40 chemistry jokes even non-geeks will find hilarious

"Au! These jokes are gold, then read them!"

There are two types of people: those who have taken a high school chemistry and have been traumatized since and those who go there ascareer path. If you are in the second group, you are probably looking for ways to lighten your load. So go ahead, cut off books and beakers and get ready for an incredible chemistryjokes. And to forgive us if some of them lack the mark. We are not quite in our element here. (Drum roll * Ba Dum Tss!) Read and enroll your friends with these amusing chemistry jokes that even non-nerds can appreciate.

Funny chemistry jokes that everyone can enjoy

  1. Two chemists enter a bar. It is said to the bartender, "I'm going to have a H2O." The other says, "I'm going to have aH2O too! "The second chemist dies.
  2. Why did the attacking army use acid? Neutralize the enemybased!
  3. What do you do with a sick chemist? If you can not helium, and you can not curricium, you could as wellbarium!
  4. Oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur, sodium and phosphorus enter a bar. "Oh SNAP! "saidbartender.
  5. The old chemists never die. They just stopreacting!
  6. Have you heard oxygen went to a date with potassium? It cameOkay!
  7. A neutron walks in a bar. He asks the bartender "how much for a beer?" The bartender gives him a smile and says, "For you,without loadinge. "
  8. Why chemists likenitrates so much? They are cheaper than day rates!
  9. What is the most dull element?Bohrium!
  10. Have you heard that of a chemist who read a book on Helium? He just could notdrop!
  11. The optimist sees the glass half full. The pessimist sees the glass half empty, but how does the chemist see him? Completely full, half with liquid andhalf with air.
  12. Why can not you trust atoms? Theymake up!
  13. Why does a hamburger have less energy than steak? Because it's in thefundamental!
  14. What does the thermometer told the graduated cylinder? "You may have goted graduated, but I havemany degrees. "
  15. Why did the White Bear dissuaded in the water? Because it waspolar!
  16. What did we do that the atom said to the other? I had myion you!
  17. Why was the mole of oxygen molecules excited when he left singles bar? Because he hadAvogadro number!
  18. Two atoms walk in the street. An atom tells the other: "Hey! I think I lost an electron!" The other request: "Are you sure?" "Yes,I am positive! "
  19. Why should you go for drinking with neutrons? Because wherever they go, there isfree!
  20. What is a chemistry teacher did a favorite thing to teach? Ammonia, because it's prettybasic thing.
  21. What happens when you lower the temperature of your body to -273 ° C? Nothing, you are perfectly0K!
  22. Why are chemists ideal for solving problems? Because they always have aSolution!
  23. How did the hipster chemist burned his hand on the beaker? He picked it up beforeit was cool.
  24. Carbon and hydrogen went on a date. I heard that they reallylinked.
  25. I want to write jokes on the periodic table ... but I do not think I'll be in myelement.
  26. How do you call a tooth in a glass of water? amolar solution!
  27. What is the love of cesium and iodine to look together?Csi!
  28. What was the favorite sport of avogadro? Golf! He always has aMole-in!
  29. What is Hijklmann?H2O!
  30. What Silver said to gold at the bar? "So much, get out of there!"
  31. What element is a girl's best friend?Carbon!
  32. Someone knows jokes on the sodium?N / A.
  33. If you are not part of the solution ... you are part of theprecipitate.
  34. How do you call a clown in prison? ASilicon!
  35. What is the chemical formula for seawater?Ch2o!
  36. Want to hear a joke about nitrogen oxide?NO!
  37. If H2O is the formula for the water, what is the formula of the ice?H2O cubic!
  38. I think these jokes are funny sodium. In fact, I slapped myneon That one!
  39. Wait all these jokes too basic for you? Because I seeno reaction.
  40. We would give you jokes more chemistry, but all the good onesargon.

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