23 depression affects your body

This mental pain could also make a number on your body.

Approximately16% of the adult population is affected by a major depressive disorder. But despite the hypotheses, the condition does not only affectMental Health. In many cases, depression can cause serious physical health problems, even even life in danger of life. To increase your risk of infection to the complication of your cancer diagnosis, read it to discover how depression affects the body.

This increases your risk of cardiac disease.

an with Chest Pain How Depression Affects the Body

Depression But your heart hurts - and not just metaphorically talking. According to the searches published in the journalMolecular psychiatry In 2019, depression and heart disease are linked to high markers of inflammation. This means that depressed people are more likely to developcardiopathy, and vice versa.

This makes your memory worse.

forgetful man How Depression Affects the Body

If your memory started fading when you reachYour 50s, a history of depression can be to blame. When researchers fromSussex University studied data from the National Study on the Development of the Child in 2019, they discovered that those who have undergone depressive symptoms in their 20, 30 years and40Swere more likely to have lost somememory function by their 50 years.

This increases your blood pressure.

Person Getting Their Blood Pressure Checked How Depression Affects the Body

The health risks associated withhypertension-Or high blood pressure-contains conditions such as aneurysms,dementiametabolic syndrome andheart failure. And unfortunately, there seems to be a direct correlation between depression and hypertension. According to a 2019 study published in the newspaperPsychology of healthPeople suffering from severe depression are 50% more likely to have high blood pressure compared to those without that.

It strengthens your risk of arthritis.

Hands with Rheumatoid Arthritis How Depression Affects the Body

Even your joints are not safe toSide effects depression. In the same 2019Psychology of health Study, researchers found that the risk of depressed topics for arthritis was 87% higher than without history ofanxiety and depression. Surprising, being depressed is more a risk factor for arthritissmoking Whereto be overweight.

It makes you feel more intensely.

a woman clutching her chest in an office How Depression Affects the Body

This may seem like a minor trauma to a person without depression can be a serious source of pain for those who have the disease.

For example, when researchers atOxford University tested this physical physical link in 2010, they discovered that people in anegative state of mind felt pain pain more intensely. "When ... healthy people have been made sad by negative and depressing thoughtsmusic, we found that their brain treated pain more emotionally, which lead (CIS) to them to find the painful pain ", author of the studyDr. Chantal BernaExplain.

This can give you gastrointestinal problems.

Woman using the bathroom, using the toilet How Depression Affects the Body

Yourbathroom Habits and your mental health also have a direct impact on each other. Of course, everyone with digestive health problems is not also depressed, but the state of mental health has the problems of GI many patients, thanks to the connection of the core-gut.

In a 2011 study published inGastroenterology and hepatology: from the bed to the benchThe researchers gave the patients constipated two projections of different psychiatric disorders and found that approximately 27% of respondents suffered from depression.

This triggers headaches and migraines.

people, emotions, stress and health care concept - unhappy african american young woman touching her head and suffering from headache How Depression Affects the Body

One of the many risk factors for chronicleHeadache and migraines is depressive symptoms. In a 2018 study published in the journalHeadacheResearchers have studied more than 400 patients with a history of migraines. They found that more often a person had migraines, the more they felt anxiety and depression.

He disturbs your sleep schedule.

Woman Lying Awake How Depression Affects the Body

Depression and sleep disorders go hand in hand. The two questions are so closely linked, in fact, that a 2008 study published inDialogs in clinical neuroscience Noted that "a diagnosis of depression in the absence of sleep complaints should be careful."

According to the study, about 75% of all depressed individuals are likely to befight against insomniaand about 40% of depressed young adults take care of hypersomnia - orexcessive drowsiness during the day.

This can increase your risk of eating too much.

Woman Stress Eating Donuts How Stress Affects the Body

"Give too muchobesity is often associated with depression, "noted a 2014 meta-analysis published in the journalBorders in psychology.

Research indicates that many depressed people will eat, even if they are not necessarily hungry, to get temporary relief from their symptoms. They are often drawn at high caloriecomforting foods, like donuts and pizza, it can lead toweight gain and other complications of physical health in the line.

This can make stomach burns more severe.

Woman Having Heartburn How Depression Affects the Body

In a 2018 study published in the journalGastroenterologyThe researchers tested the values ​​of pH Oesophageal acids of the patients with depression that were also reported as acid reflux. Despite the complaints of acid refluxpainNearly half of the patients studied had normal pH values ​​- indicating that they did not suffer from the disease. Thus, while people with depression are no longer likely to have gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) than their counterparts without anxiety, even a case of burns burning burns undergoes serious obscure. This is another effect to be more sensitive to physical pain.

This can cause back pain.

man with back pain sitting on a bed How Depression Affects the Body

If you wantLighten your back pain, first call your psychiatrist, then your chiropractor. Why? By study of 2004 of theUniversity of AlbertaPeople suffering from depression are four times more likely to undergo debugging pains over the neck and lower back with those with no mental illness.

It makes some less effective vaccines.

