Jennifer Aniston says it's his biggest regret of Brad Pitt
Although she always looks at their marriage, there are things she would have done differently.

Brad PittandJennifer AnistonMake headlines from the moment their relationship became public in 1998. And this should be expected at any time a massive film star and one of the most beloved actors on television will meet. Sure,Star marriage is over In 2005, five years after their attachment to the knot, leading to another tabloid frenzy on who finished and why. While Aniston said she always thinks of their marriage as a global success, she also revealed her greatest regret for the time she has spent with Pitt. Read it for details and for older couples in good terms, check48 exes celebrities who are the best friends now.
If Aniston was lucky, she would change some things.

In the September 2005 issue ofVanity fairAnistonopen on Some of his regrets of his first marriage, saying that there was "a lot [she] would probably do differently." She then explained that, as a couple, she and Pitt did not have the opportunity to spend a lot of quality time together outside their busy life.
"I would take more vacation - get out of work, enjoy the other in different environments," Aniston said Aniston. "But there was always something that prevents it; or he worked, or I was."
In addition to recognizing the problems their career asked when they were their relationship, Aniston admitted that she had also made mistakes.
"I will not give way of myself, that I have sometimes done," she reflected. "I like to take care of people and I definitely put his needs before mine sometimes ... somewhere along the way, you lose yourself."
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Aniston also clarified that there is no simple answer on why they broke.

Although many had the potential overlap between Pitt's marriage in Aniston and hisgrass relationship withMr. & Ms. Smithco-starAngelina Jolie, Who then married and separated from, Aniston stated that there was no specific question that led to their split. "Relationships are complicated, whether they are friendships or business relations or parent relations," she saidVanity fair. "There are all these levels of growth - and when you stop growing together, it's when the problems occur."
She also wanted it to know she did not feel "like the victim" or as if she had been "left for another woman".
"We assume responsibility for our own contribution," added the actor. "Live in a victim, we head a finger to someone else, as if you do not have control."
For some fashion returns, checkJennifer Aniston's red carpet outfits from the 90s of the 90s.
She has always felt "lucky" to have been married to Pitt.

Aniston also shared that at the end of the day she was always happy that the relationship arrived.
"I feel so lucky to have experienced it," she told the magazine. "I can not know what I know now if I did not marry Brad."
"I would like it for the rest of my life. It's a fantastic man. I do not regret any of that," continued Aniston. "We helped through a lot, and I really appreciate that ... the sad thing, for me, is the way it has been reduced to a Hollywood cliche - or maybe it's just a human cliché . "
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But Aniston does not want to be defined by his marital status.

In an interview with today in August 2014,Aniston opened on societal pressure Putting women get married and having children. "I do not have that kind of business list of things that must be done," she saidCarson Daly. "I had a lot of things, and I want to eat a lot. And I do not think it's just putting this pressure on people."
After his second divorce of the actorJustin TherouxIn 2017, she married in 2015, Aniston shared that she was proud of these two committed relationships, even if they finally ended. "My marriages, they succeeded, in [my] personal opinion,"Aniston saidElapse In 2018.
"To stay in a marriage based on fear, as if you do that you make a life a memeleur," she continued. "When the job was put in and it does not seem that there is a work option, it's good." For more entertainment information sent directly to your inbox,Sign up for our daily newsletter.
It is on friendly terms with the two old husbands.

Aniston and Pitt maintained a solid friendship and at any time both are together, it does not go unnoticed. Photos of them greeting each other in the boxes in the 2020 Sag Awards became viral immediately. And when Pitt and Aniston were both part of a virtual table read for Quick weather at Ridgemont High Later that year, fans and co-stars commented on their chemistry always crackle . DO NOT BE SKIN IN THE SPIRIT, THEROUX posted a loving Anniversary message for Aniston In Instagram each year since they broke up. Although there are no evidence that one or other of these relationships is wound, no bridging has been burned either. For more information on closed connections from the star, See Tattoo matching Jennifer Aniston with his best friend .

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