The second case of Covid of this young man 25 years old scares scientists

New research has confirmed the first case of coronavirus reinfection in the United States.

By talks ofantibodies living in the bodies of those who have been infected With the coronavirus, many people have assumed that they were safe from a second case of Covid.survived the virus once. However, while more and more research has been published on the virus and how it spreads, we discover that it may not be the case. In fact, a new study has confirmed the first case of coronavirus reinfection in the United States.

The study, published in theInfectious disease lancet Journal on October 12, found that a 25-year-old man in Nevada hadContracted coronavirus on two distinct occasions. This is the first confirmed case of a person in the United States that reinfects, making the country the fifth to the world to report a confirmed case of reinfection. To find out why the second case of Covid of the American man scares scientists, read on. And to contract the virus more than once,If you are asymptomatic, you may be more likely to get the coronavirus again.

He caught two different strains of the virus.

Close up of a young man getting vaccinated

The 25-year-old manpositive tested for Covid the first time On April 18, then a second time on June 5, even after having two distinct negative tests in May. According to researchers, it was clear that it was a matter of two different coronavirus infections, not the initial infection becoming active. Indeed, they found that the genetic codes of each infection showed "significant differences", which means that the man was infected with twoDifferent genetically distinct strains of coronavirus. And for more information on COVID mutations,Dr. Fauci says that's why the last mutation of Covid worries him.

His second case was "more severe" than the first.

Man breathing through oxygen mask in bed. Sick covid-19 patient.

According to researchers, the second case of the man coronavirus was "symptomatically more severe" than the first case. During his first case,He had symptoms that included Sore throat, cough, headache, nausea and diarrhea. However, during his second case, he again introduced most of these symptoms, but also vertigo, after looking for help in an urgent health center. Then five days later, a primary care physician found that man had shortness of breath and did not receive enough oxygen. This meant that the "patient required ongoing support from oxygen to hospital," researchers noted. And for more information on the symptoms of Covid,This "farfelu" symptom means you have Covid, not the flu.

He had no underlying condition.

A young black man wearing a face mask on a hike

What made the most nervous researchers was that he was not indicated that this man was inclined to get the coronavirus, especially more than once. According to the study, this patient had no story ofunderlying conditions that would make it more vulnerable The virus, there were no indications of compromised immunity.

"The individual associated with these two SARS-COV-2 infections did not have immunological disorders that would imply reinfection facilitation," noted researchers. "They were (also) not taking immunosuppressive drugs." And for more underlying conditions in relation to coronavirus, it isThe most deadly pre-existing condition you could have had with COVID.

This could mean that generating immunity against the virus is "much more difficult" than we thought.

Young people friends meeting in quarantine and greeting without touching their hands

Many have believed that antibodies of an original coronavirus infection give them an immunity from the virus in the future, if you had a soft or asymptomatic case of the coronavirus, you would be safehave to worry about a more serious case of COVID. However, researchers in the recent study indicate that this COVID reinfection body shows that immunity is not promised.

"Thus, an exhibition prior to Sars-Cov-2might not guarantee total immunity in all cases"The study noted." Everyone, whether diagnosed with COVID-19 or not, should take identical precautions to avoid any infection by SARS-COV-2. "

Simon Clarke, an associate professor of cellular microbiology at the university of reading which was not involved in the study, said CNBC thatMore research must be done on protective immunityBefore governing it, however. He said that this case could "be just a very small handful of reinfection". But he admitted that this could "potentially" make the production of immunity against the "much more difficult" virus. And for more information up to date,Sign up for our daily newsletter.

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