30 healthy tricks for resetting your sleep during daylight saving time

Try these sleep tips listening to daylight to rebound with one hour loss.

Summer time, the period beginning in March and ending in November when we set our clocks in advance or at a full hour, is ideal for those who can not imagine a life without much sun - and a major burden for those who arestruggle to sleep because of that.Summer time "Is a bit of a change in our 24-hour internal clock, our circadian rhythm," says Certified Sleep Science CoachTo fish, founder of the sleep information siteTuck.com. "It can take a little time for your body to adjust to change." With that in mind, we have compiled these sleep tips listening to the daylight to take you to the schedule after losing an hour.

Skip to a shower night.

Man in the shower

Although your morning shower can be refreshing, if you want to fight the effects of summer time, you would be wise to start cleaning the night instead. According to a 1999 study of the OFT-cited published in theEuropean Journal of Physiology and Occupational TherapyThe study participants who bathed the night fell asleep faster and enjoyed a better sleep than those who did not do it, and they moved less frequently during sleep.

Enjoy an earlier dinner.

black woman serving food to family and friends at outdoor table

If you want to get your sleep schedule on the right track when you change time, dinner an earlier event. "To abstain from eating two to three hours before sleep can help sleep, because the hunger hormone Ghrelin can bring your body to be sensitive to neurotransmitters who help lower sleep," says biochemistMike Roussell, PhD, Sleep Supplement CreatorNetein.

Pumele the fiber in your diet.

weight loss tips

A surprising way that you can do on your diet and sleep schedule for the better, when daylight, summer time? Pick up the fiber you eat. A 2016 study published in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal I revealed that low fiber diets were associated with an increased risk of sleep disturbances, then go ahead and load meals with green vegetables, flax seeds or whole grains.

And mention your protein intake.

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You can fill yourself without counting on starchy carbohydrates and improve your sleep at a glance by adding an extra protein to your diet. In fact, researchers atPurdue University In 2016, in 2016 found that overweight and obese study topics that increased their protein consumption experienced a better sleep after changing their diet.

Make a progressive sleep transition.

Tired Business Man

Although it may be tempting to try to adjust your sleep in one night, it can do more harm than good. Instead, take a progressive approach. Certified clinical health expertMartin Reed, MED, founder ofInsomnia coach, suggests adjusting your 15 minute bed time for a few nights before the change of Saturday at night. If you usually hit the hay at 11 m., Sleep at 10:45. this Wednesday. Go to bed at 10:30. Thursday 10:15 barely Friday, and finally 10 m. Saturday. When you lose this time, you will not even notice that it's gone.

Pass the alcohol before going to bed.

people drinking wine at dinner

With the Havoc GENERAL HAVOC DAYLIGHT TIME can drop on your sleep schedule, you could be particularly eager to enjoy a cocktail or two. However, withstand this impulse will leave you better rested at the end.

In a 2018 study published inNeurologyThe researchers found that alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of REM problems, leading to a shorter and less restful sleep. "Alcohol disturbs your natural sleep cycles and should be avoided before the bed," says Roussell.

And cut caffeine after breakfast.

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Difficult that it can be, abandoning that the middle afternoon coffee cut could be the best thing to do for your sleep schedule.Stimulants like caffeine Can disrupt the natural pace of your body as it is, and its effects are aggravated only by a lack of sleep. However, this does not only mean nixing coffee.

"Chocolate - especially dark chocolate - should be avoided near the bed because it contains compounds structurally similar to caffeine," says Roussell. In addition to leaving the end-of-evening chocolate chocolate, skip some headache remedies containing caffeine will help you in the long run.

Tell Fido to hit the road.

why yawning is contagious

We know it's difficult, but if you are looking forward to improving your sleep quality and your quantity when the day saving time moves, it's time to give your animals aside the start of your bed. According to the 2017 research in 2017 of theMAYO Clinic, keeping pets in your bed can make it harder to sleep. However, do not send them too far, knowing that they are close, you can actually improve your sleep quality.

