This state has become the child "posters" for the way not to handle Covid

The coronavirus epidemic here is far from contained.

Hotspot floors around the country have changed during the pandemic. In April, for example, the Northeast wore the franc of the virus. Then in July, the surge entered the south. Now, a particular state is called for its disturbing coronavirus statistics. According to an expert, Wisconsin has become the child "displays" for how not to handle Covid. Read it to find out why, and see what the pandemic looks like where you are,Here's how fast Covid spreads in your state.

"Wisconsin has become theChild poster for how things can go wrong, "Drums, a political science teacher at the University of Wisconsin-Madison told NBC News on October 7th.

This new state of hotspot hasGiven an explosion of new cases these last weeks. Wisconsin rarely exceeded 1,000 new cases in a day in August and early September. Now in October, the state notes more than 2,000 new cases almost every day.Reach a new high daily newspaper for COVID cases October 3 with 3,022 new cases in one day, according toThe New York Times.

NBC News reports that Wisconsin had more than 33,400 new infections over the last two weeks, which makes state coronavirus from 50%, which is more than any other state apart from Texas and California .

Medical team nurse feeling tired and sad from working to cure patients during covid 19 pandemic. Young woman take a break sitting close her eyes and rest after hard work at emergency case in hospital.

The situation is so extreme in Wisconsin thatGOV. Tony Evers gave the order to activate a field hospital of 530 beds on October 7th. According to the Wisconsin Health Services Department, only 16% of theState hospital beds are currently available for use. And more than 870 people are in progresshospitalized for coronavirus in the state.

"We hope that this day would not come, but unfortunately, Wisconsin is in a much more different and unpleasant place today and our health systems are starting to become overvoltaged by Covid-19," said Evers in a statement.

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But what causes the sudden explosion of Wisconsin? According to the burden, it is a large part of the political violation that occurred in the state. Uh, a democratic governor, faces the challenges of the Court by Republican legislative leaders on his mandate attemptsPrecautions against coronavirus.

"A large part of the problem stems from the terrible relationship between the Evers and Republican legislative leaders," explained the burden.

In May, the Supreme Court of StateOrder of stay of Evers revoked. And last week, the state summitRepublicans filed a motion supporting a trial against the order of the mask of the state of Evers. Evers stated that it also suspects that one of its recent orders limiting public interior gatherings will also be disputed.

"If this is consistent with the past, so I guessWe were expecting to have a challenge to court"Evers said about his order limiting the gatherings. "We think we can overcome this challenge as if we think we can overcome the challenges of the current command of the mask." In the meantime, however, WisconsinThe numbers continue to overcome astronomically. And for more states with loose coronavirus restrictions,These states are most protecting against Covid right now.

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