How many people say they would refuse a coronavirus vaccine

According to a new survey, many Americans would not be lined up to get vaccinated for Covid-19.

One of the biggest question questions in the middle of the pandemic coronavirus has been when scientists and researchers will be able toDevelop and distribute a vaccine. But a new survey of the Public Affairs Research Center associated with the Norc press does not indicate that everyone does not double to get their shot Covid-19If and when you become available. According to the survey,Only about half of the Americans say they would receive a CVIV-19 vaccine. How many people have said they would choose not to be vaccinated? Twenty percent of respondents. The 31% of respondents said they were uncertain if they were shot or not.

The main reasons why people said they would refuse vaccination, according to research, were concerned about potential side effects and feared that the shot would take you to catch Covid-19. On the other hand, they plan to do the chance to say that they would do it mainly to protect themselves and their families.

Break it even further, the results showed aNotable division based on age. The survey found that 67% of people aged 60 and over became vaccinated, compared to 40% of respondents under 60 years of age. Similarly, those who feared that they or someone in their household can be infected with the virus was more likely to get vaccination than those who have claimed not to worry about infection-55% and 32%, respectively.

close up of doctor withdrawing vaccine with needle

Regardless of whether they were personally vaccinated, the survey found that, as a group, respondents were mainly agreed on the value of an available vaccine. Of all individuals surveyed, 79% stated that it was an important factor forReopening activities and businesses where they live. Among those who estimated in this way, 46% said that a vaccine is critical to the reopening, while 33% felt it is important but not essential.

Among the other reasons, respondents reported refusing the coronavirus vaccine included doubts about the effectiveness of vaccines in general, believing that coronavirus was not a serious illness and be afraid of needles. And for more Covid-19 immunity, checkWill coronaviruses disappear without vaccine? Here's what experts say.

Categories: Health
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