23 easy ways to be a healthier person during quarantine

Sleeping, exercising and practicing full awareness of staying healthy while you are isolating during the pandemic.

While quarantine helpedcontain the propagation of coronavirus, having a significant impact on a level of public health, maintaining your health is its own unique challenge. To be isolated at home and try to make sense of these uncertain moments can make much more difficult to do with exercise, eat well andPractice other healthy habits-Some very things that helpyour immune system Protect against the disease. On top of that, there is the struggle to maintain good mental health in the absence of support systems, routines and things that usually bring you joy. That said, you are not helpless during the pandemic - and in this spirit, doctors, therapists and other experts offer their best tips on how to stay healthy for quarantine.

Maintain the structure in your day.

Closeup alarm clock having a good day with background happy woman stretching in bed after waking up, sunlight in morning.

Life as you knew it can feel refused during the quarantine, but your physique andMental Health will benefit from keeping whatever the normality you can through this turbulent time.Angela Ficken, aPsychotherapist based in Boston, suggests starting with the bases, like going to bed, waking up and eating meals at the same time every day.

Go for regular walks or races.

A mature hispanic man working out in New York City

To go fora quick walk Or can you keep you active, healthy and fit - without forgetting that it is a rare chance to feel part of your community, even if it is far away. "While staying six feet from others, make sure to smile or say" Hi "to those you spend along the way," says Ficken. "These are simple means of connecting with others despite the physical distance, which will reduce the feelings of loneliness and will help you be in the present moment," she adds.

Be creative with your workouts at home.

bottle of laundry detergent and stack of towels
Shutterstock / New Africa

You may not haveAll equipment You need your usual gym training, but you can use your own body weight for resistance by squats, garbage cans and boards. Do you want to train a step further? Be creative by transforming common household items by weight.

Mary Johnson, founder of the coaching service,Lift, running, perform, recommends lifting pitchers of water or laundry detergent bottles - both of the handles for seizure.

Use compound workout movements.

Woman stretching doing at home exercises

For some of us, home training routines can easily fall into the ruts. That is whyAnthea rushing, who, with her husband, Chris rushes, shortRush Fitness In New York, recommends keeping the challenge alive with compound movements. "Add three different exercises to do a big exercise," says rushing. "It works a lot of muscles at the same time and it's great for when you have limited equipment." By repeating a circuit of three stimulating movements, you will increase your strength and that your heart rate is an added cardiovascular advantage.

And get out of your comfort zone.

Woman working out lifting weights, home hazards

As precipitation points, it is now a good time to try new trips at home that you might be too intimidated to try to gym. Try to getOutside your comfort zone, so that when you return to the gym with others, you will do it with just a little more confidence. And for other things you can do for other people in isolation, check7 easy ways to help someone who is alone during quarantine.

Try the intermittent fast.

fasting, not eating, controlling cravings

Have a less structured calendar, fewer activities andstress added can translate frequent trips to the fridge. That's why rushing recommends to tryintermittent fast, which can reintroduce some structure to your eating habits. "Have a window of eight hours of eating definitely controls what we are ingesting," she says. The key is to focus on healthy choices during your shortened restoration window, rather than too much restricting particular food groups.

Do good for others.

shallow focus on hand with gloves bringing paper bag with food for thankful senior couple in their garden staying at home during coronavirus pandemic crisis

Being isolated can let you feel helpless, solitary and obsolete. That is whyLatthea Matthews, LMFT, owner and Chief Executive Officer ofCounseling and lighting coaching, suggests concentrating your energy ondo something constructive for others. "This pandemic has an impact on all, compassion and kindness are a healer," she says. "Find ways to help someone in need and focus on what you can do for others." Looking for a little inspiration?These acts of kindness are exactly what you need.

Limit your bad news consumption.

checking news on phone and computer at desk

If the news takes you from toll on you, try toBalancing negativityWith activities that you find restorative and comforting. "Enter the necessary information to stay safe, but practice limits and adhere to strict limits," says Matthews. Consider taking a bubble bath, call a friend or work when you notice that you have reached your limit and that you need to relax. For tips that will help you unplug, check these7 ways of expertise to reduce your screen right now.

Have an online event.

Video chatting

It can be difficult toLog in with others during quarantine-Jais of rest assured, there are ways to maintain meaningful relationships during this period, which can increase yourmental well-being.

Matthews recommends organizing online events for your friendships to be stimulated. "Online book clubs, virtual coffee dates and dinner dates, online workgroups, online birthday parties and graduates can serve as a constant reminder that we are creative people and there exists Different ways to connect, "she says.

Get a lot of rest.

Woman sleeping

It's not understandable ifYour sleep suffers nowBut getting the right amount of rest is the key to maintaining your physical and emotional health. "Be aware of protecting your sleep by creating rituals and sleep patterns," says Matthews. Have a cup of hot tea, read a book or take a soothing shower can all be in great ways to make your evenings more relaxing and conducive to aGood night rest.

