Dr Fauci warns all Americans "should really" do it - vaccinated or not
The virus expert expresses this while the BA.5 variant settles from the United States

There seems to be a certain confusion on the current state of theCOVID PANDEMIE. As people get together to celebrate the holidays and the staging around the world on vacation this summer, health experts warn that "Worse version"From Covid has just struck. Subvariant Ba.5 of Omicron has recently become the dominant variant in the United States, exceeding the country as little as two months. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), BA. 5 is now estimated at 65% of new cases wearing across the country - and it does not show any signs of slowdown.
Read this then:Dr Fauci warns all Americans "must pay attention" now.
Health experts warn that BA.5 has already launched a new wave of coche in the United States, which has caused higher rates of infections and reinfections. According to a recent ABC News analysis of state data, there was more than1.6 million reinfactions coche In 24 states, from June 8, but experts warn that the actual number of people who catch Covid again at the moment are probably even higher than that.
"These are not real numbers because many people do not report cases", "Ali Mokdad, PHD, epidemiologist at the Washington University Institute in Seattle, told ABC News.
During an interview of July 13 on CNNNew day, High Councilor Covid of the White HouseAnthony Fauci, MD, confirmedThat it is concerned About the variant BA.5 because it has a "transmission advantage" on the anterior versions of the virus - even the original omicron variant BA.1 and formerly of the dominant omicron subvariants Ba. 2 and BA.2.12.1. The expert in infectious diseases told News AnchorJohn BermanThe fact that the "capacity of the newly dominant variant infects an individual is improved" because of his increased capacity to escape immunity from both vaccination and natural infection.
According to Fauci, the variant BA.5 is "the reason why" the United States see 140,000 cases codvised per day-although Faaci has agreed that even this is "probably a raw underestimation" of the number of real infections , because many people test themselves with kits at home and do not report positive results to state agencies.
"We therefore probably see a larger multiple number than the 140,000. Deaths are still around 300, but hospitalizations are running," he told Berman. "It's something you don't want to panic, but you really want to be careful, because there are things we can do to blunder this."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB
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Like many other experts in viruses, Fauci has continued to highlight the need for more Americans to be vaccinated, which noted that only 67% of the population was fully vaccinated. But according to the expert in infectious diseases, it is not the only attenuation tool available that people should use in the middle of the BA.5 spread.
When asked if people should wear masks inside again, Fauci said that the CDC "makes people very clear" that people "should really, in an inner setting, a gathering framework, carry Masks ". The agency's guidelines recommend that people in moderate to high transmission areas have a mask inside, it doesn't matter whether they are vaccinated or not.
According to Fauci, there was a "good amount" of areas from low virus transmission a few months ago to moderate and high spread now. The latest CDC data show that58.5% of communities In the United States, has at least one average level of transmission coded on July 7. And during last week, the number of high -level counties and medium level counties increased by 1.3% and 2.4%, respectively.
"[Hide inside] is just the appropriate thing to do to defend, to protect you, yourself and your family, and those around you, because you can be infected and inadvertently, without any symptoms, the Transmitting to someone maybe in your own household, who is vulnerable, either an elderly person or an immune compromise, "said Fauci.

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