7 bad mistakes that weaken your immune system

Stress and excessive consumption can affect your immune system when you need it most.

With the coronavirus that comes out on your head, it can be difficult to feel confident that you take all the ideal precautions to keep you and those around you, safe and healthy in a period of this uncertainty. New reports on the virus come out weekly, whether it's how long Covid-19 remains on some surfaces or what is the right way to disinfect your home, which can cause confusion and propagation of misinformation. However, one thing that has not changed is how important it is tohave healthy immunity during the pandemic. With this, here are some common mistakes - not to sleep enough to drink too much - it can lead to an weakened immune system, making you more susceptible to illness. And for clarity on COVID-19, consult13 actual facts that common myths of common coronaviruses.

Consuming too much sugar

Woman is eating tasty sugary donuts. Portrait of beautiful young woman eating donuts at home. Woman sitting on the sofa while eating a plate of donuts

According toclinical nutritionist Kristy HarvellThe sugar competes with vitamin C for space in your immune system, because both have a similar chemical structure. What does it mean exactly?

"The more the sugar in your system, the less vitamin C can enter your white blood cells," she says. "Sugar does not help your immune system fight everything to combat infection, resulting in a defense weakened infections."

Do not handle your stress

Close-up shot of a woman suffering from a headache and rubbing her temples at home

Do not stop yourautonomous routine while you're stuck in quarantine. In fact, you might need it more than ever. Provide comfort to your body and your mind can help reduce your stress levels, which is the key to maintaining aStrong immune system.

A 2012 study published in theActs of the National Academy of Sciences found that chronic stress results in the resistance to the glucocorticoid receptor (GCR), which in turn,lowers the capacity of your immune system to fight against viruses. And for more ways to fight stress, see these9 tips on how to stay calm for quarantine.

Do not have enough sleep

Shot of a young woman using a cellphone in bed at night

Try to follow your sleep schedule right now - it counts. Why? A 2017 study published in the journalTo sleep monitored twins and their sleep habits, noting that the brother who usually has less sleephad the lower immune system both. And for more problems that can result from insufficient rest, consult the25 things you do it would be horrifying the doctors of sleep.

Drink too much alcohol

older man holding a wine glass of red wine

Remove alcohol right now. While it may be tempting to have few wine glasses than usual while you're stuck inside, it'sNot the best choice for your immune system. According to the Mayo Clinic, an increased level ofDrink can cause myriad of health complications, including the weakened immune system. Experts say that "excessive use of alcohol can make your body's resistance more difficult to resist disease, thus increasing your risk of different diseases."

What is considered too much? For women, according to disease control and prevention centers (CDC),Excessive consumption is classified As having four or more drinks for a single occasion or eight or more drinks per week. For men, these numbers change to five and 15, respectively.

Do not drinking enough water

Senior man drink mineral water in gym fitness center after exercise. Elderly healthy lifestyle.

Drink plenty of water every day has aVariety of health benefits- Revervees, do not do it can have a range of negative effects.Eduardo Dolhun, MD,Doctor And Creator of Dripdrop, says that "dehydration has a devastating impact" on your immune system by incommodate your body to rinse the toxins as quickly as it would normally.

Do not have enough exercise

Full length relaxed young man in glasses lying on comfortable couch, enjoying spending weekend leisure time chatting in social network on phone with friends, watching funny videos.

Whatsoever aHome training Or a long walk - according to safe social distancing practices, of course, regular exercise is crucial for a healthy immune system. A 2012 study published in theAmerican Journal of Preventive Medicinereported only with time, leading a sedentary lifestyleaffects your body's ability to fight infection Altering your immune system.

Or do too much exercise

When workouts get too strenuous, the number of infection-fighting white blood cells in your body can go down. At the same time, your stress hormone cortisol may go up, which may interfere with the ability of certain immune cells to work right.

However, it's about maintaining a healthy balance because too much exercise can also harm your immune system. This is especially true if you are already sick, according to experts from WebMD: "When workouts become too painful, the number of white blood cells that combat infection in your body can down. At the same time, your stress hormone cortisol can ride, which caninterfere with the ability of certain immune cells work properly. "

Better life Constantly monitoring the latest news regarding COVID-19 in order to keep you healthy, safe and informed. Here are the answers to yourBurning questions, theways you can stay safelyand in good health, thefactsYou must know, therisks you should avoid, the myths You must ignore, and the symptoms to know. Click here for all our COVID-19 covers , and Subscribe to our newsletter stay up to date.

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