11 experts-backed ways to manage your mental health although self-circuit breaker

Circuit breaker can harm your mental health. Here is an expert guide to self-quarantine healthy.

For many Americans, life as we know he has radically changed in the last 48 hours. Monday, California has announced a full rental of the Bay Area and other parts of the United States areswitch off Schools, bars, theaters of cinema and restaurants. Social distancing and staying at home have become necessary measures toSlow the propagation of coronavirus, but self-insulating can potentiallyDamage your mental health, especially if some experts predict - this new way of life extends for weeks or months.

"Loneliness is a real problem and leads to negative thoughts, aggression, reactive behavior, loss of contact with reality, cardiovascular diseases, depression, etc., declares the psychologist.Matt Grzesiak, Doctorate, the creator of theMental Mental Arts Model.

Some people have as much anxiety of being alone like those with a social anxiety experience in a crowded room. But if you are or not, you are an introvert or extrovert, self-insulation can have insidious effects on your well-being. "It does not matter if anyone likes to be alone or not," says Grzesiak. "They will always get theNegative effects of loneliness. "

"In addition, the coronavirus has created what is called" anticipated fear ", which means that we fear that something wrong happens, but we do not really know what," he says. "And he has been proven that people suffer more from beingAfraid of the unknown that when they know what will happen. "

But the worst thing we can do, according to Grzesiak, it's "just wake up at 2 pm every day in our pajamas not knowing what we do or what will happen and fall into the trap of being passive and reactive and wait just for this to be finished or our lives are taken. "

To make sure you avoid falling into this trap, here are some expert advice on how toMaintain your mental well-being While insulating and quarantine.

Create a new routine.

Man meditating in living room

"Humans are usual creatures, so being drawn from a routine automatically pulls us from our comfort zone and creates an anxiety," said Grzesiak. As such, it is crucial not to wake up every morning and the fins or hope the best, because a lot of worry have just felt a lack of control over your life.

To maintain a sense of control, it is important to create a new routine. You can even potentially turn yourAnxiety in the excitement Seeing it as an opportunity to make both long-awaited changes.

Or modify your existing.

self-isolating mental health new routine

You can also change your old routine. Perhaps making a yoga class at noon every day was a crucial part of managing your anxiety or level of stress and that losing that through the isolation of oneself is panic induction. Many instructors do online courses now via zoom, so talk to your instructor of this possibility.

Review your habits.

Businessman on a diet eating a salad

"It's a good time forExamine habits in generalAnd to determine what about these habits gives you the comfort you need, "saysOmri Kleinberger, a holistic well-being expert and founder ofOmeta.

You could realize, for example, who go to work, striking the gym after and go home and watch TV before falling asleep was a routine that did not really thank you. This is an opportunity to create new habits, asgo out for a walk Every morning, lunch on your balcony, practicing the guitar every night after work, ormeditating before going to bed.

Take the scope of people.

woman laughing and calling someone on the phone

If you go days without talking to anyone, you could find yourself slowlydepression Without even realizing it. "It does not matter whether you are an introvert or not, humans are social animals," says Gresziak. So, face, face your friends or family or even your colleagues, or use social media to your advantage, what you can do to stay connected to others.

When thinking about it, quarantine can give us more ways to connect almost than ever before. Instead of being physically together but on our phones, we nownotBe physically together, but we actually communicate via our phones, screens and more.

And take your favorite activities online.

self-isolating mental health tips

Businesses are already foreign to help with that. Dating companyHere Now Now hosts "virtual singles events" in which you can drink wine in your apartment with a Cura group of other insulated single-isolated singles.

You can also take your TV nights online withNetflix, which adds video playback and group cat so you can watch shows with your friends without being in the same room together.

Register with your emotions every few hours.

self-isolating mental health tips

Gresziak suggests taking stock of how you feel a few hours and "do something good for yourself and your body", whether by making some jumping, going to run in an unclutched zone , simplyaffirmOr open your windows to let a little fresh air into.

Take the time to appreciate what you have.

Shot a handsome young man opening his bedroom curtains in the morning

According toYale Happiness Course, Research has shown that taking the time to recognize and experience what you have in life can improve your mood, reduce your level of stress, strengthen your immune system, feel a strong social connection, and lower your blood pressure. It could be a good opportunity to doThe daily exercise of recognition In which you make a list of what you still have contrary to what you have lost by self-insulating.

Make a list of your fears.

Woman writing in food log journal before eating her meal

Gresziak also recommends making a list of your fears. "Ask yourself what exactly you are afraid, because you can question those thoughts," he says. "If, for example, he is dying of the coronavirus, you can then examine the probability of what is really happening. If you areFear of being aloneYou can find solutions to that. If you highlight what you are afraid, you can deal with this specific fear ".

Do not the TV broadcasts binge.

self-isolating mental health tips

This may seem like a good time to spend the day on your sofa watching endless episodes ofReal Housewives. But it's a very easy way to slide slowly into adeep depression.

The same goes to watch the news all day, which can provide a "repetitive info assault" that you throw in abad headspace, Kleinberger said.

Or alcohol.

Woman chatting on the phone with a glass of wine

In addition, with all gymnasiums and closed restaurants and open alcohol stores, it can be easy for a drink home alone to turn into two or three or four, and before you know it, you will havealcoholism struggling with once all this will be completed. More than ever,Full consciousness and moderation is the key in all your habits, drinking and beyond.

"It would be horrible if people have used this period against themselves," says Gresziak. "We overestimate how much we appreciate the pleasure. The pleasure is not nice in the long run. I am pleased to have a drink but notget drunk. It's fun to spend a Hyperphagie day watch Netflix, but after a week you will probably not be like you in the mirror. The balance is the key ".

Know that you are not alone.

self-isolating mental health tips

Loneliness is notbeing only as long asfeeling alone. Kleinberger says it's important to remember that "it will pass, and we are all together. Everyone goes through a similar thing, so there is a lot of things to connect and demonstrate empathy. »

Yes, things will change, but it's not necessarily a bad thing. "Humans have a remarkable ability to adapt," says Gresziak. "I wish we adapt intelligently who really propels themselves to advance humanity. »

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