More than 40 years? Here are the 40 items you need to get rid of immediately

Disappoint your home and DETORTRESS Your life in once.

Unless you are aHome-Organization Pro, you probably have trouble in clutter. After all, when you reach 40, you have acquired a quantity of almost half a century. And while some of these acquisitions are superb (like yourUseful cooking gadgets andDIDS quality designers), many of them are probably unwanted, unused and unnecessary when it comes to the aesthetics of your home as well as your peace of mind. These are the things you definitely havenot need more in your 40s.

In addition, too much space can also affect your health. A study published in thePersonality Journal and Social Psychology found that the congestion can increase the cortisol levels of a person, a stress hormone that can contribute to weight gain,Memory problems, sleep bad, andheart problems. To give you a starting head on what to keep and what to throw, we have gathered a list of items that everyone more than 40 should spend immediately.

Chargers that you do not use

a smartphone charging things to throw away

The charger for your firstcellphone And the power cable for your iMac will probably not be useful again. If electronic devices belong to the chargers have not been used in more than six months, you can - and should give them the heave-ho.

VHS tapes

vhs player things to throw away

You have not seen a VHS player for years - so why do you still have this stack of VHS bands cumbersome your home? If they are particularly sentimental - a band of your wedding or the birth of your child, for example, scan them and throw this voluminous cassette once and for all.

But you can not justthrow them in the trash. VHS tapes require a specific type of recycling. Head To find a specialized recycling center near you.

Expired Drugs

pills on a countertop things to throw away

If they areprescription drugs WhereCountertops pills, keep the drugs expired around is never a good idea. According toFood & Drug AdministrationExpired medications may be less efficient and risk risking bacterial growth. Under-power antibiotics could also result in more serious diseases and contribute to antibiotic resistance. It is time to get rid of it!

Broken headphones

headphones things to throw away

These two earphones you bought at a pharmacy that stopped emitting sound after 10 minutes of use? You probablyno longer need it. Mix them now, before they are tangled from your larger electronics.

Plastic bags

Plastic bags things to throw away

Plastic bags are major contributors to plastic pollution inOur water sources and are responsible for the untimely disappearance of innumerableMarine animals. If you are always suspended from these grocery bags, it's time to recycle them and start bringing your own reusable drivers to thegrocery store instead of.

Stuffed animals

Broken teddy bears things to throw away

Of course, this stuffed gorilla your spouse gave you forValentine's day A decade ago was charming. But now that it wasCollection of dust in your closet For 10 years? Not really. It's time to be part of the ways.

The same goes for plush buddies belonging to your children; If they have not played with a particular toy for years, it's time to give it.

Take away chopsticks

wooden chopsticks things to throw away

Unless you are from a huge group of guests for a sushi dinner at home, you can (and should) get rid of all these ruffles.

If you are frequently consuming Asian cuisine, get a reusable set instead. You will cut your personal waste - and avoid the bursts that these cheap chopsticks are notorious for.

Device manuals

manual things to throw away

At one point, have printed instructions to use your 8-track player. However, especially if thedevice In question is relatively modern, its manual is probably available online, allowing you to safely enter these instruction booklets cumbersome your cabinets.

Old manuals

math books on table in front of white board with math problems for math jokes

Be honest with yourself: you probably never crack one of theseHigh School Manuals or college. And even if you were inclined to do so, chances are obsolete enough for it to be more useful.

Cooking utensils that you have multiples of

spatulas and kitchen utensils things to throw away

While it can be useful to have an additional spatula or a ladle for when we arein the dishwasher, you probably do not needsixof the samecooking tool, law?

Have you ever used this additional set of corn choices or lobster glasses in your drawer? If the answer is no, it's time to give them.

Gift bags

Buying presents things to throw away

We appreciate the intention of recycling and reusing gift bags. But if the corners are torn, the handles are dirty and the sequins that love them are worn, you are just left with a stack of bags that you will never really use. It's time to get rid of them.