Wake up a little earlier.

alarm clock how to sleep better

As painful as it may be on the first day, you hold it, start your day earlier can generate major benefits for your sleep cycle when weather changes hits. "The best way to avoid fatigue after daylight is to get up a little earlier," says Specialist Specialist and Night TherapistKat Leder, PhD.

And start your mornings with oatmeal.

higher energy person

What you eat in the morning can have a serious impact on the quality of your time change adaptation. So, how do you reset your body? Try to start your mornings with a bowl of oats. According to a 2013 study published in theJournal of circadian rhythmsPeople who eat a richness-rich breakfast, such as oat oats, increase their production of nocturnal melatonin, which facilitates football.

Dip a certain sunlight.

an optimistic woman in a field on a sunny day

The prescription for a better sleep when summer time spoils your sleep schedule? Enjoy a little sun. "Get as much exposure of natural light as possible on Sunday morning to help reset the body clock - then go to bed at your normal time on Sunday night to help you get up normally on Monday," says Reed. And the research confirms that it can work for even those who have a serious time difficult to adjust.

In 2017, researchers atTepecik Hospital Education and Search In Turkey found that topics of seniors who increased their exposure to the sun between 8 o'clock and 10 years slept better than those who jumped the sun treatment.

Work during the day.

Chinnup Exercises for Adding Muscle

If you are looking forward to adapting to change of time, try adjusting your workout schedule first. The results of a noticeable 2003 study published in the journalTo sleep Reveal that you will get 225 minutes of exercise during daytime hours in a week at one week, the ability of study topics of the head. However, those who did the same night the night had actually had time to rest.

Pass the nap.

woman sleeping

Also tempting that it might be to take a nap to fight against changes in your schedule, it could make your insomnia worse. Even if it's difficult in the first days following the time switch, do your best to stay awake during the day and you will have an easier time at night. And if you absolutely need to take a nap, make sure it is between 1 m. and 3 p. and limit to 20 minutes, in accordance with the guidelines of the experts of theNational Sleep Foundation.

Keep the same night calendar.

couple brushing teeth

If you think the day saving time is a good time to start making any major changes in your night routine, resentn. According to a significant study of 2009 published inBMC Public HealthStudents with irregular bed habits had significant increases in the drowsiness of the day and had more difficulty falling asleep than those who were stuck in the same job day after the night.

Sleep with your phone out of sight (and mind).

Man is alone in bed reading his phone health tweaks over 40

Having your phone right next to you while you're in bed, you will not only be aware of the often unpleasant time change associated with summer time, it can also prevent you from getting the rest you need.

According to research carried outUniversity of HaifaIn 2017, the blue light emitted by devices such as phones, tablets, televisions and computer screens decreases both the duration and quality of sleep, aggravating the difficulty associated with the adjustment of your cycle of your cycle. sleep.

Add some meditation to your routine.

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A little conscience can go very far when it comes to dealing with the change of time. According to a 2015 study published inJAMA internal medicine, the elderly with sleep disturbances that have added some meditations of the full awareness of their routines for six weeks better slept than those who glued to their usual schemes.

Sweet snacks.

young asian woman with a plate of salad in front of her pushing away a plate of donuts

Although sweet snacks can give you a sudden glow of energy, they will not produce any long-term positive advantage when it comes to resetting your sleep cycle. In fact, according to the results of a 2016 study published in theClinical Sleep Medicine JournalSweet foods are associated with more frequent sleep disturbances and less repaired sleep overall.

Do not sing the heat.

reasons you're tired

It's always cold in March that you could reach the thermostat in an offer to stay warm. However, this can cause more problems than it's worth it. A study Note from 1994 published in the French newspaperThe medical press I found that temperatures between 16 and 19 degrees Celsius (60.8 and 66.2 degrees Fahrenheit) encouraged sleeping more sleep, so do you buy overtime in bed - and save money On heating bills - leaving your home pleasantly cool.

Decrease your lights before going to bed.

Lamp in a room

Turn your lights before going to bed and you will not even notice the change of time. The aforementioned 2013 study on tryptophane-rich breakfast food published in theJournal of circadian rhythms Also revealed that exposure to a low color temperature light, such as those of the red and yellow family, or traditional lights to the dimmer, can help the production of melatonin, which facilitates falling asleep.

