This former anti-vaccine mom is viral to choose to vaccinate his children

"It's preventable. That's what shock me now."

A mother of PennsylvaniaFacebook Post About her 7 month old babyvaccinated After years of being anti-vaccination, it's viral. On April 30 post, which has more than 3,000 shares, Watch Abbaye Clint holding his baby, Madelyn, while she pulling his blows. And it is accompanied by an infographic describing studies that have inferned a link supposed betweenautism and vaccines, a common belief amongvaxxide.

Clint itself was a long-standing anti-vaxxer - she even grew up without vaccinations and over-the-counter medications in her home. But it was before having learned the battle of his mother-in-law with an infectious disease that made his question all she knew.

"We grew up without muchantibiotics, without any Tylenol, antidowing drugs, or anything like that, "Clinttold Buzzfeed News. "To date, my mother's closet at home is full of natural supplements and you can not find an ibuprofen."

After complications with his third pregnancy, the six-clint mother "lost confidence in how doctors manipulated things,"told

Growing up, Clint did not question the perspectives of his parents. And before getting married, Clint and her husband decided that they did not get their future children either. After all, she did not get vaccinated and she was fine, so what was wrong?

Then, one day she discovered that her mother-in-law was almost dead of rubella. The disease has been eliminated in the United States since 2004, butDisease control and prevention centers (CDC) urges everyone to be vaccinated to prevent its resurgence, especially if you plan to have a baby. If a pregnant woman contracts a rubella during pregnancy, she can have a miscarriage or baby could undergo serious birth defects, such as loss of hearing or sight, heart problems, intellectual disabilities and damage. at the liver or spleen.

Clint started doing research by trying to avoid any misinformation and try to stay as objective as possible.

"I had to stop all the emotions," she told Buzzfeed News. "I had to look at the statistics, see which sources I trust and be also distainate, logical, no matter how he seemed heartless - and weigh my chances."

She was horrified to realize that she could have taken rubella and having passed thisimitable disease On his baby while she was pregnant. "What if I caught it?" She told Buzzfeed News. "And if my baby caught him in my belly? It's preventable. That's what shock me now."

Clint's position received thousands of comments from Facebook prostitute and anti-vaccine groups, and part of the reason for all attention is that the United States is currently in the midst of a national measles epidemic. According toCDC, 764 individual measles cases have been confirmed in 23 states between January and May 2019 - it is "the largest number of cases reported in the United States since 1994 and, since measles has been declared eliminated in 2000."

Anyone who gets themeasles vaccine Only only three percent chances of becoming infected with the disease, which means that the overwhelming majority of those who have contracted them are unvaccinated. In addition to being highly infectious and painful, measles can cause serious complications, such aspneumonia (Infection of the lungs) and encephalitis (swelling of the brain). These complications are more common among adults over 20 and children under five. "As much as one of the 20 on 20 children with measles gets pneumonia, the most common cause of measles death in young children",CDC reports.

That is why Clint is so grateful that she did not contrave the measles while she was pregnant as a result of her unvaccinated. "Happy that my babies do not need to suffer from infectious diseases avoiding," she wrote on Facebook. "Preventive maintenance saves co-pays and saves lives. Proud to vaccinate!"

And for more french mothers positions, see thisMom's viral response to his teenage girl is unable to handle a baby robot.

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