Let your family and friends support you.

family supporting each other

Although we can physically isolate to stop the propagation of coronavirus, Matthews emphasizes that "now is not the time to isolate and minimize your needs." Ask, and accept, the support of the people of your life can considerablyImprove your well-being-For helping you meet your basic needs and reminding you that you are not in that alone.

Practice deep breathing.

young blonde woman relaxing at work
Shutterstock / Fizkes

"When you take a deep breath, he sends the message to your brain to relax," saysSusan Verde, aExpert of full consciousness and meditation. "In turn, the brain helps your body relax by slowing the heart rate and decreasing blood pressure." First of all, sit in a comfortable position with your hand on your belly. Then take a deep breath in your nose, with your belly extending outward and exhale through your mouth, feeling your belly move inward. Repeat this operation up to 10 times if necessary.

Conduct an analysis of the mental body.

Woman Relaxing and Being Lazy on the Couch High Cholesterol

Verde also recommends conducting "mental analyzes", which provide awareness of every part of your body and feel at every place. "You start at your feet, detect and recognizing any pain, itching, malaise or discomfort that you can feel," she explains. "The goal is not to relieve the pain, but to recognize the feel so that you can breathe the tension and visualize the voltage as you exhale."

Try progressive muscle relaxation.

man with balled up fist ready to throw a punch

This simple exercise is something that everyone can do, and everyone can benefit from. All you do is a tense muscle group for both three to five seconds, then immediately release all the tensions of your body at a time.

"It has been shown that when publishing, this muscular group tends to be more relaxed than before exercise," says Verde. "For a maximum effect, go through all muscle-fists, hands, lower arms, whole arms, feet, lower legs, whole legs and full body."

Try meditation and guided images.

young black man meditating in a chair

Find ways to calm your mind during this crisis is an essential survival skill.Louis Laves-Webb, aPsychotherapist based in Austin, Texas, recommendMeditation and Guided Imaging.

The lavas-webb suggest having a conversation with the version of you five years of yourself. "Talk about compassion and kindly, ask them what they need, exploring their fears and recognize their emotions," he says. "Honor this part of you and invite them to stay in your room and familiarize yourself while the adult manages other responsibilities."

Cry if you need.

girl crying with guy consoling her

According to Laves-Webb, "This period is a sorrow's experience", for many people. "Crop your emotional experience as a grief's reaction and really allow you to access feelings of anger, negotiation, denial and sadness or depression," he says. This will help you prevent you from responding to your stress with unhealthy habits or models.

Eat whole foods.

A Vegan or Vegetarian Grain Bowl with Lots of Vegetables

It may seem obvious, but your diet plays a huge role inYour overall health-Security during this quarantine period. AsRyan Maciel, a dietician and a nutrition coach head forPrecision nutritionExplain: "If your diet is ugly, you will get sick more often than someone who eats a healthier diet. The viruses and bacterial infections will hit you stronger and keep you longer." It recommends storing whole foods, such as lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats, which allow our body to respond quickly to diseases quickly and efficiently.

Get a lot of prebiotics.

Asparagus, Best Foods for Maximizing Your Energy Levels

Because intestinal health is essential for immunity, Maciel recommends planning meals including many prebiotic foods such as asparagus, onions, bananas and flaxseed, which provide a need for probiotics.

As well as a vast amount of probiotics.

Person eating fermented kimchi with chopsticks

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, found in foods like yogurt, sauerkraut and kimchi - and, according to Maciel, can do wonders on yourimmune system. "They have been demonstrated to help us recover faster, once we get sick," he says.

Give yourself, or your partner, a massage.

boyfriend giving his girlfriend a back rub in the bed

Kimberly Rossi, theSPA Director of the art of the North Carolina Retirement Center, recommends usingtherapeutic massage Stay healthy for quarantine. You can give you oil massages on the shoulders, arms, legs or feet - or if you are quarantined with a partner, you can exchange massages. This will help "relax your body and care of skin tissues and muscles," she says.

Drink calming teas.

young black woman drinking tea and reading a book in a robe on her couch

A way that you can take care of physical physical and emotionally to integrate tea time into your daily ritual. Green teas have a range of health benefits, but Rossi also recommends teas of pink or soothing chamomile. His only warning? "Caffeine will exacerbeat the friendly reader, increase your heart rate and eventually reduce energy," she says. For this reason, you will wantdecaffe Or limit your consumption to one or two cups a day.

Take the yoga.

Woman doing yoga at home

As Rossi underlines, in addition to his obvious health benefits,Yoga "has been proven to help stress management, reduce anxiety and levels of cortisone." If you are new to yoga, it recommends practicing basic balancing poses, yogic breathing and other alternate narrow breathing, also calledpranayama-Calm the mind and relax.

Do not do it too much.

Happy couple doing stretches and working out at home

While staying in good health, it is the essential priority of each at the moment,Natasha Trentacosta, MD,Specialist in sports medicine and orthopedic surgeon At Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles, notes thatexcessive exercise can have harmful effects on your overall health.

"It's not because there is more free time in people schedules, it does not mean that we should spend every minute doing exercise on a treadmill or a stationary bike," says TrentaCosta . "It is essential to allow your body to recover from exercise sessions and avoid sports injuries while hospitals are stretched."

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