Dingy towels

towels on floor things to throw away

Whether you were on dyes while dying your hair or just get quick after years of use, there is no reason to keep these towels around. The good news? Countless animal shelters need towels and sheets to help take care of the creatures they take, so do not be shy to the gift.

Old sponges

Dirty dish sponge things to throw away

Even if you consider a relatively clean person, this sitting sponge on the edge of your sink is anything but.Cooking sponges can houseMore bacteria than your toilet seat. So, if this sponge is over two weeks old, especially if you have not taken the time to disinfect it, it's time to throw it.

Anything with burning in the freezer

Woman opening freezer things to throw away

Of course, these foods at the back ofYour freezer which are covered with ice crystals are technically always edible, but the texture and quality are probably due. If there has been there for more than six months or if it is covered with jelly, get rid of.

Old Halloween Costumes

people sitting at a bar in halloween costumes things to throw away

Was it cookies and milkCostume you wear a Halloween With your cute best friend? Sure. Is there a chance that you will wear it again? Definitely not.

Average of the bridesmaid / bride outfits

bridesmaid things to throw away

Unless it's the outfit you were doing atyour own wedding or a basic black dress or a combination, it's time to get rid of thatwedding clothes. After all, when in your adult life will you voluntarily wear a ruffled pink cocktail dress or a paisley violet tie?

Expired credit cards

we see a brown leather wallet over packed with different currency and credit cards on a pale marble surface

It's not just your home that deserves a thoroughspring cleaning-Your portfolio too. If you wear credit cards that are no longer useful, all you are doing is to hold the line every time you pay to the grocery store and smoking for the good. Simply make sure to shred or cut these cards toKeep your personal information safely.

Open wine bottles

Wine cork

There is a big difference between a great vintagebottle of wine And one who is just old. In general, if you had this bottle of open wine for more than a week, it's time to throw it. The two exceptions near? According toWine madnessThe bag-in-box wine can last up to three weeks and the fortified wine is often good for a maximum month.

Current painting brushes

painted floorboards things to throw away
Shutterstock / Ozgur Coskun

You did not have time to clean your brushes after the last time you touched the paint in your home? Chances are that they are since hardened. Unless your brushes are particularly high quality, you will save a lot of time and frustration by striking them.

Ancient recipes

long receipt things to throw away

Take the receipts can even make the most leveling person a little on the edge. And if you reallyto do Decide to return this TV that you bought a decade ago? Is it possible that you remember you remember what you ordered in Starbucks last week? As a general rule, if your purchase is no longer in theReference period And you do not need to prove that you bought it for tax purposes, you can securely get rid of this receptionprecious portfolio space.

Broken furniture

broken folding chair things to throw away
Shutterstock / Subin Pumsom

This savings store chair that you swore you were going to put the sources in or that library you always plan to paint? All they do is take unnecessary spaces to your home - and it's time to bite goodbye.

Accessories rotating your green skin

vintage watch man

The accessories can animate your outfit in a flash. But if this falsexlex gives your wrist a green hue or these earrings blacken your lobes, there is no use to keep them.

Dry cleaning bags

dry cleaning things to throw away

It may seem to beProtect your clothes Keeping them in the dry cleanser bag, but it can actually affect the longevity of your wardrobe.Store your clothes In dry cleaning bags can trap moisture, encourage the growth of mold. According toA dry cleanerThe chemicals in the bag itself can also cause yellow objects.

Old toothbrushes

Toothbrush holder in the bathroom things to throw away

If you keep your toothbrushes until the hair falls, everything you do is to prepare forOral health problems- Gum disease or road infection. TheAmerican Dental Association (ADA) Recommends replacing your brush every three to four months, or earlier if it is visible signs of wear.

Games with missing pieces

board games for couples

Sure,board games Are fun, but if your set misses a few pieces, it will only lead to night fights. Mix your old set and try one that has all its parts. Total game changer.

