30 ways your life changes after the wedding that no one tells you

These wishes are not a joke.

Wedding marks a new chapter in a person's life. There is a reason why a newly married couple is often asked if things "feel differently" after saying "I do". The answer is probably a "yes!" - And not just because they have a husband or a woman. Once you are married, you share bank accounts, you have no time alone, and you need to understand how to compromise. Although some of these changes are minor, others can have enormous effects on your physical and mental health, and even on your personality. Self-defective comfort, we discovered all the ways of yourChange life after marriage.

You work stronger.

Woman Leading Business Meeting life changes after marriage

After your wedding, your successes are shared. Whenever you get a promotion or an increase, your spouse will also turn and benefit from your successes, and vice versa.

In an article forMarried,Emma Straub warns that it also means that you are likely to work even harder knowing that you provide both youand Your spouse, even if you have both jobs.

Time passes quicker.

Older Couple life changes after marriage

Straub also emphasizes that time goes far more quickly as a married couple. "The time it took us so that we are foreigners working [in] the same office to be married like a hundred life, each with multiple possible results, like aChoose your own adventure book, "she wrote." Being together, a team-has made the last six feel like a blinking. "

You are more open to new experiences.

skydiving life changes after marriage

Since you see more of your spouse than any other person of yourlife after your wedding, you attend their best sides. As you grow up more accustomed to just let you out, you might be more vulnerable and open to other experiences too. After letting someone learn completely to know each part of you, it is more likely that you would have less trepidation with regard to something new.

You are more awareness.

Man looking out window life changes after marriage

According to a University of Georgia 2017to study, which examined heterosexual couples, husbands have become more consciousness after marriage, which means that they were more likely to consider the needs of their wives. In an interview withThe cup, Study authorJustin Lavnersays that the change of men "can reflect the fact that their women encourage them to be a little more conscientious and to strengthen that."

You are more introverted.

life changes after marriage

The University of Georgia's study also found that in the first year and half of their marriage, men will probably become more introverted. In fact, it is very likely that you had to become more introverted.

You are less nice.

friends life changes after marriage

According to the study of the University of Georgia, men and women become less enjoyable in the first 18 months of marriage. With this data, it is not surprising that they say that the first year of marriage is the most difficult.

Your emotional stability changes.

Man Crying in Therapy life changes after marriage

The research of the University of Georgia has also found that marriage benefits the emotional stability of women. The authors of the speculant study that the marriage's commitment had a positive effect on the neurotism of women, which has decreased over time. And for more wedding tips, check these40 secrets of couples who were married 40 years.

You will probably live a crisis of identity.

self-conscious woman life changes after marriage

Dr. Robyn Zeiger, a therapist who works with the LGBTQAIA + community, said it is relatively easy to fall into an identity crisis of very after getting married.

"In a wedding, we often glide into" roles "- and it can happen on an unconscious level," wrote Zeiger inTagg magazine. "You might ask you, 'Who am I now?' You can feel confused, but it is quite common that we adjust to this new chapter of our lives. "

You will spend money differently.

Couple shopping for kitchen appliances life changes after marriage

Most users on theReddit married peopleThe wire stated that the way they spend money changed significantly after married. More than a few users have pointed out that the use of common bank accounts has felt strange because you are able to see everything your partner spends money on and vice versa.

On the side more, it makes you a lot more aware of the amount of expenses.

You will not have secrets.

couple smiling life changes after marriage

As you can imagine probably, marriage means the end of any privacy resemblance. You will find that all your deepest and darkest secrets will now be common knowledge for your spouse. It may seem scary, but it can actually break free.

Your phone habits change.

woman texting life changes after marriage

AsLauren Fraser RecountMagazine Wedding Ideas, yourTextobes Change completely after your wedding, especially when communicating with your spouse.

"Your texts are at once." What will we do tonight? "Is a simple question that will give you an answer," says Fraser. "There will be no signs of a Winky Emoji face to throw you from the track when everything you wanted to know was what you have for dinner . "

Your time with friends changes.

Friends Talking Closely life changes after marriage

Now that you have officially dedicated your totally to another person, it is logical that your time with friends will become more precious. Newlyweds are more likely to plan more casual activities on weekends and after work with friends, save the biggest adventures to do together as a married couple.

You expose more self-control.

jealous wife

Statistically speaking, according to a study conducted byUniversity of Tilburg, men and women exhibit better self-control during their marriage. The researchers found that couples refined this skill by discussing.

Finally, we realize that it is better to bite our languages ​​instead of losing control and saying something that could compromise our marriage. Because the stakes are higher than ever.

You forgive others more easily.

Woman forgiving man life changes after marriage

The study of the University of Tilburg also found thatMarried people tend to forgive each other's With more ease. In addition, the marriage made men and women more forgiving in general.

You do not feel competitive with your spouse.

Couple Doing Stretches life changes after marriage

Since you are now a team unit, you will feel less pressure to participate in your spouse - who does the most money for who ran the fastest treadmill. Now that you are married, you are really in this set.

