The shocking reason for your Uber conduct could be canceled in the middle of coronavirus

Do not take certain preventive measures against Covid-19 could result in losing your trip.

TheCoronavirus modified many practices We became accustomed to everyday life. After all, a few months ago, there were no stickers on the grocery store telling us where to stand and walk. But purchasing trips are not the only thing that has fundamentally changed because of the pandemic. Working actions, which have become extremely popular in recent years, have also updated their policies. In order to keep both you and your driver safe, Uber now requests both parts ofwearing face masks during the ride. And if you do not comply, your Uber Ride could be canceled.

"First of all,Everyone on our platform will be required to wear masks or face lids when using Uber. Whether you are a rider, a driver or a delivery - everyone has to share the responsibility of helping to stop the spread of COVID-19, "the company said on their website in a May statement to May 13.

The company does not require that the type of face coating you need to wear in the vehicle, however. They just require your face cache or mask to cover "your face from the bridge of your nose to your chin." And if you do not conform, your driver can cancel the trip and report it to the Uber support team. The driver will select "No face cover or his reason for cancellation, which means that the trip will not count the driver's cancellation rate and will not take into account when determining their eligibility for Uber Pro (A Rewards Program for Uber Drivers) The pilots are more likely to use the option because they will not be penalized by the company.

"Uber will take action based on the comments of drivers and riders that are reported several times so as not to comply with this policy may risk losing access to the platform," the statement continues.

Coronavirus protection. Mature man in the city after the work day, wearing protective mask on the face. Calling for a taxi.

This new requirement goes in both directions.

"Before a driver or delivery can not connect online, you will be asked to confirm, via a new GO online checklist, that they have taken certain security measures and wear a mask or coverage of face",Dara Khosrowshahi noted in his "Your first first trip"Statement, also on May 13th." Our new technology will check if the driver carries a mask asking them to take a selfie. After checking the driver covers their faces, we will let the runner know via an integrated message. "

And as someone could download the selfie and take his mask, the riders can also report their driver or delivery to not wear one.

Uber drivers determined not to wear a cover face will not be allowed to go online and solicit rides until the end of June. After that, the company stated that they will re-evaluate the directive and determine whether it should be extended.

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Other preventive factors must confirm the Go online checklist included that theyhave to clean up their vehicle And that they will not allow anyone to roll on their seat before. As a passenger, you must "agree to sit in the back seat and open ventilation windows," by Uber, as well as confirm that you havedisinfected your hands before you can take your turn. And for more ways to be a better passenger, checkIt's the worst thing you can do in someone else's car, the CDC says.

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