirus coronation.

Having been exposed to a high concentration of the virus

Women trying to avoid their friend's sneeze

A recent study published in the journalJama concluded that health workers fall sick withMore serious symptoms that the general population. Although there are many researchers left that this is because the initial level of exposure of a person could affect the success of COVID-19 to attack the body.

This would mean for example that inhalation of a deep breath of cough or sneezed particles could make more damage than to contract the coronavirus of a smaller amount of the virus on a surface - all the reasons forkeep six feet apart and carry your mask in public.

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