10 ways your heart changes after 40

As for your Ticker, knowledge can be the best cure.

Although there are many visible factors associated with the process an aging gray hair here, awrinkles there-When he comes to your health after 40 years, he can not see who can hurt you more. With regard to your heart health, 40 years old is a pivotal age, when serious, although invisible, changes begin to take place in your cardiovascular system.

"How do you treat your body and heart How are you going to liquidate, Health Sage, at 40," saysRobert Greenfield, M.D., Cardiologist and medical director of non-invasive cardiology and cardiac rehabilitation atMemorialcare Heart & Vascular Institute At Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. "Now there are certainly natural processes that occur, but you can slow down the cardiac aging process or accelerate. So, before exacerbating an existing problem or create a new one, discover these ways your cardiac modifications after 40.

Your heart muscle becomes steer.

heart changes over 40

While the firm muscles can be a good thing when they are in other parts of your body, if yourheart is rigidificationIt's not a good sign, but it's common in people over 40 "As you get older, your heart can weaken and not just getting flange and weak, but getting steep," says Greenfield. "Stiff Hearts are not the healthy heart. »

Your arteries thicken and harden.

heart changes over 40

Your arteries can pay the price for life not so good health that you get closer to 40. "Arteries close up with cholesterol and the arteries get steeer," says Greenfield. According to researchersNational Institutes of the Laboratory of Cardiovascular agingThe arterial thickness tends to significantly increase adult life, with a marked rise between 20 and 40.

You are more at risk for an irregular heartbeat.

heart changes over 40

These butterflies in your chest maybe a sign of something serious if you have more than 40. A study published in the journalTraffic reveals that, while is one in six, this number passes over four the life-like risk of a person to develop an irregular heart rate in people over 40.

Menopause reduces the protective effect of estrogen once had been.

heart changes over 40

Estrogen may have had a protective effect on the heart earlier in life, but women over 40 can not necessarily rely on the permanent benefits. "When women have the change of life and lose the protective effect of estrogens, they tend to take on male cardiovascular characteristics," says Greenfield. In fact, while women's heart disease went once overlooked, it is now the leading cause of death among women.

"Because women live longer than men, they have more heart attack than men," says Greenfield. "Heart diseases is much more frequent as the cause of death [of women] thatbreast cancer. "

Stress causes more cardiovascular problems.

heart changes over 40

If you want to make your heart health after 40 years, it's time to start watching your risk factors for heart disease, namely stress. "Stress has an impact on the cardiovascular system and the heart too. When we stress, we produce more adrenaline and cortisone more, which can have long-term harmful effects, "says Greenfield. In fact, research published by theNewspaper of the American College of Cardiologists suggests a significant correlation betweenpsychological stress And the risk of heart attack, and the risk increases only with age.

Diabetes increases the risk of heart attack.

heart changes over 40

WhileType 2 diabetes can strike at any age, the risk of a person to develop the disease increases considerably more than 40 and theAmerican Association of Diabetes Recommends a regular screening diabetes for all adults of more than 45 so, what does it have to do with your heart? According to Greenfield, "diabetes can accelerate heart disease and the incidence of stroke. »

You are more likely to develop high blood pressure.

heart changes over 40

When the age-related arterial rigidity in your heartwear, it does not happen alone. These stiffened arteries can stimulate the development of high blood pressure, a condition whose parameters have recently changed. While the old threshold of "healthy" blood pressure was 140/90, "the American Heart Association came out with new guidelines and we think really being healthy and reduce heart disease, being closer 120/80 is a healthy reading, "says Greenfield. And if you think these high blood pressure values ​​are not a big deal, think again: "It is actually the main cause of congestive heart failure. »

Your heart can get more.

heart changes over 40

It's not just your turn that grows as the age of your heart muscle medium can get more, too. According to researchersJohns HopkinsMen's heart muscles tend to become bigger with age (while women usually remain the same size or shrink).

Your heart rate can slow down.

smartphone heart changes over 40

There are two groups that can reliably count on their heart rate slowing down: athletes and serious individuals of more than 40. However, in the latter group, it is not always a good sign. As people get older, they are more likely to develop slow bradycardia or heart rate, which can lead to serious health problems over time, including thoracic pain, blood pressure problems or even the heart failure.

A lack of sleep can increase existing cardiac damage.

heart changes over 40

If you want to keep your heart healthy during your aging, it's time to say so long to these all the populations you used to shoot at the college. "Getless than six hours One night can become a long-term risk factor for heart disease "As you get older, says Greenfield. "The body can not be repaired at that time - and it also includes the heart." And if you want to make your heart. stronger in the long run, discover these40 ways to prevent cardiac disease after 40.

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