10 myths on your thyroid

Find out what is misunderstood about this important metabolism control gland.

The thyroid gets a bad rap, blamed for all of fatigue with weight gain. And while these are common symptoms of aunderring thyroidThis important endocrine gland is not always responsible for your negative physical symptoms. In fact, people throw around the word "thyroid" without understanding what it does exactly. Eat this, not that! is there to erase things.

Your thyroid is the butterfly shaped gland in your neck that releases two important hormones (triiodothyronine and thyroxine), which set the temperature of your body, the metabolism and how you digest food. He is also responsible for vital organs such as your heart, brain, liver, kidneys and skin.

Conditions such as hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, tombs disease and Hashimoto thyroiditis fall within the duration of thyroid disease. Although 20 million Americans suffer from a kind of thyroid disease, symptoms are difficult to pin and tend to imitate the current stressors of everyday life: fatigue, anxiety or feeling too hot (or cold) ), to name only a few. As so much is still poorly understood that this part of the body of the metabolism controlling, we separate the fact of the fiction. Do you want to keep your thyroid operation at its best? Check25 best foods for your thyroid and metabolism.


Myth: it makes you big

Your thyroid can be a practical emissary goat for significant weight gain; After all, it controls your metabolism, which affects the number of calories you burn throughout the day - a sub-active thyroid (hypothyroidism) means a slower metabolism, and therefore a slower speed to which your body can convert Energy food. But in reality, a slow metabolism is quite rare. "Although the thyroid has a role in the regulation of metabolism, it is a variable in a very complicated network of neurological hormones and connections," explains Dr. Eduardo Grunvald, Program Director of the Management Program of Management Weight of the UC San Diego. "Although there is a minority of patients who notice a significant weight gain with untreated hypothyroidism (and weight loss with treatment), most people need to address all other factors that contribute to weight even when the thyroid is off. " Discover our30 secret reasons that you have won weight To see what else could be the culprit.

Other symptoms other than weight gain could also report a problem with your thyroid: fatigue, brain fog, anxiety and dry skin. If you are convinced, you have a thyroid problem, make sure to visit a doctor to get a blood test.


Myth: a sudden weight loss means that you have a hyperactive thyroid

On the side, a hyperactive thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism) or tombs can manifest itself with symptoms of weight loss, but not always. Some people actually have weight while their thyroid is too active. Other symptoms of hyperthyroid comprise fast heart rate, high body temperature and trouble sleeping.


Myth: Only women receive hypothyroidism

It is true that more women than men get a thyroid disease, especially hypothyroidism. This is because it is an autoimmune disease, which is more common in women thanks to the presence of estrogen. But men can also have thyroid problems. In fact, men symptoms experiment with a sub-active thyroid include hair loss, constipation, fatigue, loss of sex drive and painful muscles, among others.


Myth: You do not need medications to control your thyroid

If youto do Having a thyroid disease, treatment is more complicated than exchanging your potato chips for an apple. , Of course, doChoice of healthier food Go have an impact on your thyroid, but it can not be treated with a diet alone. If you have diagnosed with thyroid disease, make sure you check with your doctor to see what is the best treatment course. Often, it is a mix of drugs, healthy diet and exercise.


Myth: You can not take thyroid drugs during pregnancy

Pregnancy usually means giving an exhaustive list of food and medicine for nine months: alcohol, sushi, caffeine, meat, aspirin, ibuprofen. Fortunately, thyroid drugs are not one of them. Of course, get your doctor before taking medication during pregnancy.


Myth: Only the elderly obtain a thyroid disease


Thyroid problems are generally associated with people of a certain age; After all, women over 60 have a 20% chance of having a problem with their gland. But it's not just a disease of an elderly person. This can happen to people of all ages: especially women after pregnancy, or at the end of the 1930s when their hormones change. Even if you are young and always notice symptoms of thyroid problems (weight gain, fatigue, depression, change of body temperature, etc.), make sure to tell your doctor.


Myth: Gluten-free diet will cure thyroid problems

As mentioned earlier, change changes can certainly affect your thyroid for the better. But it's not a curative treatment. Most thyroid diseases, such as Graves and Hashimoto's disease, have a genetic component, then the family's history is your biggest trigger - not a diet rich in gluten. If you have a celiac disease as well as a thyroid question, of course, ban the bread. Otherwise, the thyroid disease is generally treated with drugs prescribed by your doctor.


Myth: a mass in your neck is probably a thyroid disease

Although a size on your neckcould Report a cancer of enlarged thyroid or thyroid, this is not always the case. It could be a swollen lymph node, which arrives when you have a cold or sore throat. Or it could be an expanded cyst. Ask your doctor to check 100%.


Myth: You can treat the thyroid disease yourself with iodine


This is true, your thyroid uses the iodine (commonly found in the table salt) to work, then will be safe, it is the key to a work gland. And Iodine radioactive therapy (RAI) is sometimes used to treat hyperactive thyroid disorders or thyroid cancer. But in reality, most people get adequate amounts of iodine just in their daily diet. In fact, exceeding on iodine could actually cause more thyroid problems, such as too much thyroid hormone in an attempt to process all the additional iodine. So do not go the DIY road and take iodine supplements to yourself without consulting your doctor first.


Myth: You must totally give up soy


Although a popular choice for herbal protein, soy can activate the estrogen receptors of your body, which can ruin your hormones. And if you take thyroid medications, soy could harm the way it is absorbed in the body. But this vegan protein does not need to be completely avoided. Soy Sojy can be appreciated with moderation - say a few times a week at dinner to avoid interfering with morning drugs. To explode even more fat and live your oldest and healthiest life, do not miss these essential elements25 myths of food that causes weight gain!

Categories: Healthy Eating
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