Kid at the Doctor's Office Getting a Smallpox Vaccine How Depression Affects the Body

Certainvaccinations have been proven not to work as well when you have been given to patients with depression.

Take the shingle vaccine, for example. In 2013, researchers fromUniversity of California, Los Angeles I studied the immune response to the shingle vaccine in 92 people over 60 years old. They found that those who suffered from depression had less resistance to vaccination.

This affects your libido.

older man not sure if he wants to have sex How Depression Affects the Body

If your partner suffers from depression, do not personally take it if it is not frequently in mood. According toJennifer Payne, M.D.,Director of the Center for Female Mood Disorders at Johns Hopkins, a loss oflibido is "a key symptom" that it and his team seeks "during the decision to decide if a person corresponds to the diagnosis of important depressive episodes."

In fact, 2006 research of theSTANFORD SCHOOL OF MEDICINE found that, between 25 and 75% of depressed people, deal with sexual dysfunction.

He spoiled with your view.

Older Woman at the Eye Doctor How Depression Affects the Body

Although most people experience the aggravation of sight as they get older, those who have depression tend to have more visual impairment than without that.

Researchers atAlbert Ludwig University of Freiburg Compared the view of 40 people with a major depression to that of 40 people who were not depressed in 2010. In doing so, they discovered that depressed people had a more difficult time to differentiate the black contrasts of white contrasts.

This increases your risk of diabetes.

woman testing blood How Depression Affects the Body

With common risk factors such as weight, genetics and age, a depression history also makes a person more likely to developType 2 diabetes. In a 2005 study published in the newspaperDiabetic treatments, people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes were 30% more likely to have had a depression than those with normal bloodsugar levels.

This can lead to inflammatory intestinal disease.

Man with Irritable Bowel Syndrome How Depression Affects the Body

Irritable intestine syndrome (IBS) is a painful digestive state without current treatment. And although doctors do not know the primary cause of this syndrome, what they know is that depression increases the risk of an individual to develop it. WhenCanadian researchers View Patients diagnosed with depression from 1986 to 2012, they found that these people were much more likely than those who have never experienced depression to develop Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Fortunately, some antidepressants were effective to protect against the IBS, to allow the help of your health and belly.

This makes you more likely to undergo a fall.

woman falling down stairs How Depression Affects the Body
Shutterstock / 9nong

Depressive symptoms, antidepressive use, bad equilibrium and poorCognitive function All are associated with an increased risk of falling in the elderly. And according to a 2015 study published in theArchives of gerontology and geriatricsThe elderly adults who have a double combination of these risk factors have a risk of increased falls of 55%. For people with three or four risk factors, this risk increases by 144%.

This can increase your risk of dementia.

Older Man on the Bed How Depression Affects the Body

A 2014 study published in the journalNeurology found a direct correlation between the symptoms of depression of a person and theirRisk of dementia. When the authors of the study examined 1,764 older adults without known memory problems and followed them for eight years, they found that those who subsequently developed cognitive deficiencies were more likely to have had a depression before their diagnosis. Although naturalaging processCould take into account some of these memory problems, researchers believe that depression has increased by 4.4% a person's cognitive decline.

This increases your risk of cerebral stroke.

Stroke Victim and Doctor How Depression Affects the Body

Anyone who, whatever their age, race or sex, cancerebral accident-But you are more likely to suffer from one if you also treat depression. When researchers atAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Analyzed thousands of cases of stroke in 2018, they found that the higher risk of a person's higher depression is higher, the higher their risk of cerebral stroke.

This makes you more susceptible to infection.

woman feeling sick How Depression Affects the Body

If you want to avoidpick up each bug Past around yourresidence WhereOffice, treat your depressive symptoms is the key. Research published in theInternational newspaper of epidemiology In 2015, found that depressed people had a greater risk of bacterial and viral infections.

This lowers your chances of surviving cancer.

woman at doctor's appointment How Depression Affects the Body
Shutterstock / Blurryme

Untreated depression can increase your death risk following aCancer diagnosis. According to a 2016 study published in the journalBmj. He revealed that people with high psychological distress levels, including depression, were 32% more likely to die of their cancer over the study period of nearly 10 years compared to those who are familiar with few Handy symptoms.

This increases muscle pain.

male runner suffering from a calf strain How Depression Affects the Body

This pain in your hamlet could be your depression to speak. For a 2004 study published in thePrimary Care Companion in the Journal of Clinical PsychiatryMuscle pain is only one of the many physical symptoms associated with depression, and it is often accompanied by joint pain and headaches.

It is a risk factor for osteoporosis.

Looking at an X Ray How Depression Affects the Body
Shutterstock / Minerva Studio

Registration on your mental health is a good way to start stimulating your bone health. By a 2009 meta-analysis published in the journalTrends in endocrinology and metabolismPatients with major depression have a bone mass of less than 15% of less than 15%, which is a huge risk factor for life-threatening fractures and falls. And in another 2008Serbian studyThe researchers studied premenopausal women with depression and found that 45% of them had symptoms of osteoporosis. And for more fight against the fight against depression, check these20 ways to improve your mental health every day.

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