Louisiana is the most stressed state of America
No, it's not New York.

Many things can contribute to ourstress levels-Bumper-to-bumper, matrimonial problems, conflict with colleagues and this stack of invoices that continues to grow. But the research has also shown that where you live can have a real impact on yourstress levels. And according to aNew Study of Weatthub Personal Finance Website, a particular state is the most stressed of all.
Wallethub has rated the 50 states based on 40 indicators, including the average travel length at work, the amount of leisure time, the unemployment rate, the affordability of housing and health care, the index of Poverty, the divorce rate, the cost of childcare, crime and overall emotional and physical health of its residents.
The study determined thatMinnesota is the least stressed state In America - and it is not particularly surprising. With an average life expectancy of 80.8 years, it is one of thethe states where people live the longestAnd it is also the state where you are most likely to be healthy in old age. On top of that, it's one ofdeclares where people have the freest time, which certainly helps reduce stress. One of his twin cities, Minneapolis, also ranked as one of theThe best cities in which to spend your golden years.
But at the other end of the spectrum, the Wallethub study revealed that theMost stressed state In the United States, Louisiana, thanks to high levels of stress related to work, money, family problems and health and safety concerns.
This is probably due in part to the fact that 19.7% of people liveUnder the poverty line In Louisiana. And given many people name financial stress like thecause of divorce, it is not surprising that Louisiana also has one of theHighest divorce rates in the country, at 20.8%. Also, despite working some of the longest hours in the country, many people in Louisiana still have trouble joining the two ends, possibly because theHousing is not so affordable As you might think.
So, if you are looking to convey to a lifestyle easier to live, thatSouthern gem might not be the best option. And if you are considering a big movement looking less stress, checkThe 100 most happy cities of America.
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