This is the problem # 1 with Covid tests, depending on Fauci

According to Dr. Faisci, the benefits of contract tracing are canceled by this coronavirus test problem.

Anthony Fauci, MD, revealed what he thinks he is the biggest fault of theCoronavirus testing process In an appearance on CNNHead with Jake Tapper Tuesday, July 21st. During the interview, the anchor requested the epidemiologist of the nation.Jake TapperIf he had an idea of ​​the reasons why the federal government was not "going after the virus ... through fast tests and results andContact Tracing. "The Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has opened its doors by noting that there washave Summer federal attempts to do so, but admitted that "we need to make it better better". He explained thatThe main pending issue on the path of contract tracing is the delay in obtaining the results of COVID tests.

"The timeout of the time you get a test when you get the result is sometimes measured in a few days," said Fauci. "If this is the case, it cancels a little bit about tracing contacts."

TheDelay in the results of coronavirus testing Mine significantly the overall advantages of contact traceability because in the days between testing and results, a person could have already infected multiple people.

Watch the video below, via CNN:

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) reported "Contact Tracing Implied to identify people with infectious disease (case) and their contacts (people who may have been exposed) and work with them to interrupt the transmission of diseases. " In the case of COVID-19, the CDC indicates that contact tracing measures include: "Request Isolating Cases and Quarantine Contacts voluntarily. "

"If you do not know if this person receives the results, at a reasonable period of time - 24 hours a day, at most 48 hours, when you arrive at six or seven days, this kind of attenuation really against tracing and a good Isolation, "said Fauci Tapper." So we have to do better about it. "

At the end of June, Fauci told CNBC that the governmentAttempt to contact the trace was "does not go well". "To simply say that you are going out and identify, contact the trace and isolate, it does not mean anything as long as you do," he said on June 26. "Do not check the box you did, but really that. Get people on the floor. Not on the phone. When you identify someone, do you have a place to get them out of the interaction social. "And for more tips of ease, check13 tips of Dr. Fauci on how you can avoid coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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