Additional buttons

Bottom Button things to throw away

When you first buy a new clothing object, it may seem that you certainly need an extra button in the future. Once you have finished with the garment, however, you can and doubt it.

Old sets of leaves

sheets things to throw away

Whether they are pillars, torn, tinted, itching or too small for thebed you sleep onIt is not helpful to keep these old leaves around. However, like these old towels, your roomanimal refuge could be eager to get them hand.

Souvenirs of sticky holidays

souvenirs things to throw away
Shutterstock / Maglara

If you have a globe of snow memory ofThis Christmas You have spent Hawaii or have new salt and pepper shakers fromthese holidays In Key West, when your 40th birthday is gone, it's time to opt for moreAttractive household pays.

Clothes with holes

ripped sweater things to throw away
Shutterstock / Moon Safari

If you can not repair it with a point or two, it's time to rub that torn clothes for good. The odds would not you feel very confident in this great meeting or attend your next formal gathering in something that looks like what it has been nibbled, anyway.

Ancient keys

spare keys things to throw away

Unless you like ground with an overloaded keychain every time you try to enter your home, it's time to get rid of these spare keys. Make sure to check with your localRecycling center or locksmith to see if you can have reused them before throwing them into the trash.

Cardboard boxes

moving boxes things to throw away

It can be felt that these cardboard boxes stacked on the ceiling of your basement will be useful for a useful day, but unless a gesture is imminent, it is probably better to recycle them. If you need boxes in the future, most grocery stores and alcohol will be happy to give you their extras for free.

Restaurant Menus

Chinese Take-out Menu and sauce packets things to throw away

With online ordering services quickly replacing the traditional take-out, chances are that the filled folder of menus does little more than clutteringyour kitchen. Check online to make sure your preferred take-away stains have scanned menus, then eliminate these papers for good.

Incompatible socks

single sock in dryer things to throw away
Carlos Caetano / Shutterstock

If you have not seena sock companion In months, it's time to send the singleton packaging. Although we do not know why the socks always seem to disappear, we know that half of a pair is unnecessary.

Sports trophy

sports trophies in trophy case things to throw away

This t-ball trophy you won in primary school may have been cute when you were five, but using it asDecor in your adult home It seems to be stuck in the past.


CD Player things to throw away

You may have liked that spin doctors CD so much that you have virtually distorted, but if you do not have a CD player in your home or car, how do you use? If one of your CDs has a particular sentimental value, ask them to scan or download the songs and start this disc once and for all.


calendar things to throw away

The vast majority of Americans (75%, to be accurate) have a smartphone, making the calendars virtually obsolete. And let's be real: if your paper calendar is not currently open at the right month, there is no use to keep it around.


Disposable razor things to throw away

If they are rusty, dull or broken otherwise, it's time to get rid of these old razors. Not only do you not get theShave You go if you try to use them, but they can be hosting dangerous bacteria that can cause serious infection.

College papers

student with graded paper things to throw away

It probably happened great to have one on this biology document ... 20 years ago. However, unless it's your thesis or some kind of innovative research, there is no reason to keep these yellowing tasks quickly.

Old cell phones

old cell phone things to throw away

Unless you do not have a time machine, you may never be able to use this first-generation mobile phone.

However, on luck that it oldcellphone always works, you can give it to acharity AsSecure the call, which provides seniors' phones, survivors of domestic violence and police services.

Cups and chopped plates

broken mug things to throw away
Shutterstock / Irina Sokolovskaya

Best case scenario: you cut your mouth on this chipped cup. Worst case scenario: this archaeped service tray collapses as being about to defineYour Thanksgiving Turkey on the table, leaving the meal anywhere on the floor and your guests horrified, hungry and unlikely to return next year. If in doubt, throw it away. And to get a starting head on this spring cleaning, check these23 things in your home about becoming obsolete.

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Categories: Culture
Tags: aging / cleaning / Home / Over 40
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