Will coronaviruses disappear without vaccine? Here's what experts say

The pandemic of Covid-19 will not suddenly come to an abrupt end by itself.

SARS-COV-2, theCoronavirus that causes Covid-19, struck the hard world in recent months. The world has seen its fair share ofPandemic over the centuries, from the black plague to Spanish flu. More recently, there was the 2009 swine flu pandemic and the Ebola epidemic in 2014. However, coronavirus has paused from the world so that few people live have already seen. And as many people continue to protect themselves in place, some places areBegin to reopen Even without coronavirus vaccine. Does this mean that life can go back to normal and coronavirus will disappear without vaccine?

AMESH ADALJA, MD, aInfectious Disease Specialist and a senior scholar at the Hopkins Johns Health Center, told living science that because the coronavirus has already been "established to human populations",can not be eradicated without vaccine. As explained by the World Health Organization (WHO), theEradication of a disease is "difficult and rarely reached". And it never happens alone, according to WHO: "There must be an intervention available to interrupt its transmission, available from effective diagnostic tools to detect cases that can lead to transmission and that humans must be the only one tank".

So, what does it mean for everyone living through this pandemic?Scientific doctorQUAI STEVEN, MD, PhD, says it expects the "coronavirus does not prevent infecting humans for at least the next decade." It compares with the 2003 acute respiratory syndrome pandemic (SARS), however, there are essential differences in the way the coronavirus behind CIVID-19 can be transmitted, which makes it more difficult to contain that the SARS was .

"The SARS has come with great speed and with a much higher deadly rate than the SARS-COV-2, caused about 8,000 cases, and then apparently disappeared," he says. "[But] with the high rate of light cases and SARS-COV-2 asymptomatic patients, associated with a loss of virus documented from the first day of infection and since a month, I predict that this coronavirus infect all humans on the planet in the next three years. "

man getting a flu shot at the doctor

As for the possibility of a vaccine, Quay says that if there are manycoronavirus vaccine Candidates for development, there has never been a successful vaccine developed against a coronavirus before.

Alex Bererezow, Doctorate, microbiologist and vice-president of scientific communications at theAmerican Council on Science and Health, confirms that there are currently some different coronavirus vaccine candidates are tested. However, he says it will be a little while before a vaccine is available, if we never do it.

"[I'm waiting] No vaccine before 2021 or later," he says. "Vaccines must undergo extensive security tests. The reason is that bad vaccine can actually aggravate the infection. We want to make sure that the vaccine is safe before injecting it in millions or billions of people. "

But without vaccine currently available and the possibility that everyone can be infected, how does life come back to a type of normal? Quay believes that the answer is the immunity of the flock, which can be developed throughPrevious infection antibody. The flock of immunity does not mean that coronavirus disappears alone, but rather, it would help us withstand the virus. Without vaccine, however,Herd immunity is only many people falling sick.

And even if the virus could become less mortal over time, because people develop some immunity and propagation slows down, Bererezow says there are always concerns. The most pressing thing is that scientists do not currently know how long the long immunity of the virus lasts. "Research shows that humans do not develop sustainable immunity to coronaviruses. It is therefore likely that we can be infected again," he says. "The advantage is that partial immunity is better than the lack of immunity."

And for more information on potential roadblocks to a coronavirus vaccine, discoverThe shocking problem that could prevent you from getting the coronavirus vaccine.

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Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus
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