Glued to your phone? You could have these disorders, a new study says

The researchers found that these symptoms generally coincide with a telephone obsession.

It seems that everyone is glued to their phones these days, constantly scrolling social media and refreshing their email. However, if you arefeel anxious When your phone dies or when you head from home without your phone, you may have what some experts refer to "nomophobia". Nomophobia, brief for "non-mobile phobia-phone," is not recognized as a formal diagnosis, but researchers have examined the way it is common among young people. And a recent study examines the link between names and other psychological disorders.

The study, published in the August-December 2020 edition ofComputers in human behavior relations, used a questionnaire to evaluateUse of the phone and psychopathological symptoms 495 adults aged 18 to 24 in Portugal. Researchers found a positive correlation between names and some disorders, which means that if a person has one of these specific mental health conditions, for example, it is more likely to experience anxiety if it is away from their phone. Each condition correlated with nomophobia has its own symptoms, ranging from insomnia to delusions to digestive problems.

While researchers recognized positive contributions Phones bring to our lives, they reminded readers that there may be negative side effects when people become dependent on their phones. The study showed that the more participants used their phones daily, themore stress They pointed out to have felt their phone.

These are the nine disorders associated with Nomophobia, according to the study, as well as the percentage of subjects that experienced them. And if you want to make sure you keep you in good health, check these25 secret ways you have pain in your mental health without realizing.


Woman talking to therapist

39.4% of participants.

Interpersonal sensitivity

Sensitive woman crying

39% of participants.


Hostile man at work

38.4% of participants.

And find out more about why it's important to maintain your mental health,Here is how much improvement in your mental health can extend your life.


Man stressed at work

38.2% of participants.

Paranoid idea

Paranoid woman looking out window

38.1% of participants.


Depressed woman

37.4% of participants.

And if you have trouble staying awake and think it could be depression, make sure you are aware of all23 reasons why you are tired all the time.

Phobic anxiety

Woman with phobia of dentist

34.7% of participants.


Man with anxiety working

34% of participants.

And if you want to calm down,Do this for two hours a week can mitigate your anxiety, study.


Woman with neck pain

32.2% of participants.

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