Put socks before bedtime.

close up of crossed feet with socks on under a blanket in bed

Keeping your feet warm toleys when heading to your bed could be the easiest way to reduce the overall impact of day saving day on your sleep schedule. In 2018, researchers atNational University of Seoul I found that people carrying socks in bed reduced the time it took to fall asleep 7.5 minutes and sleep for 32 more minutes.

Reduce your intake of fries food

Woman Eating Fried Oreos Summer Fair

While you can feel slow and sleepy after a fried food meal, the consumption of these greasy treats will not allow you to make favors when it comes to resetting your internal clock. In fact, according to a study of 2016 published in theClinical Sleep Medicine JournalA high saturated grease is associated with a less relaxing sleep and more awakening during the night.

And ditch the midnight snack.

young white man grabbing a snack and a beer from an open fridge in the dark

Sorry, snackers at the end of the evening, catching something from the refrigerator when you can not sleep could aggravate your insomnia. The results of a 2011 study published in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journal Reveal a relationship between night eating and poor sleep, so possible, give yourself a break between your last meal and when you hit the hay.

Talk to a doctor of your depression.

man with therapist Being Single in your thirties

If you feel a bit worse for wear when summer time, it's time to talk to your doctor. According to a 2015 study published in theSultan Qaboos University Medical JournalThere is a strong bidirectional relationship between sleep loss and depression, which means more you lose sleep, the more you are likely to find you depressed, and the more depressed you are, the more you risk losing.

To put music on.

listening to yoga music before bed helps you sleep, study says.

Jerk off the tunes! According to a significant 2008 study published in theAdvanced Nurses JournalListening to classical music before selecting the quality of sleep in students with sleep problems. If you think listening to your favorite book will give similar results, redeem yourself again: audiobooks have not had effect.

Incorporate massage into your personal care routine.

best skin

If you have trouble falling asleep, consider adding a massage to your routine. According to a 2014 study published inScience, Increased massage The quality of sleep in women with insomnia.

Relax with herbal tea.

young black woman drinking tea and reading a book in a robe on her couch

Instead of enjoying a night night, finish your day the right track sipping plant-based tea. The results of a 2016 study published in theAdvanced Nurses Journal Reveal that camomile tea consumption is associated with improved sleep quality and reduction of depression rates.

Treat yourself to a bubble bath.

woman legs bath

A little relaxation at the end of a long day in the form of a hot bath can make all the difference when it comes to fighting the effects of sleep light of summer time. The results of a 1985 study of the OFT-cited published inElectroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology I have shown that hot baths have increased the drowsiness of bedside participants, as well as slow wave sleep and scene-4.

Reduce your dependence on sleep medications.

sleep after 40

When you know the light of day, the light saving time is about to hit, make a tonic point dependence on the counter-dormant aid. Use the sleep medicine on a regular basis canmake you depend on And can cause rebound insomnia when you adjust to its effects or exit cold turkey. And if you need to turn to medications, try anatural solution Before turning to prescription pills.

Invest in a white noise machine.

white noise machine how to sleep better
Shutterstock / Luca PBL

While the sound of the leaves of rustling outside or the sound of a street of the city can calm down, they do not make you favors when it comes to your sleep. The solution? Invest in a white noise machine or application. According to a significant study of 1990 published in the newspaperInfantile disease archive, Notorbreed newborns who had white noise machines added to their sleep environment fell asleep much faster than those who do not have it.

Do not stress the transition.

young woman sleeping while holding a pillow in bed

Although the idea that you are going to wake up, you feel intestant, frog and groggy can be enough to make someone anxious, try to limit the amount of stress associated with the transition of the day saving time. Maintain coherence in your routine and implement some new self-help measures will serve you better in the long term. In 2012, researchers at Korea University In Seoul has found an important link between stress and a reduction in the duration of sleep and quality, your best to get tired slowly in your new sleep planning and that you will make the transition much more easily.

Categories: Health
Tags: sleep / wellness
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