Your home base changes.

couple relaxing together life changes after marriage

Although you may not think much about it, your home base probably existed with a parental figure of any nature whatsoever before you get married. If you have already lost your job or have known a difficult setback, you would count on this family member to help you get back on your feet. Now, this responsibility lies on your spouse's shoulders. Your home base exists with them, which can be a huge change.

Sex will be much better.

Couple smiling in bed life changes after marriage

Although it is true that your sex drive is likely to diminish once you attach the node, the increased intimacy that comes with the wedding will also allow you to try new things in bed.

According toNadasha Elkerson, an expert in relationship and a coach, this new intimacy is the key to the best sex. "The pleasure is more intense because there are less uncertain moments. You know very well and feel comfortable, and relaxation translates to orgasm more easily," she says.

You will feel less guilty of wanting only time.

Man Having Alone Time life changes after marriage

Even if you lived together before being hitched, live together as a married couple is totally different. Suddenly, you literally share all aspects of your life together.

As a result, your only time becomes much more valuable, so it is likely that you probably feel more comfortable recognizing the fact that you need time from all cases from time to time. Whether through rooms in different rooms of your home or nights dedicated to pass with friends or other family, you will feel more comfortable finding a way to do one way a priority.

Your holidays will change.

thanksgiving dinner life changes after marriage

Before the wedding, where you spent each holiday could not have been very disputed. You probably felt safe go to a family of Thanksgiving or Christmas without your partner.

Now that you are married, however, it is almost necessary to attend your holiday meetings as a duo. As a married couple, you need to make collective decisions about your holiday companies, which probably means doing some kind of sacrifice. Which brings us to ...

You will learn how to compromise.

couple at restaurant life changes after marriage

While you should not completely compromise your own happiness and well-being for your spouse, learn how to listen and compromise the problems contained is something you will learn by marriage. In fact, the compromise is the key to a lasting and healthy relationship.

You will gain weight.

Overweight Person life changes after marriage

Depending on the search forOhio State University In 2011, women are more likely to pack on books after marriage. For men, weight gain is more likely to occur after a divorce.

You will have more responsibilities.

couple managing money life changes after marriage

When you get married, you have someone else to take care of you and worry about you, which is a huge responsibility.

But in a practical sense, it is important that you establish who is responsible for what is exactly in your life and your homes. "Experience of charge spouses The management of household responsibilities interferes with individual well-being and privacy expressions",to study ofAtlanticConcluded in 2013. "Couples who have established a shared understanding of their respective responsibilities were less likely to monitor and criticize everyone's behavior."

You are ready to have clumsy conversations.

couple on couch talking life changes after marriage

As the reddit userMAGICTRAVELBLOG Note on the married people of the Reddit thread, you are much more willing to have difficult conversations if it means keeping your marriage in good health. "Once you started thinking about being together for decades, you become more willing to make clumsy conversations if they will contribute to the long-term health of your relationship," he said.

Your sleep habits change.

couple in bed sleeping life changes after marriage

According toSheri Stritof ofWell-thought, your sleep habits change when you lie next to the same person at night after the night. Whether you are now acclaimed to sleep in a different position completely or if you get used to the fact that your partner snores or moves throughout the night, you must inevitably make some adjustments to better macher with your partner.

You spend more weekends at home.

couple watching tv at home life changes after marriage

After your wedding, you are less likely to make plans elaborate every weekend. In fact, you will even start preferring weekends without stress full of relaxation.

Others take your commitment more seriously.

double date life changes after marriage

On theAsk women redditThere is a shared feeling that others take your relationship much more seriously if you are married. The Reddiors felt even as as soon as they told someone else who could marry them that they are married, the person instantly remote, more than if they said to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.

You become more invested in your health.

Couple eating healthy life changes after marriage

According toHARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOLMany studies emphasize that being in a happy and healthy relationship tends to extend your life, seeing positively that positively affects your mental health and your desire to exercise and eat healthier. After all, now that you have someone to do it, work is not so bad.

You feel more stable.

Happy couple life changes after marriage

As a whole, the users of the demand for women Reddit said they felt much more stable of everything in their lives once they were married. Not surprisingly, this stability has also resulted in their relationship. "The fights are different," wrote a woman. "There is nothing more than a fear that I used to have that", okay, this one could be. This could be the beginning of a break. "

You might be more opinion.

upset woman life changes after marriage

Now that you are completely comfortable with someone, it is more likely that you expressed your opinions more openly with your partner - and even with others, possibly.

To express oneself fully does not seem to have serious consequences in a marriage because, to a certain extent, your spouse will be there for you, it does not matter if you do or say.

You are more intuitively connected to your spouse.

Couple Sick with the Flu life changes after marriage

You do not do it to become Your partner, but you have been more intuitively connected after your wedding for some time. Since you know them so well, you are able to predict their next movement with precision and their tastes, your disgusts and their habits could even rub you.

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