The signs you have ever had Covid and never recover, say doctors

Many "long lengths" of Covid-19 have some of these frightening problems.

The climbcase of coronavirusare only the beginning of a national trauma; Many who survive Covid-19 will never be the same. This weekend,EMS worldThe emergency medicine newspaper, reported on those with post-coovid syndrome, the chronic "the debilitating conditions of the recovery of SARS-COV-2 patients are always chronically. For a large part of the Covid-19 pandemic, the medical community has blurred to keep people with sick people. Now he tries to help these survivors live with secondary handicaps to their viral infection. " This problem is not an obscure thing:Dr. Anthony FauciThe first expert in infectious diseases of the nation predicted that this can affect by 10% up to 30% of those who catch coronavirus. Read on a handful of the symptoms mentioned in the EMS world and ensure your health and health of others, do not miss these Without signs that you have already had coronavirus.


Chronic Fatigue and Muscle Pain

Fatigued woman lying at bedstead

Covid-19 "lengths" lengths ", who had Covid a long time ago, but still do not feel right - having deep and debilitating fatigue that looks like an existing syndrome: myalgic encephalomyelitis / fatigue syndrome chronicle (Me / cfs) "As the pandemic presses of COVID-19, doctors are increasingly worried about the significant subset of coronavirus patients ... who suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog and chronic pain for months, " ReportsTime. "Many of them will soon adapt the diagnostic criteria for me / CFS, which is characterized mainly by the debilitating exhaustion of six months or more."


Dyspnea of ​​effort

Pretty brunette coughing on couch at home in the living-room.

Defined as shortness of breathing during exercise or movement, exertion dyspnea can be a sign of heart failure or pulmonary disease, but doctors will see patients with post-Covid syndrome. "Patients with even softer forms of COVID-19 have persistent symptoms of fatigue and dyspnea up to 60 days after an infection", reports a study by theAmerican Cardiology College.



Male patient wearing face mask and feeling chest pain while being at the hospital during coronavirus epidemic

According toDr. Anthony FauciThe top expert on infectious diseases of the nation, in addition to other underlying medical problems related to severe Cvid-19 infections, chronic heart conditions may occur. It specifically noted information on possible cardiac inflammation in people who have recovered. One of them? A German study published inJama Cardiology. Using MRIs, he found that people who found themselves from the virus, of whom 78% of patients had cardiac participation and 60% had myocardial inflammation in progress, which could result in chronic damage. He also highlighted another study of college athletes, showing that infected with the virus and suffered a cardiac MRI, 15% had myocarditis compatible results - it is cardiac inflammation.



blood clot

Hypercoagulopathy is a blood coagulation disorder. "Individuals with COVID-19 can have a number of complex and varied coagulation anomalies (in the direction of an underlying hypercoagulable state), raise questions about appropriate evaluations and interventions to prevent or treat thrombosis" , explains ato studythroughAdam Cuker, MD, MS and Flora Peyvandi, MD, Ph.D.


Brain fog

Man hands on his head felling headache dizzy sense of spinning dizziness,a problem with the inner ear, brain, or sensory nerve pathway

The brain fog is the non-scientific name for an inability to focus. "The brain fog, fatigue and the difficulty of focusing," said Dr. Faisci at theInternational Conference on AIDS. "So it's something we really have to look seriously because it could very well be a post-viral syndrome associated with Covid-19."

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woman holding her hand

"In addition to systemic and respiratory symptoms, 36.4% (78/214) of patients with CIVID-19 develop neurological symptoms, including headaches, disturbed consciousness and Paresthesia" found a study in theElsevier Public Health Emergency Collection. Paresthesia is an abnormal sensation of the skin (tingling, spicy, chilling, burning, numbness) without apparent physical cause.


Modified sleep patterns


It's hard to sleep when you suffer from the symptoms you've read on your leg or blood clot or breath breathing - no to mention, anxiety can be at a height of all time. Since COVID-19 causes neurological problems, living dreams or modified sleep models are expected. "It is more and more obvious that many patients with the acute phase of SARS-COV-2 infection have persistent symptoms," reportsGlobal neurology. "This includes the custody" - it is a brain activity - "sleep disturbances, intolerance to exercise and autonomous symptoms".


Psychiatric disorders

woman sitting on couch in living room at home with closed eyes, holding head with hand, suffering from strong sudden headache or migraine, throbbing pain

"Dr. Teodor Postolache, Psychiatrist at the University of Medicine of Medicine at the University of Maryland, estimates that between one-third and half of CIVID-19 patients experienced some form of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, fatigue or abnormal sleep, "reports theNew York Times. Other patients suffer from delirium.


Lung scars

Patients lying on hospital bed with mask, looking at lung x-ray film during doctor reading result and advice a treatment

"As Covid-19 pneumonia progresses, plus air bags become filled with fluid that leaked from the liquid of small blood vessels in the lungs. Finally, the breathlessness of breath assemblies and can lead to respiratory distress syndrome acute (Ards), a form of lung failure. Patients with products are often unable to breathe their own and may require fan support to help circulate oxygen in the body, "reportsJohns Hopkins. "That this happens at home or at the hospital, the products can be fatal. People who survive Ards and recover from COVID-19 can have sustainable pulmonary scars."


Gastrointestinal problems


"A recent analysis of more than 200 people admitted to three hospitals in Hubei, China - the province where the virus called SARS-COV-2 is native to Covid-19 slightly discovered that nearly 1 out of 5 had at least one gastro symptom -Itestinal, such as diarrhea, vomiting or belly pain. Nearly 80% do not have appetite either, "reportsWebmd. This can last months after the shed of the virus.


Covid toes


The elevated red bumps on your toes called Chilblains - may indicate that you have - or Hi-Covid. "There is a subset of patients with COVID skin events that have symptoms or long covidants", Esther E. Freeman, MD, Ph.D., Director of World Dermatology at the Massachusetts General Hospital, HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, said ina presentation. "This is particularly remarkable for Pernio or Chilblains."

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Hair loss

losing hair

Actress Alyssa Milano is perhaps the most famous long-carrier to lose her hair. "It's hard, especially when you're an actor and so much of your identity is wrapped in these things like having long silky hair and clean skin," Milano saidDr. Oz. She said she also suffered from brain fog, which made it harder to memorize his lines. If you have lived this or one of these other symptoms, contact a health professional and crossing this pandemic with your healthiest, do not miss these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

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