Here's how poor carbohydrate regimes affect men and women differently

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Since Keto diets are all raging these days, most people are trying toreach this perfect summer body adherent to a low carbohydrate diet.

But like any woman knows it too well, there is a little sexual dive with regard to its effectiveness, at least with regard to weight loss. And in fact,A new study Published inApplied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism Discovered that men tend to lose more books than women when they limit their carbohydrate consumption.

However, there is good news. The study also found that while men could have additional benefits with regard to the bulge battle, women tend to undergo a greater improvement in the flexibility of the artery, which helps them to reduce their risk of heart disease.

The researchers provided 20 people with low carbohydrate regimes provided by the MU Nutrition Center for Health for two weeks and gave them instructions for meals for two additional weeks. All were pre-diabetic, who say that their blood sugar level was higher than normal but not high enough to be considered diabetic, a diagnosis that the CDC says applies to one in three Americans.

During the long-term study, men lost 6.3% of their body weight, while women lost only 4.4%. However, women showed a reduced blood flow rate of one meter per second, while men showed no change in blood flow.

"Previous research has shown that as the age of women, their blood vessels turn more than men, put them at increased risk of heart disease,"Parks Elizabeth, PhD, Professor of Nutrition and Physiology for the Exercise at the University of Missouri-Columbia,said in a declaration. "Contrary to what you can think, do not want you to do not want you to do not want stiff blood vessels. Rather, you want flexible vessels that grow slowly when blood crosses them. Our study revealed that Poor carbohydrate regimes helped reduce the rigidity of the arteries in women, which can in turn reduce their risk of developing serious heart conditions. "

It's not a little discovery. There is a widespread myth that men are more likely to heart attacks or features than women, when, in fact,Heart disease continues to be the number one killer in women in America, Criminalize the lives of about 500,000 women a year. According toat the American Heart AssociationMore than one in three women has a type of cardiovascular problem, including half of African-American women and 34% of white women. And while heart disease has decreased in men over the last 25 years, progress with women have been much slower.

For more ways of losing these last books, mastering the100 motivational weight loss tips for the summer.

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Categories: Health
Tags: diet / nutrition / wellness
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