40% of Americans did this dangerous thing to combat coronavirus
Have you taken your coronavirus cleaning scheme too far?

In response to the coronavirus epidemic, many Americans now take precautions that would have appeared unimaginable only a few months ago. These days, we avoid the crowds, never leave the housemaskand clean our homes with demanding standards. For the most part, our efforts are effective in fighting against the virus - especially, they do not worry any prejudice to our health and safety. However, as a recent survey of disease control and prevention centers (CDC) reveals, almost40% of people go too far In their efforts to stay safe by abusing hazardous chemicals and household cleaning products in an effort to counteract the transmission of the virus.
According to the CDC report, these dangerous practices included the application of bleach to food (most commonly fruit and vegetables), frictionDisinfectant products On the skin, inhaling household cleaners, and in some rare cases, even drinking or garging chemicals or whitening solutions.
Although we can assume that those who have said that participating in these habits were just not aware of the associated dangers, it was not the case. The CDC noted that investigating respondents saidintentionally using theseHigh-risk strategies, despite warnings against them. They weighed risks and simply determined that coronavirus was the biggest threat.
The CDC did not marked the words in the definition of the right registration. They emphasized that there has been a "sharp increase in poison control" on exposure to chemicals and disinfectants, as the pandemic has begun - and that these dangerous practices are largely to blame . Confirmation of CDC affirmation that these risky habits take a toll, 25% of survey respondents reported having suffered aUnfavorable health effect- having sinus problems, skin irritation and eyes, headaches, respiratory problems and more - that they believed was the result of their dangerous use ofCleaners or disinfectants.
In short, if you commit yourself in one of these high-risk habits, it's time to stop getting you off night. Although all cleaning and disinfection products are different, there is a way you can be sure to stay safe: read the instructions on labels and their warnings. Your health and safety depend on it. And to learn more about how your cleaning routine puts you in danger, checkThe only thing you hurt every time you disinfect.

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